Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2176: Ancestor Shura!

Under the leadership of a group of Shura people, Ling Xiao, Lao Goat, Wuliang Taoists, and Feng Qingyang went towards the Shura people's place.

Along the way, Ling Xiao also knew the name of the woman in black dress, Yemeng, but now the third princess of the Shura tribe.

Although the Shura tribe is a family, the head of the Shura tribe has also become the king of the Shura. It is said that the Shura king is a descendant of the ancient Shura emperor, and his children are also extremely noble.

The ogre tree is indeed a spiritual creature of the Shura family. It is powerful and unmatched. The general strongmen in the three worlds are not opponents of the ogre tree, but they are generally killed by the four people in the Xiaoxiao. .

Going north along the Ogre Tree, I walked through several lakes, and finally stopped in front of a huge blue lake.


The runes were bright in the palm of Yemeng, and suddenly turned into a stream of light, and fell into the lake. The blazing light in the lake bloomed, the water waves were turbulent, and then separated towards the two sides. Among the endless waves, there was The mysterious space fluctuates, as if it contains a mysterious world.

"Shura people are hiding here? It's really secret enough!"

The old goat was astonished. If it wasn’t for Night Dream that opened the passage, it would be almost impossible for most people to find out where the Shura people are.

"A complete small world? But it wasn't naturally formed, but created by great power!"

The unscrupulous Taoist also nodded.

The four Ling Ling followed the night dream into the channel, surrounded by water waves, the black light rose, containing a strange power fluctuation, like crossing a million miles in an instant, incomparably strange.

When the light appeared before everyone's eyes, they appeared in an ancient world.

The ancient trees are towering, the mountains are majestic, and the rich source of power is diffused, intertwined with a bright light, rising with aura, looking old and mysterious.

The ancestral land of the Shura has arrived!

On the ground in the distance, there are ancient palaces, which look very rough. They are all made of huge mountains and stones and have a different kind of beauty.

On both sides of the road, the trees are shady, clean and tidy.

On the ground in the distance, green seas undulate with the wind, exuding a bright light, and some Shura tribes work in the fields.

The four Ling Xiao felt that everything was so fresh and natural as if they had come to the world.

"Xiaomeng'er, what's the big deal with you, do I have to call the old man out?"

An old laugh came, and the voice was very thick, and it rang loudly in the ears of Ling Xiao and others.

A group of Shura people came from a distance. The men were ugly and ugly, and the women were pretty. The most central one was an old man in a white robe and holding a bamboo stick. His face was full of smiles, and his eyes were extremely deep.

After seeing the old man, Ling Xiao couldn't help but startled.

The old man didn't have the slightest breath. He looked like a mortal old man, walking a little trembling, but his eyes were deep and calm. It was a kind of serenity that collapsed in front of the mountain without changing its color, as if through the life and death cycle. , Revealing a kind of vicissitudes and wisdom.

But Ling Xiao's entire body of hair was blown up, just like encountering an ancient beast, and an extremely dangerous feeling came into his heart.

This old man's cultivation is extremely terrifying. The reason why he did not show the slightest breath is because his cultivation has already reached the state of returning to the original.

"I don't know if this is always a holy or holy king? Or... a higher level?"

Ling Xiao guessed in his heart, but his appearance remained unchanged.

"Grandpa and Grandpa, you are finally out! Meng Er is looking for you this time, of course, there is something serious, otherwise I won't disturb your elderly cleaning!"

After seeing the old man, Yemeng's eyes suddenly showed a look of extreme surprise, and he flew up very lightly, hugged the old man's arm, and said intimately.

The other Shura people are all respectful.

They all know that this old man is the ancestor of the Shura tribe, the Dinghai **** needle of the Shura tribe, the strongest of the Shura tribe, even stronger than today's King Shura!

However, Shura's ancestors were concentrating on daily practice, and rarely appeared. This time he went out because of night dreams, which surprised everyone.

At the same time, many Shura people also discovered the four Ling Xiao, realizing that they were not the Shura people, all of them suddenly showed bad looks in their eyes.

"Yemeng, you are more and more unrestrained! How can my Shura tribe ancestors bring in outsiders casually?"

Next to Shura's ancestor, a middle-aged man in a black robe with an old-fashioned look frowned, looked at the four Ling Xiao, and dissatisfied said to Yemeng.

"Second Uncle, I didn't bring in outsiders casually! This son has a connection with our Shura tribe, he has..."

Yemeng was aggrieved.

"Outsiders will only covet our Xiuluo tribe, what is the origin? Yemeng, it seems that I want to tell Brother Wang that you will be banned!"

The old-fashioned middle-aged man said coldly.

"Okay, okay! Zhongshan, you see you scared Xiao Meng'er! Let's listen to her and explain why he brought outsiders in!"

Ancestral Shura smiled slightly, his expression was still very calm.

"Well, Uncle, you are too fierce, or grandpa and grandpa treat me well! Grandpa grandpa, this son of Ling Xiao, has Shura beads in hand, and 36 strings of Shura beads!"

Yemeng snorted, then said to the Shura ancestor.


After hearing Yemeng’s words, the original look of Shura’s ancestor was shocked, and there was a sharp flash in his eyes, and he immediately stared at Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao only felt that there was a terrifying momentum toward him, as if containing the power of ruining the world, and like an ancient ancient beast awakened, he was shaken all over, and he immediately began to be alert. .

"This ancestor of is by no means a great sage! This is a sage king, and even...the momentum that only the emperor has!"

Ling Xiao shook all over with a trace of shock in his eyes.

This Shura ancestor only revealed a hint of breath, which made him feel a great crisis, but that kind of breath was still worse than the Emperor Kunwu Mountain that Ling Xiao had seen.

As for whether Shura's ancestor was a holy king or an emperor, Ling Xiao could not be sure.

Is this the heritage of the Shura family? Sure enough!

Ling Xiao pressed down the vibration in his heart, and the look on the surface was extremely calm, as if not affected by anything. The light flashed in the palm of his hand, and the string of Dayan black bones appeared in his palm.

"This is... Dayan black bone string?! It's a pity, I am a Shura!"

The ancestors of Shura shuddered a little and sighed with emotion. ()

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