Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2175: Shura!

Ling Xiao once met the people of the Shura clan when he was in the Ares Realm. He even got the Dayan Destiny Skill. The Dayan Black Skeleton String carrying Dayan Destiny Skill is still in his hands.

Ling Xiao did not expect that he met the Shura people here again!

"The spirits you plant here? This is obviously an ogre tree. It has been cultivated for at least a million years. What does it have to do with you?"

The old goat sneered.

Although the strong groups of Shura clan in front of them are not weak, most of them are half-sacred realm. Only a man and a woman are headed, and they have nine-turned half-sage.

If you really start, you don’t even need other people to shoot, and the old goat can solve them all by himself.

"Everyone, this ogre tree is the gateway of our Shura clan, so you can't help killing it, can't you justify it?"

Among the crowd, a very hot woman wearing a long black dress came out and frowned slightly.

Everyone was clearly headed by her, even the unruly man who had just spoken, when he saw the black skirt woman came out, she closed her mouth at the moment.

"You are the Shura people? Can you recognize this thing?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed finely, and did not argue with them, but the light flashed in the palm of his hand, Dayan black bones emerged, intertwined with mysterious runes, 36 black bones crystal Clear, as if there are thirty-six mysterious worlds.

Although Ling Xiao obtained Dayan black bone string, he found that Dayan black bone string had no other effect besides urging Dayan's destiny power. He kept it away, but he felt Dayan black bone string Not as simple as it seems.

"What is this? I don't know! Boy, don't change the subject. If you don't compensate our Ogre Tree today, you will leave all your lives!"

The ugly-faced man sneered.

When the woman in the black skirt saw Dayan's black bone string in the palm of Ling Xiao, she was a little puzzled at first, but suddenly she seemed to think of something, and she couldn't help but tremble.

"This is... this is Shura Pearl?! Why do you have Shura Pearl?"

The woman in the black dress was trembling, and she wanted to pounce on and grab the string of Dayan black bones in her hands.

Ling Xiao's eyes flicked, and the Dayan black bones were put together, leaving the black skirt girl empty.

"Xura Luozhu? Is the name of this **** bone string called Xura Luozhu? It seems that you recognize this thing!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"Sura beads are the treasures of my family, how can you have them? have 36 of them? Who are you?"

The black skirt woman stared at Ling Xiao and asked.

Her terrifying breath rose throughout her body, and even the people of the Shura tribe behind her released a powerful breath. Although they did not understand the situation, they still locked Ling Xiao.

"I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise you should not blame us!"

The old goat snorted coldly, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

The woman in the black dress was shocked, and the breath on her body dissipated. Her expression was a little complicated: "Everyone stops, they should not be enemies! Moreover, with their cultivation practices, if they want to kill us, only in an instant!"

"What?! Three princesses, they are at most nine-turn half-sacred?"

The ugly-faced man said incredulously.

"They... are all arrogant evildoers who walked through the sky!"

The black skirt woman smiled bitterly.

"How can this be!"

Many Shura people are stunned.

The arrogant evil spirits in the three heavens, and the four deities came at once, so that they could not accept it at all, as if they were dreaming.

"You still have a little vision!"

The old goat glanced at the woman in the black dress unexpectedly, and he smiled.

"This son, we have just been regarded as rude, and I am here to compensate you! But where did you get Shurazhu, please let me know!"

The black dress woman said sincerely.

"This Dayan black bone string is also Shura Bead, but it was given to me by a high priest of the Shura tribe, and I learned the Dayan Destiny Skill from it!"

Ling Xiao did not conceal the black skirt woman, but said lightly.

"Xiu Luozhu? Dayan Destiny Gong? Could it be... Is that a tribe?"

The black skirt woman's expression shook, as if thinking of something, she murmured to herself.

She was silent for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Ling Xiaodao pleadingly: "Son, since the high priest handed you the Shura beads, then you are my friend of the Shura family. This Shura beads is very important. Please also The son returned to the Xiuluo with us, and my ancestor would explain what happened to him like a son!"

"Ling Xiao, no! Who knows what they are thinking? I looked at the Shura tribe, the women were extremely beautiful, but the men were extremely ugly, it was not a good thing at first sight!"

The old goat said with a glance at the ugly man.

"Yes! We are here to look for Jinse, how can there be time to delay here? Or go first!"

The unscrupulous Taoist shook his head and said.

Ling Xiao glanced at the black-robed woman and said, "I'm sorry, I have more important things to do, there is no time delay, but I do have some relationship with your Shura tribe. When my things are done, maybe I can go to Shura A trip!"

Ling Xiao is also very curious about the Shura family, especially the secrets hidden in the Shura beads. I am afraid that only the Shura family can unlock it.

"Son, I just heard that you are looking for someone? The crisis in the Emperor's ruins is full of dangers. There are countless folding spaces. If you are a little careless, you will sink forever in the void and can't come out! But my Shura family has been living in the Emperor's Ruins for a long time. My ancestor knows the Emperor's Ruins very well. If the son wants to find someone, my ancestor will definitely be able to help! It is better than your aimless search. ?"

The black skirt woman smiled slightly.

"Is the ancestor of the Shura tribe?"

A glimpse of Ling Xiao's He had heard of some kind of secret, and the Shura tribe was once the master of the era, but that was already a few years ago, and rumors have long been rumored It has been annihilated in the long river, even if there are still Shura tribes, they are mostly branches with impure blood.

Like the Shura people Ling Xiao met in the lower realm, it should be a branch of the Shura people.

However, is the Shura in this imperial ruin the true deity of the Shura?

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao couldn't help but move.

He pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I will go to the Shura tribe with you. I hope the ancestor of the Shura tribe can help me find the person I am looking for!"

"You can rest assured that you will not be disappointed!"

The black skirt woman smiled slightly. ()

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