Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2190: Boxing Hua Ziyang!

"go to hell!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes showed a look of success, and the Heavenly Dao Zi blood knife in his hand came out in the air, and directly inserted into Ling Xiao's eyebrow.

He was extremely fierce, and wanted to put Ling Xiao directly to the death. The speed of Tiandao Zixue knife was extremely fast, and there was no reaction time for Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao seemed to be really bound by Hua Ziyang. There was no way to resist it. Tiandao Zi blood knife stabbed into his eyebrow, and blood flashed out in an instant!

"This time, even the resurrection of the ancient emperor will not save you!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes were full of fierce looks, the murderous fierceness was extremely fierce, and she thoroughly hated Ling Xiao to the extreme.

Tiandao Zixuedao can devour all vitality, and after piercing into the eyebrow, it must be able to directly devour the Yuanshen and wipe out all existence.

Hua Ziyang believes that Ling Xiao will die this time.

"is it?"

Ling Xiao's expression was light but calm, as if there was no slightest accident, his eyes were extremely bright, and he stared at Hua Ziyang and said slowly.


Hua Ziyang's face changed, and suddenly she felt a sense of extreme danger.

He found that the Tiandao Zixue knife pierced into Ling Xiao's eyebrows, at the beginning there was some blood, and no more blood flowed out. Instead, the Tiandao Zixue knife suddenly disappeared into Ling Xiao's consciousness and disappeared completely. Now!


Ling Xiao's violent force exploded around him, and then hit a punch on Hua Ziyang's chest!


Hua Ziyang trembled all over, his chest collapsed directly, his ribs were all broken, his mouth spouted blood, and the whole person flew out!


Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, and they all froze.

Hua Ziyang's Tiandao Zixue Dao was so fierce and fierce that everyone thought Ling Xiao would die, there was no way out.

But they did not expect that there would be such a big reversal, the strange blood knife of Heavenly Path disappeared strangely, but Ling Xiao’s power was not damaged at all, and a shocking blow to Hua Ziyang broke out!

This fist contains Ling Xiao's supreme strength, which made Hua Ziyang suffer a lot of injuries.

"How is it possible? How could you resist the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife?"

Hua Ziyang's eyes were full of unbelievable looks, and his face was extremely ugly.

Seeing the blood sealing throat, Tiandao Zixuedao can devour blood and all vitality. In his view, Tiandao Zixuedao enters Ling Xiao's Yuanshen, Ling Xiao is already mortal.

"Tian Dao Zi Blood Knife is indeed very powerful! Hua Ziyang, if you now give me the cultivation method of Tian Dao Zi Blood Knife, I will leave you a whole body, how?"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

His whole body was full of blood and blood, Long Yin shook the sky, and the golden light shrouded him, making him look unstoppable, like an undefeated **** of war.

The Tiandao Zixue knife just spurred by Hua Ziyang was also Ling Xiaofu's soul that had not resisted, let it enter the sea of ​​knowledge, and then directly urged Wu Zi Tianshu to devour it completely.

Sure enough, Wu Zi Tian Shu devoured a part of the causal mystery from Tiandao Zixue Dao, making his causal mystery complete.

Ling Xiao was also a little excited. If he could get the practice method of the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Sword, he would not only be able to get this transcendent atheism, but also be able to strip the causal secret technique from it, and make his causal secret technique complete.

Tian Dao Zi Xue Dao, itself is born out of the cause and effect secret technique, contains the true meaning of the cause and effect secret technique!

"Long Aotian, if you want the Heavenly Blood Purple Blood Knife, you will win me first! Today, either you die or I die!"

Hua Ziyang roared with a roar, and a roaring sound similar to that of a beast came out of his mouth. The black death air flowing around him instantly turned into a general body, killing Ling Xiao in the air.


His huge wings came from all over the world, and he was incredibly sharp, like a sword, thrusting into Ling Xiao's whole body.

At the same time, the black light of Hua Ziyang's body surged, causing his breath to start to rise, and the fangs in his mouth flashed coldly, biting towards Ling Xiao's neck.

He hated Ling Xiao to the extreme, and at the same time was extremely shocked in his heart. He had a great chance this time. He thought that even if he saw Ling Xiao, he could be assassinated.

But he didn't expect that Ling Xiao's strength was so terrifying. Between his hands and feet, he had the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Not only was his general not as good as Ling Xiao, even the Heavenly Dao Purple Blood Sword was once again given by Ling Xiao Restrained.


Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang collided fiercely on the sky dome, every time it was like a volcanic eruption and the sky and earth collapsed, with terrifying momentum!

On the other side, the old goat, the unscrupulous Taoist and the wind Qingyang played against the eight black **** zombies. Although the eight black **** zombies are extraordinary in strength and fearless to death, their flesh is but after a long time After the war, the three old goats also felt their weaknesses.

The most feared of these black **** zombies is the power of the sun to the top. The old goats swallowed the fire of the sky and sealed their perception of the surrounding heaven and earth. At the same time, the unscrupulous Daoist controlled the sword array, and the wind and Qingyang summoned the sun flame. Siege of the eight black **** zombies.

Without Hua Ziyang's command, and the three old goats did not fall into their battle, the eight black **** zombies quickly fell into the wind and began to suffer casualties.


A black **** zombie was enveloped by the fire that swallowed the sky, and was cut into several sections by the sword array of the unscrupulous Taoist, and burned to ashes completely.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar……

The other Black God zombies were all startled and angry, and began to yell, fighting against the three old goats without fear of death, regardless of their own casualties.

However, the strength between them and the three old goats is still somewhat different, so after the first casualty appeared, the next seven black **** zombies also died in the hands of the three old goats. .

In the void, the black death light surging and surging, the black **** zombies in the eight heavens and the three realms have all fallen!

The three old goats also tried their best, and the most powerful fighting force broke out, so that after the eight black **** zombies were killed, the repairs of the three of them were all exhausted!

In the end, only Hua Ziyang was left!

"Hua Ziyang, did he really turn to the zombie family?"

The old goat asked curiously.

"It's not easy to say! But if you can have eight black **** zombies in hand, Hua Ziyang has a unique chance, maybe it is a powerful inheritance of a zombie family!"

The unscrupulous Taoist thought for a while.

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