Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2170: Kill 3 elders!

Dao Wuxie died.

He was completely swallowed by Wu Zi Tian Shu, and his soul flew away, but his memory made Ling Xiao feel quite emotional.

However, what Ling Xiao cared about was that the black skull in Dao Wuxie's hand was found near Jue Dao Mountain, making it difficult for Ling Xiao to doubt that the skull was the skull of the Dark Devil Emperor.

Dark Lingxiao met the remnant soul of the Dark Demon Emperor there before, all of which confirmed that Judao Mountain had indeed fallen from an Emperor Realm figure.

Ling Xiao told the dark Ling Xiao of his discovery, and let Ling Xiao be more careful.


The gate of the Dao Palace opened suddenly, and Ling Xiao and others came out of the Dao Palace. They were bright and upright, and the colorful clothes were rescued by Ling Xiao. They hugged with the colorful butterflies outside the Dao Palace. .

"Daoshan, Daohai, Daohe, do you three want traitors?"

Looking at the three elders outside the Dao Palace, as well as many Dao clan strongmen, the unscrupulous Daoist held the Dao clan seal, his eyes were cold and his breath was vast and unmatched, as if a mysterious world appeared behind him, Let him exude a supreme divine power!

The voice of the unscrupulous Taoist was like a thunder, and the three of Daoshan, Daohai, and Daohe couldn't help but change their complexion, and immediately bowed down deeply toward the unscrupulous Taoist.

"See Lord Guardian! It's our imagination, which is controlled by the traitor Dao Wuxie, and we hope Lord Guardian to atone for our sins. We are willing to atone for our merits!"

The three Daoshan people were trembling, and their eyes were filled with terrified expression.

The three of them guarded the Dao Palace and the two monstrous dust formations. Originally, the two mortar formations were sealed by Dao Wuxie, but when their seals were broken, they knew that something was wrong. It’s because of this that I’ve been waiting in the heart outside Dao Gong.

And they saw that Ling Xiao and Wuliang Daoren and others came out of the Dao Palace, but Dao Wuxie disappeared, and suddenly his heart sank, they knew that Dao Wuxie was probably more or less fierce.

The three of them are also extremely decisive, knowing that they are not opponents of the unscrupulous Daoists at all. The unscrupulous Daoists hold the Tao clan seal, which is absolutely invincible in the holy city of the Dao clan. No one can defeat him, even if they are the three People are saints too!

"Ghost fans? Do you still want to plan and kill me with Dao Wuxie, and then replace it?"

Wuliang Taoist sneered.


The vast thunderlight converged on the sky dome, and the unscrupulous Taoist exuded a monstrous killing intention around him, locking up the three Daoshan, as if they would move slightly, they would drop a thunder blow.

"We dare not! Master Guardian, all this is a conspiracy of Dao Wuxie's father-in-law betrayal. The three of us are also controlled by him, otherwise we will die in his hands, so we too I have no choice but to ask the guardian to spare us, we will never dare!"

Daoshan's face was extremely pale, and his eyes were full of frightened expression.

Although he has lived for countless years, the longer he lives, the less he wants to die, so he does not even have dignity, just to be able to save his life.

"Master Guardian, the three of them are wicked and sinful. The reason why Master Dao Zun will die in the hands of the primordial emperor is because the three of them encouraged Dao without evil!"

Caidie's face was cold, staring at the three people in Daoshan with hate.


Caidie's words were like a thunder, which made many Dao people stunned, and each one showed an incredible look.

Daoshan, Daohai, and Daohe are the elders of the Dao tribe. It can be said that they are under one person and above ten thousand people, but they did something that killed Master Daozun? It is simply unforgivable!

"Master Guardian, kill them!"

"Master Guardian, you must avenge Master Dao Zun!"

"Without Master Dao Zun, our Dao tribe has long been destroyed by the Demon Clan. I will not serve anyone, so I will serve Dao Master!"


The crowd immediately became excited, and their eyes were full of anger.

"Shut up! Master Guardian, don't listen to their nonsense, how can we kill Master Dao Zun? All this is Dao Wuxie's idea..."

The three of Daoshan were anxious and shouted at Caidie and others, seeming to be anxious and corrupted.

"It's late! You shouldn't deserve it, you shouldn't kill Master Dao Zun! Today, take your dog's life to commemorate Master Dao Zun's spirit in heaven!"

The murderous intentions of the eyes of the unscrupulous Daoist permeated him. From the beginning, he did not intend to leave the lives of the three Daoshan people. He must use their heads to pay homage to Dao Zun and establish the majesty of his new guardian!


The unscrupulous Taoist volleyed his finger, and the thunder masterpiece in the void became a blazing lightning, and the horizontal sky was killed towards the three mountains of Daoshan, Dahai and Daohe.

"Wu Liang, dare you?!"

All three of Daoshan's faces changed greatly, and they roared, and their eyes were full of resentment.

All three of them are cultivators of the sage realm, and their strength is unmatched. They also know the formation of the Dao Holy City very well, knowing that it is a weak place, as long as they can escape from the Dao Holy City, it will be considered as no time. Good people have the power of heaven and there is no way to help them.

"act recklessly!"

The Wuliang Daoist sneered and sneered. In the blink of an eye, the infinite sky interspersed with infinite light and infinite darkness. An imaginary shadow of the Yin and Yang Taiji figure was formed in the palm of the Wuliang Daoist. , Suppressed toward the three of Daoshan.

This is pure power of Heaven and Dao. It contains invincible power. It seems that the world is directly suppressed, so that the three Daoshan people have no room for dodge, they are all tremors, and a spit of blood spurs out of their mouths.

"Wu The old man will not let you go even if he is a ghost!"

Daoshan roared, full of unwillingness and anger.

"Be a ghost? In front of me, you can't make a ghost!"

The eyes of the unscrupulous Daoist were extremely cold, the murderous innocence was pure, and another imprint of the palm fell, the lightning in the sky was surging, the breath became extremely scary, and they were directly photographed on the three people of Daoshan, and they were taken together. Blood Mist!

"Swallow me!"

The old goat's eyes were fast, and he immediately rose to the sky. He directly cast the mystery of swallowing the sky and opened his mouth, like a huge vortex that swallowed the sky and swallowed the flesh and soul of the three Daoshan people.

Daoshan, Daohai, and Daohe are all saints, but in front of the unscrupulous Daoists, they seem to have no resistance at all. The Dao clan restrains all the people in the Dao holy city. No strength can be exerted, and it is easily killed by the unscrupulous Taoist. ()

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