Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2158: Dark Devil Emperor!

"Is the second place? My cultivation base finally surpassed the body!"

Dark Lingxiao opened his eyes slowly, his eyes flashed with a black god, he murmured to himself, his eyes had a hint of excitement.

If it weren't for devouring the ghost demon vine king, I'm afraid he wants to break the second limit, and I don't know when.

This time for Dark Lingxiao, it was a great harvest.

He not only helped the body to overcome the encirclement, but also used the ghost demon vine king to hit the original emperor, and eventually devoured the ghost demon vine king, so that Xiuwei got a breakthrough.

This can be said to be three birds with one stone!

Dark Lingxiao is very satisfied with his means. As for whether the primordial emperor hated him, he didn't care at all.

"It's time to leave here! But now is not the time to meet the body. The most important thing for me now is that I need to seize an ancient seal and become the guardian of a holy city before I can qualify for the final creation! "

Dark Ling Xiao said to herself, the whole body of light flashed, preparing to leave the valley.


But at this time, the surrounding emptiness slightly trembles, and a black magic light rises, intertwined into a huge enchantment, directly trapping the dark Lingxiao in it.

A wild and unruly voice exploded in the void.

"Boy, kill the Emperor's ghost demon vine, are you going to leave like this?"

The old voice with no sound seemed to contain the vicissitudes of endless years, but there was an invincible momentum that extorted the world, so that the dark Lingxiao could not help but shock.

"who is it?"

Dark Lingxiao raised his head vigilantly, looking in the direction of the sound.


The magic light exploded, all the four voids were oscillating, the endless magic light gathered, and finally formed an old man in sackcloth, which looked wild and uninhibited, especially a pair of eyes, as if he could see everything and make the dark Lingxiao feel as if I was seen through.

"Not bad! Not bad! After waiting for so many years, I did not expect to finally reach a person with a dark sacred body, boy, would you like to worship the emperor as a teacher?"

The old man looked at Dark Lingxiao's gaze, full of unabashed fiery colors, which made Dark Lingxiao feel a chill.

"What the **** are you?"

Dark Lingxiao was alert and ready to attack the old man at any time.

"Boy, this Emperor is the Dark Demon Emperor, have you heard of it?"

The old man smiled proudly, and his breath changed suddenly in an instant. An invincible momentum that swept across nine days and ten places, suppressing the eight wild worlds, exploded, and Ling Xiao couldn't help but tremble.

It was a kind of fear and trembling in the depths of the soul, as if the ants faced the dragon, Ling Xiao felt that the old man seemed to be able to kill him directly by waving his hand.

"Dark Devil Emperor?! How could you still be alive? Didn't you be killed by the Emperor?"

Dark Lingxiao said without shock.

The Dark Devil Emperor is an ancient emperor of the Demon Realm. Its power and horror are monstrous. It is said that it has survived several epochs and is one of the most powerful Emperor of the Demon Realm.

But at the beginning of the Human Race era, the Dark Demon Emperor united with several Great Emperors and wanted to hunt the Human Race Emperor. Instead of failing to do so, he died in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor and succumbed.

Moreover, the Dark Demon Emperor is also the ancestor of the Dark Demon Sect. The Dark Demon Emperor was able to become one of the ten Demon Realms because of the inheritance of some Dark Demon Emperor.

At this moment, the old man said that he was the Dark Devil Emperor, which gave Ling Xiao an unreal feeling, as if the legendary figure had come alive.

"Huh! If it weren't for the wicked and shameless villain of Heavenly Emperor, how could I die in his hand? Rest assured, this is just a remnant of my soul, my real body has long been annihilated! That ghost The king of the vines is the spiritual root that protects the Emperor. It is a great holy and powerful person. I didn’t expect it to be swallowed by your kid. It’s really rare! Kid, would you like to worship the emperor as a teacher?"

The old man who claimed to be the Dark Devil Emperor, when he heard Dark Ling Xiao mentioning Heavenly Emperor, his face suddenly looked awkward.

"Why do you want me to be a disciple?"

Dark Lingxiao did not immediately agree to come down, but asked very carefully.

"Why should you accept you as a disciple? Because your kid bears a dark sacred body and has the same roots as the emperor, just to get the inheritance of the emperor! This is a rare opportunity, kid, don't miss it!"

The Dark Devil Emperor smiled proudly.

"What if I refuse?"

Dark Ling Xiao asked cautiously.

His scheming is deep, and he always feels that the so-called Dark Devil Emperor's pole has accepted him as a disciple, making him very uneasy, and he smells a conspiracy.

"Dare you refuse?"

The Dark Demon Emperor froze a little, apparently did not expect the reaction of Dark Ling Xiao. After all, the inheritance of an Emperor, if the average person might have fainted in excitement, but the kid in front of him wanted to refuse?

Dark Devil Emperor grinned: "Boy, I think you are toasting and not eating and drinking fine wine! You have only two ways, the first is to worship me as a teacher, and the second is to die! You have to think clearly..."


His voice was like thunder, the surrounding valleys were slightly trembling, and a vast world emerged. It seemed to be stripped from the ancient chaos, and there was a terror-free atmosphere around it, as if the darkness Ling dare to say one Without words, the Dark Devil Emperor would shoot him without any determination.

"Tuer Lingxiao meets Master!"

Before the Dark Devil Emperor finished speaking, Ling Xiao directly interrupted the Dark Devil Emperor, then bowed down without a bachelor, very respectfully.

"Ling Xiao? I really did not misunderstand your boy, know the current affairs, know the advance and retreat, it's not bad! You can't even think how much you will get, the inheritance of the emperor is your greatest chance!"

Dark Devil Emperor smiled with satisfaction.

"Thank you, Master! Master, what are you going to pass to me? Is it Ji Dao Emperor Soldier? Or No Emperor Sutra? Or Chaos Treasure?"

Dark Lingxiao's face is full of worship, said eagerly.

"Ji Dao Emperor? No Emperor's Sutra? Still chaotic treasures? Your kid has a big appetite! But as long as you complete my final These are yours!"

The Dark Devil rolled his eyes.

He didn't expect that Dark Lingxiao had such a big lion's mouth, and wanted to ask for Ji Dao Di Bing and Wu Di Jing, and it was indeed a greedy kid.

"Test? I have already gone to the teacher, what test do I need?"

Ling Xiao froze slightly.

"Cough... Although you have applied for a teacher, but in order to check your talents and qualifications, you still need to conduct a final test. As long as you can pass, you are my closed disciple of the Dark Devil Emperor!"

The Dark Devil Emperor coughed softly.

"Okay! I wonder what the final assessment is?"

Dark Lingxiao nodded and said that now Xiaoming is under the control of others, and he has become very honest.


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