Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2169: Dao Wuxie's memory!


The sky of flames enveloped the figure directly, and at the same time, Yan Emperor Ding twirled and slammed directly on the top of the figure, so that he could not help but stagger.

At the same time, the magical light engulfed by Wushu Tianshu directly appeared above the figure's head. The 108 worlds slowly rotated like a big grinding plate of yin and yang, and the figure should be completely wiped out.


That figure seemed to also feel the huge threat of Wu Zi Tian Shu, the whole body was glowing with light, and a roar broke out in his mouth. The horrible sound wave caused the unscrupulous Taoist and the old goat to be shocked, and they felt black in front of them. , Almost fainted.

And Ling Xiao was the first to bear the brunt of it, as if to be completely shaken by that sound wave.

But Wu Zi Tian Shu shook slightly, and the 108 worlds shook at the same time, just like the formation of 108 enchantments around Ling Xiao's body, so that those sound waves were all dissipated in the invisible.


Wu Zi Tian Shu spread out completely in the void, and 108 golden scriptures were intertwined with each other, forming a vast and mysterious engulfing vortex, which completely enveloped that figure in it.

As if feeling that figure was not easy to mess with, Wu Zi Tian Shu also exploded its full strength and began to devour the power of that figure.

boom! boom! boom!

The divine light of the sky is thin, and the four voids are violently oscillating. The figure is struggling violently, trying to escape from the engulfing vortex transformed by the wordless book, Ling Xiao is supporting his teeth, and the power in the body is like a flood. Pouring in general, constantly rushing towards the wordless book.

In the end, the struggle of that figure became weaker and weaker, and the monstrous magic power slowly began to dissipate. The mysterious figure transformed by the skull was directly swallowed by the wordless book.

Ling Xiao clearly felt that the breath of Wu Zi Tian Shu had become slightly different after devouring that skull.

"Do not!!!"

Dao Wuxie unwilling, frightened and angry voice came, containing a huge amount of resentment.

He knew that he was not the opponent of the unscrupulous Taoist who controlled the Taoist seal, so he did not hesitate to die, and directly sacrificed the skull of this Devil Emperor, just to completely kill Ling Xiao and others.

But what he did not expect was that Ling Xiao and others were unscathed, but the skull of the Devil Emperor was completely swallowed by the wordless book, and together with him, they were refined by the wordless book, completely dead. Eliminate!

At this point, Dao Wuxie fell!

Dao Wuxie's flesh and blood spirits were all swallowed by the Wuzi Tianshu. Ling Xiao vaguely saw some remaining memories of Dao Wuxie from the Wuzi Tianshu.


Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed with fineness, and his heart shook slightly.

Dao Wuxie's memory is like a mysterious and hazy world.

Dao Zun is the guardian of the Dao Holy City, worshipped by countless Dao strongmen, for Dao, fights with countless strong men, thorns and thorns, has won countless opportunities for Dao, so that Dao has gradually become Be strong.

But Dao Zun's talent is limited, and there is still no way to break through that last step. Even he knows where his limits are, making him very unwilling.

When Dao Wuxie was small, he carried Dao Zun's endless hopes.

Dao Wuxie's talent is extremely strong, far more than Dao Zun, and even possesses the innate Dao body in the legend of Dao ethnicity, he is born with all veins, and contains the majestic power of the source.

Dao Zun's requirements on him are very strict. In the memory of Dao Wuxie, although he grew up, he spent a short time becoming a god, breaking through to the half-sage, sweeping the youngest generation of the strongest, and even surpassing the challenge. But he has never seen Dao Zun expressed satisfaction.

As long as Dao Wuxie makes a little mistake and steals a little, he will be severely punished by Dao Zun.

To outsiders, Dao Wuxie is the leading figure of the young generation of the Dao ethnicity, and will certainly succeed Dao Zun in the future and become the new guardian of the Dao ethnicity.

But everyone did not know that Dao Wuxie was already full of resentment against Dao Zun.

He resented that he could not satisfy Daozun anyway, and resented Daozun's ruthlessness and coldness. He only hoped that he could get rid of Daozun's discipline as soon as possible and go to this vast world alone.

Especially after his cultivation base reached the 9th half-turn, and fell into a bottleneck period, Dao Zun's requirements on him became more stringent, or inhumane, and he was caught on the verge of life and death several times, hoping that he could Break through and break your own limits.

Dao Wuxie became more and more dissatisfied with Dao Zun. Until the end, he inadvertently came into contact with the demon clan skills. He couldn’t help but practice the magic skills under the temptation. , Making Xiu Wei more and more unfathomable.

Since then, Dao Wuxie began to practice both Dao and Demon clan skills at the same time, attempting to fuse the two together to create his own invincible way.

However, his practice of demon clan skills was still revealed. After being discovered by Dao Zun, Dao Zun couldn't forgive his anger. .

The three elders of Xin De and many Dao clan pleaded, Dao Zun only let Dao Wuxie out, but announced to everyone that Dao Wuxie was excluded from the Dao guardian, and since then there is no chance to become Dao Guardian of the clan!

But the seeds of hatred have been planted, Dao Wuxie is born of resentment and hatred, and Dao Zun, although named Father and Son, is in full swing. He simply left the Dao Holy City alone and started to wander outside.

Outside, Dao Wuxie battles the heroes, cuts the arrogance of the sky, breaks into the secret realm, and goes to the forbidden land.

He wants to be the wants to be the son of the heavenly choice, wants to leave the ancient land of chaos, wants to take a look at that heaven and earth!

In the end, he finally took that step, killing his father's betrayal, and snatching the Taoist seal!


"Dao Zun is respectable, but it has failed too much in the education of children! Dao Wuxie is also a pitiful person, but the pitiful person must have hateful things! No matter what the reason is, the father traitors are all Your unforgivable sin!"

Ling Xiao said with emotion after seeing the remaining memories of Dao Wuxie.

It can be said that the tragedy of Dao Wuxie was largely caused by Dao Zun alone. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Dao Wuxie carried so much hope and pressure that he was finally overwhelmed. There is even a rebellious psychology!

Ling Xiao felt sorrow for Dao Zun. With such a son, I am afraid Dao Zun can't look down under Jiuquan!

PS: The second session is over, everyone rests early.

(End of this chapter)

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