Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2188: Skykill!


Hua Ziyang exudes an ancient and courageous atmosphere. He directly shows the real body of the general, with wings on his back, mouth with fangs, and claws tearing the sky, which has evolved a fierce supreme sword!

The general is one of the first ancestors of the zombie family. He is known as the zombie emperor of the ancient times. He is extremely terrifying and has an invincible flesh. It is said that it can shake the godless soldiers, everything is immortal and I am immortal, the world is destroyed and I am not destroyed Is one of the strongest in ancient flesh.

Although Hua Ziyang still could not reach the point of a general, but by chance, he got the body of a general. At this moment, it exploded completely, and he displayed the natural life supernatural power of the general, the killing technique, and wanted to completely destroy Ling Xiao. kill!

That black blade of light contains the power of endless universe birth and death. The horror is so terrifying that Ling Xiao feels cold all over, and has an irresistible illusion.


The light of Ling Xiao's eyes was fierce, and the fighting spirit was completely boiling. He shouted, and an endless light of the whole body erupted, as if all things were dying, the horror scene of the broken sky.

Above his head, the four emperor soldiers' logos of Yan Di Ding, Qi Shao Dao, Broken Army Spear, and Greed Wolf Sword emerged at the same time. Ling Xiao evolved the battle of fighting power, sweeping invincible and sweeping momentum.


The ultimate confrontation between the general killing technique and the fighting and fighting strength has caused the Sifang Sky Dome to shake violently, as if it is about to be broken at any time.

In the void, the sword gas rose, the sword light filled, and a rainbow of heaven and earth traversed the world, forming a fierce storm that drowned both Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang.

"This is... the fighting strength of the Temple of War?"

Someone exclaimed.

Although Fighting Heavenly Strength is ranked at the end of Twelve Heavenly Strengths, no one will underestimate Fighting Heavenly Strength. Fighting Heavenly Strength is also known as the first battle secret of the heavens. It has endless fighting intentions and can sublimate the most. Strong power, tearing the sky apart, omnipotent.

In particular, Ling Xiao used the four emperors to brand the evolution of fighting battles. The supreme power is like the rebirth of the ancient emperor. Between his hands and feet, he has unpredictable Tianwei.

"It's terrifying! It turns out that this is the fighting strength of the three realms? This is simply not what ordinary people can compete with!"

Everyone was trembling, it was a kind of throbbing in the depths of Yuanshen and could not help but tremble.

Even the battle between the old goat, the unscrupulous Taoist, Feng Qingyang and the eight black **** zombies was completely suppressed by the battle between Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang.

All eyes are firmly on Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang, looking forward to the final result of this battle.

At this moment, no one can guess whether they are stronger or weaker, and this battle has benefited them a lot, as if they saw a breakthrough.

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang launched a big duel and a big collision. This is the ultimate physical collision. The confrontation between the body of the general and the body of the dragon, the power of natural killing and fighting and fighting, both of them have a real fire. The quake was trembling, and the sun and moon were dark.

The lakes around the burial coffins were all exploded, filled with water mist, and intertwined with endless chaotic mist, as if everything had become the most original existence.

If it weren’t for the mystery of the burial of the heavenly treasure coffin, the laws of the surrounding roads might have been annihilated in the battle between Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang.


The sound of Long Yin rose into the sky, and a vast divine dragon floated in the void, exuding the ferocious power of the world, swallowing towards Hua Ziyang.


Hua Ziyang's body of generals broke out completely, his body was firm and unmatched, and he was not afraid of any attacks. At the same time, he grasped the great dragon with both hands and wanted to tear it into powder.

The haze of chaos shattered and it seemed that a mysterious world had formed around Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang.

And Ling Xiao swept across the sky, and all the stars exploded, and the flames raging out of the sky, looming toward Hua Ziyang.

Hua Ziyang swallowed heavily, her black fangs were gritty and sharp, swallowing all the flames of the sky, and at the same time, her fierce claws turned into a god, shooting towards Ling Xiao's whole body.

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang fought for hundreds of rounds, as if they were unable to distinguish the victory and defeat. Both of their physical bodies were urged to the extreme, and each collision was like a world cracking.

The horrible wave swept away, making everyone breathless, feeling extremely depressed, pale, and quickly backed away.


Another violent collision, like two suns exploding, endless flames flowing from all directions, turning the sky dome into a sea of ​​fire.

With a mumble, a black figure flew out of the endless sea of ​​fire!

On Hua Ziyang's chest, a golden fist print suddenly appeared, causing his chest to collapse, and suddenly a cough of blood in his mouth.

Ling Xiao also rushed out of the sea of ​​fire. Although his face was pale, as if he was off the power, his eyes were extremely bright and sharp.

"Purple Ziyang actually... lost?!"

Everyone was shocked~ There was an incredible look in his eyes.

"The body of the general is the supreme physique of the zombie clan, but the supreme method of sanctification in the flesh. Even if this is the case, the emperor Ziyang cannot defeat Long Aotian?"

"This Long Aotian's strength is too strong!"

For so fast, it seems like a victory or defeat, everyone is a bit unacceptable.

At the same time, everyone looked at Ling Xiao's eyes full of awe.

"Long Aotian, I didn't expect you to practice the physical body to such a degree, I am afraid it is not far from the sanctification of the physical body! But today's result of this battle, you can't change it anyway, now the warm-up is over, I want to go all out Now!"

Hua Ziyang stared at Ling Xiao coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Really? I really want to see if the Chinese's Tianjiao will use the Chinese magical powers? I'm afraid you have all forgotten it? If the Tiandu Emperor is still alive, I'm afraid I will slap you to shame Children and grandchildren shoot directly!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Tooth is sharp and sharp! But in any case, you can't change your fate! Isn't it you want to see my Chinese supernatural powers? Well, today I will complete you!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes were cold, and a stream of purple lightning overflowed from it. He slowly walked towards Lingxiao, and a violent purple thunder broke out all around him!


The quake was shaking, and the purple thunder was blazing and terrifying. Behind Hua Ziyang, a mysterious world of thunder formed. An endless mysterious scene emerged.

"Tianmen opens, Zixiao is destroyed!"

Hua Ziyang slowly spit out a few words in his mouth. In an instant, the eight directions of lightning flashed and thunder, masterpiece of thunder!

PS: I was on a business trip outside today, but only one more time. Everyone took a break early.

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