Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2185: New hatred and old hate!

The people who come out of the vortex of the void are naturally Ling Xiao, Lao Goat, Innocent Dao, Feng Qingyang and Yemeng.

Ling Xiao did not expect that he had just arrived at the funeral coffin, and he saw Jin Se's face pale and staggered, while Hua Ziyang on the opposite side was approaching Jin Se.

Although I don't know why Hua Ziyang was here, Ling Xiao was immediately angered, and there was an endless killing intention in his heart. He shot directly towards Hua Ziyang.


Ling Xiao descended from the sky, the vast body of fist of the whole body surged, and the fist of the heavenly emperor was displayed. The breath of the whole body was unparalleled, just like an ancient emperor, who wanted to kill the powerful enemies of the heavens.

"Long Aotian?!"

Hua Ziyang was shocked at first, but when he saw Ling Xiao, he also showed a look of shock and anger, instantly bursting out all his strength, and headed towards Ling Xiao to kill him.

The reason why he fell to this end is because of Ling Xiao, so he thought day and night that he wanted to kill Ling Xiao himself.

Both of them were furious, and the strongest power broke out, and the collision was huge!


The Void suddenly shattered, and a large rift of tens of thousands of miles appeared above the sky dome. The endless Void turbulence and chaotic gas surged like a volcanic eruption, containing endless power of destruction.

Both Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang were shocked and flew away at the same time!


Ling Xiao used the force of the anti-seismic force, and at the same time cast a secret technique of removal, came directly into the sky and hugged the pale Jin Se at once.

"Jin Se, are you okay?"

Ling Xiao asked with some worry, his eyes full of worry and concern.

"you are……"

Jin Se opened his mouth, but suddenly he was stunned when he looked at Ling Xiao's eyes.

Those eyes are bright and shining, but they still contain silent affection, as if there is only Jin Se in his eyes, and there is no longer any other person.

Jin Se suddenly knew why he felt so familiar with those eyes, because the owner of those eyes was Ling Xiao!

"Jin Se, fortunately you are okay! If something really happened to you, even if Hua Ziyang died a hundred times, he would not be able to redeem his sins a thousand times!"

Ling Xiao didn't notice Jinse's strangeness, but carefully inspected Jinse's injury and found that her injury was not too serious, and the poison of the zombie in her body was slowly swallowed by Yin and Yang. This was a relief in Xiao's heart.

"I'm fine, can you let me go first?"

Jin Se said calmly, there was a trace of indifference and alienation in the eyes that refused to be thousands of miles away.


Ling Xiao couldn't help seeing Jinse's eyes, remembering Jinse in front of him had forgotten everything in the past, and quickly put Jinse down.

"Ling Xiao, why are you here?"

Jin Se asked lightly.

Although she seemed indifferent on the surface, her mood was a little messy, especially when she saw Ling Xiao as the master of those eyes, she suddenly thought that the things Ling Xiao had said were all right. ?

Is this Ling Xiao in front of her the lover she used to be?

Jinse Cultivator was too forgetful to say that in the past few decades, nothing could affect her mood, but somehow, when she saw the man in front of her, her heart was a bit chaotic.

She didn't know how to face the person in front of her.

"Is she Jinse? Beautiful!"

Yemeng looked at the Jin Se in front of her for a moment, and although she was confident and beautiful, she saw Jin Se at that moment, that kind of magnificent and extraordinary temperament made her feel a sense of discomfort.

"Of course we are here to find you! Jin Se, who is this bastard? How dare you do something with you, to see that I don't screw his head down as a night pot!"

The old goat ran up with some fawn and grinned at the teeth of Jin Se.

"who are you?"

There was a trace of doubt in Jinse's eyes, and the old goat's face collapsed instantly.

"Jin Se, you really don't remember anything! I'm an old goat, this is an unscrupulous Daoist, Niu Niu Dao Dao, we are all Ling Xiao's good brothers! You don't even remember us, I'm so sad... "

The old goat howled with a sad face.

"Old goat, don't be embarrassed here! Jin Se doesn't even remember Ling Xiao, it's weird to remember you! But this guy dare to do us Jin Se, I think he is impatient to live!"

The Wuliang Taoist sneered and sneered, looking at Hua Ziyang's eyes with a cold killing intent.

"That's right, get him!"

The old goat also stared at Hua Ziyang in disgust.

Hua Ziyang didn't take care of the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist who sang one harmoniously, his eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, and sneered: "Long Aotian, I heard that you died in the hands of two Taishang elders. I was able to kill you by hand, but I didn’t expect you to come to the ancient chaotic place alive? Well, today we count together with our old grudges, how do you want to die?"

His eyes were full of undisguised killing intent. When he thought of the fact that Ling Xiao had been intercepted before, he was chased by Ling Xiao and fled, his heart was filled with great shame.

"Hua Ziyang, you are a defeated man. Before you spared your life, did you expect you to dare to fight Jinse? Leave your life today!"

Ling Xiao said coldly.

"Jin Se? Call it so kindly, this won't be your concubine? Sister Jin Se, no wonder you don't want to accept me, I didn't expect it to be already a good friend, it seems that you are not so pure and clean, good couple Dog men and women, let this emperor send you a pair of same-family mandarin ducks today!"

Hua Ziyang sneered.

The eight black **** zombies, although they had been hit hard by the yin and yang of Jinse, but they were originally undead fun, powerful and unmatched, the injury has been healed in a short time, the whole body is full of breath, staring deadly at Jinse and Ling Xiao and others are full of hatred.

Hua Ziyang can see that the strength of Ling Xiao, Lao Goat, Innocent Taoist, and Feng Qingyang are not Only Yemeng is the cultivation of the Nine Turns and Half Saints, but he seems to have some kind of Relying on, did not take Ling Xiao and others in his eyes at all.

"Where did you put the dog stuff? Eat today. Didn't you **** wipe your mouth? It's so stinky, I really want to tear his dog's mouth!"

The old goat sneered sarcastically.

"You look at him too high, this kind of thing, even dogs do not eat!"

The unscrupulous Taoist agrees and sings with the old goat one after another, making Hua Ziyang's face tinged with anger, and he is about to explode.

It has to be said that when it comes to beating guns, 10,000 Hua Ziyang are not opponents of the old goat, and only the white dragon can compete with the old goat.

"Very good! You irritated me completely! If so, then you will leave all your life, this time no one can save you!"

Hua Ziyang said coldly, the killing intent of his eyes was like substance, and the whole body exuded a wave of extremely terrifying breath. ()

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