Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2157: Devour the demon king!

Ling Xiao urged his original demon bone, and he gave a source of magic power to the ghost demon vine king, inspired the powerful power of the ghost demon vine king, and then immediately hit the original emperor.

Ghost Demon King originally had a fighting power comparable to that of the Great Saint. Although the primordial princes were powerful, they also entangled with Ghost Demon King by virtue of the primitive streamer, but the power of Ghost Demon King surged instantly, even the primitive streamers There was no way to resist the ghost demon vine king, and it was broken in an instant.

"You... are going to die!"

An extremely violent breath wave broke out in the body of the ghost demon vine, like a volcanic eruption, so that his breath became extremely chaotic. The ghost face above the void was extremely grim, looking at the primordial emperor's In the eyes, full of unscrupulous murderous intention!


The ghost face above the sky fell suddenly, and a black magic light intertwined in an instant, as if hundreds of millions of magic stars fell from the nine days, and the sky was magnificent!

"Ling Xiao, I won't let you go!"

A primordial prince's mouth exploded with a very sorrowful roar, and he counted all the bills on Dark Lingxiao's head.


There was a hint of flesh pain in the eyes of the primordial emperor. In an instant, the violent breath of his whole body exploded, and a golden blood blasted away, making his breath instantly majestic and mysterious, as if to attract Gu Zhi The power of the emperor can sweep through everything and is unstoppable!

This is the bloodline of the emperor. The primordial emperor felt the huge threat of the ghost demon vine king, and he decisively burned the bloodline of the emperor in his body, but the bloodline of the emperor is his most precious power. The dynamism of the new generation is burning. At this moment, his heart is bleeding. After this battle, he must be seriously injured!


The primordial emperor rose directly into the sky, and the void exploded, and the huge demon face was suddenly turned into powder by him, and the black magic star exploded at the same time, just like a boiling sea.

"Ling Xiao, I know you are hiding next to me, and I will let you die without a burial when I see you next time!"

The cold eyes of the primordial prince glanced around and shouted.


He repulsed the King Demon Vine, but in comparison, the King Devil Vine's body was too large. Even if the primordial emperor burned the blood of the Emperor, the damage to the King Devil Vine was very limited.

So he chose to escape!

But Qiu had already settled. He hated Ling Xiao. At this moment, he suppressed the full of anger and directly torn the void. While the burning power of the blood of the emperor had not been consumed, it disappeared between this world.


Ghost Demon King was shocked by the power erupted by the primordial emperor. When it reacted and wanted to shoot, the primordial emperor had already escaped.

In the void, there was only the unwilling roar of the ghost and demon king!


The earth cracked again, and the giant ghost demon vine sprayed the endless magic light, and he would re-drill into the depths of the ground to hide.

But suddenly, the ghost demon vine king began to tremble violently, and then rose from the depths of the ground, and a roar of anger and anger broke out in his mouth.

"Who?! Who dares to devour my power? You die for me!"

Ghost Demon King roared, violently twisting and struggling around him, like a giant python, crushing the surrounding mountains.

The earthquake shook and the towering ancient trees of the four sides exploded in succession. Everything within a thousand miles was turned into a fan by the ghost and demon king.

At the same time, there were black flames in his body diffused, and then suddenly burst into flames, forming a huge sea of ​​fire, so that the void is twisting.

But what made him feel horrified was that its power was declining rapidly, as if it was swallowed by some kind of existence.

At this moment, in the body of the devil vine king, a dark hill was sitting in it, and the black magic light around him was surging. It seemed that an ancient and mysterious world appeared in his body, exuding the power of engulfment.

The extremely violent power of the ghost demon vine king is now swallowed up by the dark Lingxiao!

"After swallowing the power of this ghost demon vine king, I should be able to break the second limit!"

Dark Ling Xiao's eyes showed a look of anticipation and muttered to himself.

Above his head, there is a black magic light, which contains the purest breath of darkness. A black lotus floats on it, as if it contains endless killing and the fluctuation of evil power, swaying in the magic light, It looks very extraordinary.

At this moment, there was another breakthrough in his breath, as if he was about to break the second limit and condense the second magic flower!

When Dark Ling entered the ancient chaotic land, he only had the cultivation practice of the nine-and-a-half holy saints. In the past few years, he wandered through the ancient chaotic land and got some opportunities. Fortunately, he broke a limit and stepped into the human world.

At this moment, the ghost demon vine king is his second chance, let him see the hope of breaking through to the ground!

The King of Ghosts and Devils does not know how many years it has been there. The endless power is accumulated in the body. Dark Lingxiao even feels that even a great sage does not necessarily have the power in the body of Kings and Demons.

Before Dark Lingxiao, when the battle between the ghost demon vine king and the primordial prince, a source of magic power was injected into the ghost devil vine king's body, both to stimulate its potential and enable it to defeat the primordial prince, but also to find the ghost devil The vine king's flaws entered the body of the ghost demon vine to steal power.

Now, the dark Lingxiao has entered the body of the devil vine king, and he has performed the occultation of heaven and the secret of swallowing the sky, devouring every power fluctuation in his It's unbearable that I can't detect the trace of the dark Lingxiao at all, only to watch the power inside the body being stolen, and then getting weaker and weaker.


On top of Dark Lingxiao's head, the void trembles slightly, and the second black lotus emerges slowly, swaying petals, crystal clear, and the black magic light around it, looks very strange.

And with the emergence of the second avenue magic flower, Ling Xiao's cultivation practice also broke through to the ground. He felt as if the endless power in the earth had flowed into his body, making his flesh more solid. stand up.

At this moment, the engulfing power is becoming more and more terrifying, and even the dark Lingxiao's mystery of the sky has undergone some strange changes.

The huge ghost demon vine king began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally burst into the void in a sudden!


Ling Xiao stepped out from the body of the demon vine king, and all around his body exuded a monstrous magic power, making him more mysterious and majestic, just like an ancient devil emperor living, with an invincible momentum!

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