Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2144: Cartilage!


Although those law enforcers are not weak, how can they withstand such brutal force? All were shredded by the fierce thunder, turned into a blood mist, and disappeared into the void.

Ling Xiao is like a peerless **** of war raging over thousands of troops. The fighting spirit is tremendous, the strength is terrifying, and his brows are not wrinkled, killing countless powerful men.

"Long Aotian, I remember you! See you next time, your death!"

The eyes of the young demon lord are full of resentment, and he looked at Ling Xiao with a dead eye, and then the fiery light in his palm bloomed, and a great imperial edict appeared in the void.


It was a black imperial edict, slowly unfolding in the void, like a vast and mysterious vortex appeared, which rolled up both the Sky Demon Master and the Reincarnation Saint Child, leaving the Demon Holy City.

"Is the Emperor's Law Purpose? Break me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he screamed loudly. Fan Tianyin wrapped in the force of the vast punishment of heaven, and slammed toward the Great Emperor's law.


The violent tremor of the void, the majesty of the Great Emperor’s Law and its mystery, containing the power of the Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Power, and the vast Heavenly Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Immortal Power Was Smashing Out, and Collided with the Emperor’s Emperor’s Edict .

The chaos is turbulent, the divine light is dazzling, and the black hole is trembling violently, as if it will break apart at any time!

"Come out for me!"

In Fan Tianyin, suddenly a thunder palm appeared, and suddenly caught in the black hole, grabbed a struggling figure out.

The Thunder King shot at a critical moment, and the speed was so extreme that even the young master demon and the reincarnation son did not react.


The Great Emperor's Dharma burst into immeasurable light, bursting into the sky, and then wrapped around the Sky Demon Master, and disappeared directly into the void.

The figure captured by King Thundering is the saint of reincarnation!


Fan Tianyin floated on the head of the reincarnation son, and a ray of thunder fell like a chain, intertwined around the reincarnation son, forming a prison, trapping him.

Seeing the indifferent look of Ling Xiao and others, the reincarnation of Saint Son trembled all over, and there was still an unshakable color of fear in his eyes.

Thinking of the results he faced next, the reincarnation of the Son could not help but tremble with despair.


Ling Xiao used the secret technique of punishment by heaven, swallowing up the sky's thunder and light, and suddenly the dark clouds above the sky dome dissipated, and the heaven and earth regained their brilliance and brightness again.

At this moment, everyone looked at Ling Xiao's eyes full of awe.

This is Ling Xiao, beheading the Jiuyang demon saint, and capturing the reincarnation son, let the young demon master flee, the strength is terrible!

"Hahaha...I knew that Ling Xiao's shot would definitely kill these assholes!"

Bailong laughed loudly.

"Master is always the most powerful!"

With a faint smile on the corner of Xue Wei's mouth, his eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, very tender, as if his eyes were only Ling Xiao, nothing else.

She was indifferent and gentle, and her temperament surpassed the dust. The whole person exuded an exquisite temperament, and her faint smile fainted, making the world lose its color.

"I really want to know more and more, where can you actually go!"

Feng Qingyang took a deep breath, a complex color appeared in his eyes, and thought secretly in his heart.

When he was subdued by Ling Xiao, he was naturally very unwilling, and he was thinking about how to defeat Ling Xiao all the time, out of the shackles and horror of Ling Xiao.

But following Ling Xiao all the way, let him see that Ling Xiao's strength is getting more and more terrifying, and the ingenious ingenuity is not inferior to any one of the powerful arrogance he has seen. This shock even offsets the kind in his heart. accurate.

Now, he really regards himself as a follower of Ling Xiao!

"Sister Xuewei, it's my imagination, I'm sorry for you, please beg me to let me go, I will never dare to be against you again!"

The reincarnation son imprisoned by the endless thunder light, after seeing Xue Wei, suddenly his legs softened and knelt down directly towards Xue Wei, his face full of begging for mercy.

The sudden move of the reincarnation son made Ling Xiao and others a little surprised. How to say the reincarnation son is the leader of the reincarnation temple, and the strong and powerful are all with their own arrogance, and would rather die than say the first sentence Soft words.

But this reincarnation son was so wonderful, he knelt towards Xuewei and wanted to get a chance.

Everyone's eyes showed a disdainful look, more and more despised the samsara son.

"You don't need to beg me, you have to pay for what you do! You can die, but you represent the face of my reincarnation temple. If the suzerain and all the elders know your posture today, I don't know if they will What do you think?"

Xue Wei said lightly, her eyes were calm.

"Sister, I know Long Shao will definitely listen to you. As long as you plead for my brother, he will agree! I assure you that as long as you save my life, I will follow you and never mind! "

Reincarnation Saint Child still did not stand up, pleaded to Xue Wei and said.

He saw the hope of alive from Xuewei. When he reincarnate the temple, he knew that although the little teacher was very talented, he was very kind-hearted. He believed that if he left his identity for mercy, Xuewei would never die. Saved.

Sure enough, the reincarnation Saint Child saw Xuewei's eyes with a trace of hesitation.

Ling Xiao didn't look at the reincarnation son, but looked at Xue Wei with a slight smile and said: "Silly girl, there is nothing embarrassing to say! As long as you say that he will not die, I will let him go now!"

Ling Xiao has never put the reincarnation Saint Child in his eyes. He is just a follower of the young demon master, even if the young demon master has now been left behind by Ling Xiao.

Putting back the reincarnation does not make much difference to Ling Xiao.

There was a touch of emotion in Xue Wei's eyes, but she said firmly: "Master, kill him! This person's mind is not correct, it would be a scourge to keep him alive, and I might be involved in the reincarnation of the temple at that time. The grievances that killed him and the temple of reincarnation can be resolved!"

What the reincarnation son did not expect was that Xue Wei decided so firmly that Ling Xiao killed the reincarnation son directly.

The reincarnation son's face changed a lot, and he immediately yelled and scolded: "You bitch, if it were not for me to take you in the reincarnation temple, you would have died without a burial place! You will revenge, I think you just want to get reincarnation less The seat of the Lord, afraid of competing against me, will kill me with a bulletin! Xuewei, you are a bitch..."


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and he didn't wait for the reincarnation of Saint Son to finish. Fan Tianyin's rumbling repression came down, and a terrifying divine light erupted, just like a supreme **** mountain, directly killing the reincarnation Saint Child town, It turned into a blood mist, and the complete soul disappeared!

ps: The second session is over, everyone rests early.

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