Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2186: Fight against Hua Ziyang again!

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

The eight black **** zombies behind Hua Ziyang burst into the mouth at the same time, each killing word contains a monstrous killing intent, as if to be able to tear everything.

Their breath merged with Hua Ziyang and became extremely terrifying, causing the surrounding voids to be somewhat distorted, and the black light rising into the sky, unstoppable.

Everyone around was feeling cold all over the body, as if being stared at by some kind of ancient beast, all uncomfortable.

"Long Aotian and Hua Ziyang? These two people are fateful enemies, but Hua Ziyang was once defeated by Long Aotian. Does he have anything to rely on?"

"Who can be right? Under Hua Ziyang's men, even the powerful fighters of the ancient zombie family must have obtained great opportunities and fortunes! I am afraid it is hard to say exactly what this battle is!"

"The battle of Peerless Pride may be able to give us a glimpse of heavenly opportunities and find a way to break through the three realms!"


Everyone's eyes are also showing the color of expectation, and they all feel that they will witness a fierce battle between the ancient and the modern.

Among today's human races, Tianzi is naturally the well-deserved strongest person, and even the most dazzling existence among the hundreds of millions of races in the world. Many people think that Tianzi is the most promising person to become a child of natural selection. .

Under the Son of Heaven, there are the arrogant evils of the great sons, the emperor of the hidden emperor, Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang belong to this column, and they are all people who are considered to be qualified to compete for the children of the Heavenly Choice.

These two great arrogances are going to have a big showdown, and may even be a battle of life and death, which naturally makes everyone extremely excited.

"Old goats, unscrupulous Taoist people, Feng Qingyang, those eight monsters who are not ghosts or ghosts will be handed over to you. I will deal with Hua Ziyang personally!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Hey, you can rest assured! I have eaten it by everyone, but I have never eaten a zombie. Today I really want to try it. What is the taste of this zombie!"

The old goat grinned, staring at the eight black **** zombies with bad intentions.

"Dare to start working on Jinse's sister, these **** are **** it!"

Feng Qingyang is also a cold voice.

"Nothing to say, kill this group of bastards!"

Wuliang Taoist sneered, and took the lead!


He shot with a palm, the blazing divine light in his palm rises, there are mountains and rivers, there are infinite worlds, and there are thousands of miles of sea waves, and they are suddenly suppressed towards the eight black **** zombies.

Lao Goat and Feng Qingyang were all stunned and shot at the same time.

Their whole body is surging, all of them have the fighting power of the three realms. At this moment, they exploded with full force, and the horrible atmosphere enveloped the sky.


After being instructed by Hua Ziyang, the eight black **** zombies glanced red and bloody, and fought with the three unscrupulous Daoist, Lao Goat, and Feng Qingyang.

In the void, a fierce battle broke out.

But Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang were both unconscious, their eyes blazing fiercely, staring at each other, and there was a terrifying momentum around them all saving and rising, as if they would burst out at any time.

"This is...the breath of the heavens? In just three years, he broke the limit twice and was promoted to the heavens, and there is the black **** zombie guard. It seems that this Hua Ziyang really got a lot. good fortune!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, the fighting intention became fiercer.

He could feel a strong pressure from Hua Ziyang. At this moment, Hua Ziyang was a bit similar to the emperor Ling Xiao had seen, confident, invincible, as if he could push everything horizontally.

Being able to break through the three limits and condense human respect, earth respect and heaven respect, even in the entire chaotic ancient land, I am afraid there are few people.

And Hua Ziyang in front of him did it.

"Long Aotian, don't you have an invincible body? Then see who has stronger body!"

Hua Ziyang said indifferently that the breath around him rose to the extreme. With his violent scream, his terrifying power seemed to find a vent point and turned into a purple fist print, slamming into the sky.


The purple light of Hua Ziyang's body was turbulent, and there was black death. The purple and black light made his face look strange and majestic.

The pure physical strength exploded, causing the violent tremor of the void, the fist marks condensed into an instant, unparalleled, falling towards Ling Xiao's chest.


Ling Xiao also did not leave her hand in the slightest, hitting Hua Ziyang with a punch, the golden fist seal was like a rising sun, blooming endless light and heat.


The two fists collided, and the void suddenly shattered. Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang were surrounded by chaos, which covered the figure of the two.

Ling Xiao was shocked, and felt that Hua Ziyang's flesh was extremely strong, filled with an immortal fluctuation, and was not even weaker than him.

"This is...the breath of the zombie family?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved, and felt the black breath around Hua Ziyang's body, very similar to the black **** zombie.

But the Chinese are human races, and the Great Emperor of the Heavens is the supreme emperor of the human race. Could it be that Hua Ziyang gave up the blood of the human race and became a zombie family?

Ling Xiao stepped back, the whole person flashed, and cast the secret move technique to rise directly into the sky.

Hua Ziyang's expression was indifferent, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. Ling Kong grabbed Ling Xiao's arm with one paw, and kicked out with a kick. There was a burst of sound from the void.


Ling Xiao's palm turned into a palm knife and fell, colliding with Hua Ziyang's claws, bursting into a brilliant Mars, while he clenched his fist in the other hand, colliding with Hua Ziyang's foot.

Hua Ziyang's whole body was filled with a black ripple, and that kind of breath became more and more obvious.

Obviously, it is the breath of the zombie family!

"Hua Ziyang, did you give up the blood of the human race and become a zombie family? Are you worthy of the Tiandu Emperor?"

Ling Xiao smiled There was a disdainful look in his eyes.

The Chinese are the emperors of the human race, because the emperor of the Tiandu is one of the nine emperors of the human race, which allows the Chinese to enjoy endless glory. Although some of the descendants of the Chinese are not good, they are seen in the face of the emperor of the capital. The Chinese are fairly inclusive.

But now, seeing Hua Ziyang actually gave up the blood of the Chinese, Ling Xiao was also a little angry.

"What nonsense are you? I just practiced the magical powers of the zombie clan! This is the body of the general of the zombie clan, not the blood of the zombie clan, you less frame me!"

After hearing Ling Xiao's words, Hua Ziyang's face changed a little at once, and he refuted coldly.

"Is the general's body? Good, I want to see how strong your general's body is!"

Ling Xiao sneered, and did not refute Hua Ziyang. After all, he was just speculation and could not determine whether Hua Ziyang really gave up the blood of the human race. ()

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