Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2168: Weird skull!


In the void, the divine light was fiercely dazzling, and the heavens and earth rumbling and trembling, as if hundreds of millions of thunderlights exploded, containing a kind of power wave that destroyed the world.

The unscrupulous Daoist stood up in the sky, but the dust was superb. The Taoist seal floated on top of his head, like a vast mountain, with bright and mysterious runes.

The air of yin and yang is intertwined, and the infinite sky and darkness cover the sky above the head, as if stripping Dao Wuxie out.

After the seal of the Yin-Yang world was broken, the unscrupulous Taoist immediately took control of the power of the two instruments of dust.

Ling Xiao had left the mark of his breath to the unscrupulous Daoist before exploring the Taoist palace. As long as his heart moved, the unscrupulous Daoist could perceive his existence and rushed immediately.

This point made Dao Wuxie never think of it.

"You are Wu Liang? The general behavior of ants is that old things will pass on the Taoist seal to you? He is really blind!"

Dao Wuxie stared at the unscrupulous Taoist and said, the cold flash in his eyes, with a trace of jealousy and unwillingness.

He was not reconciled, planned for so many years, and even took the charge of killing his father, but in the end he still did not get the Dao seal, but instead this Wu Liang, who did not know where to come from, got the Dao seal.

"Dao Wuxie, you have killed your father and betrayed your family, and there is no forgiveness! Today I will clean up the portal for Dao Zun Lord to sacrifice his spirit in heaven!"

The unscrupulous Taoist stared at Dao Wuxie and said, his eyes were full of undisguised killing intentions.

Ling Xiao has told him Dao Wuxie's identity. He hated the original emperor very much, but when he heard the death of Dao Zun, the culprit turned out to be Dao Wuxie, so he was shocked and angry, and instantly excited The killing in mind.

"Clean the portal? What kind of thing are you? A **** who doesn't even know who his parents are, even if he is a Taoist?"

Dao Wuxie sneered, as if deliberately angering the unscrupulous Daoist.

The unscrupulous Daoist didn't get angry, but the cold in his eyes grew stronger and he stared at Dao Wuxie Dao: "You don't have to try to irritate me, no one can save you today!"


As soon as his voice fell, he shot instantly!

The Taoist Seal radiated immense light, flying across the sky towards Dao Wuxie, a chain of Dao Order God spilled from it, and densely wrapped around Dao Wuxie.

It is a pure law of heaven, containing the power of the strongest seal, and terrifying terror.

As soon as Dao Wuxie shot, he wanted to capture Dao Wuxie completely.

"You forced me! If so, let's die together!"

Dao Wuxie's eyes became extremely red, and there was a crazy breath fluctuation all over his body.


His chest shattered openly, and an endless black magic light spewed out of it. A black skull appeared in his palm, which looked strange and evil, and the blood and flesh of Wuxie's whole body turned toward that piece. Crushed into the skull.

There was a sound of ghosts crying and howling wolf in the void, the wind and the wind whispered, the demon qi was monstrous, evil and weird, the skull was like alive, slowly floating in the void.

Indistinctly, as if there was a very terrifying figure among them, exuding the darkness and evil spirit!

"not good!"

The face of the unscrupulous Daoist changed, and without thinking about it, the Dao clan directly rumbled down and suppressed it.

He noticed an extremely evil force from the skull, which made him all palpitations. The Dao clan suppressed it, and wanted to smash that skull directly.


The terrifying impact wave erupted, causing the Quartet's void to tremble and suddenly burst apart.

The chain of order emanating from the Dao clan was suddenly all broken, and the skull was rushing up from the sky and started to expand above the sky.

The endless magic light rises, and the heavens and earth around them all turn into darkness. A terror monstrous figure emerges from the skull, just like a fierce and powerful demon emperor, exuding an incomparable breath of breath.

"You want me to die, then you will be buried with me, ha ha ha..."

Dao Wuxie shouted, and his eyes were full of madness.

As his whole body was devoured by that figure, a pair of dark and evil eyes opened, staring at Ling Xiao and the unscrupulous Daoist and others.


The terrifying extreme power of Diwei exploded, and the figure was pressed against the sky, and the huge magic palm was overwhelming, containing the power of endless darkness.

"Ji Dao Di Wei... Is that skull the skull of a devil emperor?"

Ling Xiao felt a shock in her heart, an unbelievable look appeared in her eyes.


The fierce radiance of the unscrupulous Daoist rose up, killing with the Dao clan seal.

A series of runes flashing all over his body, dazzling and dazzling. That was the power of the two instruments of dust, which was urged by him with all his strength, and there was a wave of annihilation of the atmosphere.

The unscrupulous Daoist walks into the air and radiates a breath of invulnerability.


The magic light boiled, the vast pole Daowei burst out, and the violent tremor of the Dao clan Yin flew out directly, and the two instruments of dust around the unscrupulous Daoist array appeared to be vulnerable, stunned. The child broke apart.

In front of Ji Dao Di Wei, all the power seems so insignificant, even Heavenly Dao!

Between Dao Wuxie's vagueness, and that figure merged together, the momentum was tremendous, the mighty and mighty, and they killed Ling Xiao and Wuliang Daoren and others.


Ling Xiao, Wuliang Daoren, Lao Goat and others all guzzled at the same time, and then slain towards the figure, and their most powerful force erupted at the same time.


In the void, the divine light is intertwined, the magic energy is boiling, and the four sides of the world are trembling violently. That figure is like the Devil Emperor is alive, the breath is terrible, and every blow contains the power to destroy the world.

Although Ling Xiao and Wuliang Daoren and others broke out the most powerful fighting, they flew out almost instantly.

"It's too strong! This is Di Wei Di Wei, how can this guy have such evil doors?"

The old goat said with some surprise.

"External force is always external force! It's just a devil's skull. Since he wants to die, then we will fulfill him!"

Among Ling Xiao's eyes, there seems to be a scene of the world's birth and death, mysterious and unpredictable, he said lightly, a mysterious force spewed out of his body.


Ling Xiao evolved Yan Emperor Ding with his supreme fighting power, and the fiery light suddenly rose, containing the power of burning the sky and destroying the earth, and the vast sea of ​​fire rose suddenly in the sky.

At the same time, Wu Zi Tian Shu also rushed out of his eyebrows, intertwined with nine-color gods, and the surrounding tremors of emptiness, vaguely appeared 108 ancient and mysterious world phantoms. ()

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