Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2177: Shura Emperor Bone!

Yemeng and Yezhongshan were the first to see Shura’s ancestors so distraught, and their eyes showed a very surprised look. Zhongshan apparently knew more than Yemeng without staying overnight, and looked at Ling Xiao’s eyes. It is horrible.

"Several sons, you must be curious about the origin of this **** bone string? Please come with the old man!"

After a long time, the ancestor of Shura suppressed the excitement in his heart and gave a deep glance to the four Ling Xiao.

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao all nodded their heads.

To make Shura's ancestors so disoriented, Ling Xiao also became more and more curious about the origin of Dayan black bone strings.

Ye Zhongshan knew that Shura's ancestor had something to talk with Ling Xiao and others, and immediately let the other Shura people disperse.

The four Ling Xiao followed the Shura ancestors to the most ancient and majestic palace in the Shura tribe.

This is a palace, and it can also be said to be an altar hall. There are many cards on the top, and a plume of smoke rises up, which looks lingering and mysterious.

When Ling Xiao saw the most central card, his eyes shrank suddenly!

Asura's Spirit Position!

Ling Xiao did not expect that the most central part of the memorial hall was actually the spiritual position of the Asura Emperor. Did the Asura Emperor really fall?

"Mr. Ling Xiao, can you tell me the origin of this big Yan black bone string?"

Ancestor Shura reached out and rubbed his hands on Dayan's black bones. His eyes seemed to have a hint of nostalgia. After a moment, he said slowly to Ling Xiao.

"Senior, Dayan black bone string was given to me by the high priest of the Shura tribe..."

Ling Xiao nodded and said how he got Dayan black bone string and Dayan Destiny Gong experience.

"That's what it is! I didn't expect that my Shura tribe actually still has a branch in the world. It's a pity, my Shura tribe is endless!"

After listening to Ling Xiao's words, Patriarch Shura's eyes were filled with emotion.

"Senior, does the Shura of the Lower Realm really share the same vein with you?"

Ling Xiao asked.


Ancestor Shura nodded and said affirmatively: "My Shura tribe has a long heritage. The legend is that it was the lord of the epoch before a few epochs. It has also entered the **** realm, even older than human races, demon races and demon races. However, during the Great Tribulation of the Era, the Shura emperor of our Shura tribe was killed in battle, and the Shura tribe suffered heavy losses, leaving only a small part of the tribe to survive.

In the later era, my Shura tribe no longer has the strength to fight for the era, and can only rely on a strong race to fight! Because my Shura tribe has superb combat power, it will be greatly damaged in almost every era of hegemony.

At the beginning of the human race era, the Shura tribe had fought side by side with the human tribe and beheaded many powerful demon clan. However, my ancestors of the Shura clan foretelled that the Shura tribe had poor strength. In order to save the blood, they divided the tribe into three branches. , One stayed in God Realm, one was sent to the world, the third one was us, and came into the ancient chaos..."

The Shura ancestor did not hide Ling Xiao, but told the history of the Shura tribe.

The three branches of the Shura tribe, the branch of the **** realm has long been annihilated in the long river of time. The ancestors of Shura and others thought that this vein of their chaotic ancient land was the only one. It even brought news of the Shura tribe.

"Dayan black bone string, the real name is the Shura Emperor Bone! It is my first ancestor of the Shura tribe. The Shura emperor's bones are made of the extremely emperor soldiers. There are a total of 3,000 Shura beads, just for so many years. A lot has been lost since I came, and there are only more than 300 of us!"

There was a sentimental look in Shura's eyes.

"Sura Emperor Bone? Ji Dao Emperor Soldier?"

Ling Xiao was shocked, his eyes full of incredible look.

He had previously felt that the black bone string of Dayan was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, but he did not expect that the black bone string of Dayan was actually part of the bones of the emperor Xiuluo.

However, it is almost impossible to get all three thousand Shura beads together.

If the Xiuluo tribe has extreme Dao soldiers to suppress their luck, they will not be so embarrassed to hide in the chaotic ancient land. They can completely open up a world with the Ji Dao soldiers and gradually recuperate and become stronger.

"Senior, Shura Emperor Bone is the treasure of the Shura tribe. If the Shura tribe can recall the Shura Emperor Bone, it must be strong! Is there no way to recall the Shura Emperor Bone?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"How easy is it to recall the Shura Emperor Bone? The Shura Emperor Bone consists of a total of 3,000 Shura Beads, even if you add the forty-nine of your hands, it is only a few days of the week! Unless you can gather three thousand Shura. Beads, or dark sacred bodies appear, as Shura beads of the number of days of the week recall the Shura emperor bones, but my Shura tribe has not seen the dark sacred body for countless years!

Ancestor Shura smiled bitterly.

"Dark Eucharist can recall Shura's bones? Senior, maybe I have some way!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange color, and he said for a moment.

"any solution?"

The Shura ancestor asked casually, without much hope.

"I'm in the lower realm, there are two apprentices named Yefeng and Yemeng, one of them happens to have the same name as the three princesses, and they have a dark body!"

Ling Xiao looked at the night dream next to him and smiled slightly.

"What?! Dark Eucharist?"

At this moment, the ancestor Shura was completely calm, his eyes flashed sharply, staring deadly at Ling Xiao, and his breath seemed a little quick.

"Yes! I'm sure, it's the dark sacred body! But now the gate of God Realm is closed and not yet opened, they are all in the God of War Realm! If after waiting for decades, the gate of God Realm opens, they ascend to God Realm~www. Seniors can bring them back to the Shura!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

It was also after careful consideration that he told Yefeng and Yemeng of the dark sacred body. He had a deep relationship with the Shura tribe. The horror of the Shura ancestors gathered in front of him. If the door to the God Realm opened, If an ancestor of Shura protects the parents and friends of God of War Realm, he can rest assured.

Presumably he gave such a gift to the Shura tribe, the Shura ancestor will do his utmost to protect the old people of the Longevity Gate.

"Princess Ling Xiao, if they are really as you said, they are carrying a dark sacred body, then it is not impossible for my Shura to recall the bones of the Shura emperor and restore the glory of the ancestors! Then you are the great benefactor of my Shura, My Shura tribe is unforgettable!"

Ancestral Shura said very sincerely to Ling Xiao.

With his state of mind, he has already reached the state where Taishan collapsed before his face, but today he was excited twice by Ling Xiao's words, which shows how shocking Ling Xiao's words were to him. ()

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