Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2189: See also Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife!


Behind Hua Ziyang, there is an ancient and mysterious portal, intertwined with Tao and reason, the light of the law is dazzling, and a thunder spews out of it, as if the world has become a purple.

A purple thunder, like a dragon, spewed out of the ancient portal and overwhelmed it towards Lingxiao.

Hua Ziyang stands above the sky dome, surrounded by endless Zixia, looks mysterious and majestic, stands up to the earth, like an ancient emperor, imposing.

A glimmer of glance among Ling Xiao's eyes also felt the endless power of destruction from that purple thunder.

This is the most primitive Zixiao God Thunder, which can open up the earth and destroy the heaven and earth, and vitality and destruction are intertwined, even the saint can't bear it at all.

However, Ling Xiao's expression was extremely calm. There was a ray of thunder in his palms. In the end, his whole body shone brightly, forming a mysterious resonance with heaven and earth.


In Ling Xiao's eyebrows, a fiery beam was sprayed out in a flash, and a vertical eye emerged. In an instant, the sky was shaking, the sun and the moon were dark, and the endless fierce thunder gathered around Ling Xiao's body.


Ling Xiao took a scream, and his voice was like Huanghuang Tianwei, with unpredictable majesty.

The thunders raged in the sky, and the vertical eyes of Ling Xiao's eyebrows, like the eyes of the heavens, were the source of the thunder, and instantly turned into a vast engulfing vortex.


The Zixiao God Thunder erupted in Hua Ziyang, before he reached Ling Xiao's side, he was swallowed by the vertical eyes in his heart.

"This is... the secret technique of punishment?"

Hua Ziyang was shocked, and there was an incredible look in her eyes.

Heavenly punishment mystery is the technique of supreme attack of the nineth emperor que. It is extremely powerful and terrifying. It is said that now the entire nineth emperor que, and only the emperor of the emperor can play the complete heavenly punishment.

But how could Ling Xiao be able to punish the secrets of heaven?


Without waiting for Hua Ziyang to think clearly, he saw that Ling Xiao's eyebrows had a more intense light condensed, and suddenly turned into a nine-color beam. The mighty sky rose and shot directly toward Hua Ziyang.

That nine-color beam contains nine kinds of thunder origins, intertwined with each other, making the void change, the sun and the moon oscillate, which is more terrifying than the Zixiao God Thunder in Hua Ziyang.

"This is the legendary secret punishment technique?"

"This Long Aotian is the little God of War in the Temple of War. Aren't the Temple of War and the Ninefold Emperor Que the enemy of life and death?

"You said, if Lord Tianzi knew Long Aotian's secret technique of punishment, what would happen?"

"Hey, how is it? Lord Tianzi is so overbearing, he will definitely shoot himself, kill Long Aotian, and recapture the secret of Heaven Penalty!"

Everyone saw that Ling Xiao had performed the punishment of heavenly punishment, and they were all extremely shocked, with different expressions.


Facing Ling Xiao's secret punishment technique, the blood of Hua Ziyang's body exploded at once, and a round of purple Shenyang slowly rose behind him, containing a vast and mysterious atmosphere of the road.

In the purple Shenyang, the blazing sword light rose up, and in an instant turned into a gigantic knife gang, slashing towards Lingxiao!

"Is it Tiandao Zixuedao again?"

Ling Xiao's eyes lit up and muttered to himself.

He had long coveted Hua Ziyang's Heavenly Dao Blood Sword, which contained some kind of causal force. It had no match for killing, no regret for the sword, and he would have to kill. He would drink the enemy's blood and it was very strange.


The nine-color thunder and the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife collided, and a fierce divine light erupted suddenly. The thunder and the thunder were all dissipated.

Tian Dao Zi Xue Dao seemed to devour the Nine-Color Thunder silently, and then fell towards Ling Xiao with more terrifying power.

"Hua Ziyang, surrender the practice method of the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Sword, I can spare you not to die! Hahaha..."

Ling Xiao laughed loudly, his eyes were sharp and unmatched, his shots were more horrible and unmatched, he folded his hands together, and the reincarnation of God's light burst out, vaguely emerging an ancient and mysterious world.


Tiandao Zixue knife cut into that world, disturbing the boundless situation, Ling Xiao exuded a mysterious wave of destiny around his body, his palms fell towards the front, and the world crashed apart. The Tiandao Zixue Dao were shattered.

But the light of the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife was too sharp. A blood mark appeared on Ling Xiao's hands, cut by the knife light, and the golden blood fell, so that the void was shaking.

"Long Aotian, do you dare to hit the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife? Looking for death!"

Hua Ziyang immediately became furious, and his murderous intention boiled in his eyes.


The fiery blade of light rose into the sky, and the sky was full of shadows, and the vast pole Daowei emerged from it, vaguely appearing in the void as an imaginary shadow of the emperor, holding the knife Gang, horizontal Empty cut to Ling Xiao.

Purple Shen Xia rises, and the laws of Tao are intertwined, and the purple sword is like the incarnation of Heaven, destroying everything in the sky, and hegemonic.

Tian Dao Zi Xue Dao shot, must kill and return Although Ling Xiao annihilated Tian Dao Zi Xue Dao before, Xiao Tian Dao Zi Xue Dao contained the power of cause and effect, and once again emerged, and the momentum was even more terrifying.


Ling Xiao was full of qi and blood, squeezing his invincible fist, chaotic air spreading out, his fist was overbearing, and he was facing the sky with the purple blood knife.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

In the void, the sound of gold and iron clashes came, Mars was everywhere, the sword light and the fist were broken at the same time, and a very terrifying storm was set off.

Ling Xiao's double fists have become blurred with flesh and blood, and the golden bones clanged. Every time he collided with the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife, a large flesh and blood flew out.

Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce and unmatched, and his fighting spirit was rising, as if he hadn't noticed his injury at all, and kept colliding with the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife!


In the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife, a mysterious power merged into Ling Xiao's body along Ling Xiao's arm.

Perceiving the mysterious power, Ling Xiao's wordless book in the sea shines brightly, engulfing that power, and gradually reveals a causal breath.


Hua Ziyang's eyes were cruel. After the Tiandao Purple Blood Knife swallowed Ling Xiao's flesh, it became more and more severe. The sword light seemed to condense into a substance, just like a purple ancient ancient sword, devouring the flesh of Ling Xiao's body.


Hua Ziyang's purple light spewed around him, and in the blink of an eye dozens of black phantoms floated out, all with back wings, fangs, and a sharp howling in his mouth, and he flew up towards Lingxiao instantly. .

The dozens of phantoms were so fast that they moved around in the void, directly wrapped around Lingxiao's arms, legs, and body, and there was a mysterious toxin pouring into Lingxiao's body.

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