Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2191: Heaven!

The eight black **** zombies, any one of them is comparable to the existence of the ancient arrogance of the ancients, and their strength is very strong, so Jinse will not be lightly injured when fighting against them.

Although the three old goats killed all the black **** zombies in the end, they also paid a great price.

They naturally doubted the relationship between Hua Ziyang and the zombie clan, especially Hua Ziyang also has the body of a general, and his strength is superb. This is not an ordinary opportunity and nature.


Above the void, Ling Xiao and Hua Ziyang both fought out a real fire. The collision of each collision is extremely terrifying, vast and unmatched, as if they can destroy everything.

If there were no burial coffins here, the burial coffins would become their own laws, leading to the incomparable solidity of the void here. I am afraid that everything within a thousand miles would be completely destroyed.


Hua Ziyang was surrounded by a radiating divine light, and three avenue fairy flowers appeared above his head, each of which was confused with the mist of chaos, vaguely as if there were three villains sitting in it.

Hua Ziyang's breath suddenly rose, and he could vaguely see the three villains holding a small sword, revealing the extremely dangerous breath fluctuations.

"This is... this is... heaven?"

Someone exclaimed, his voice trembling unconsciously.

Hua Ziyang has condensed three Avenue Fairy Flowers, which means that he has broken the limit three times and has become the legendary heavenly powerhouse!

You should know that in the entire chaotic ancient land, people who can become strong in the realm of the heavens can count clearly with a slap, and there is only one Tianzi in the entire human race.

"Hua Ziyang turned out to be the strongest in the realm of heaven? He... how did he do it?"

"I heard that the three heavens, the human and the land are a little easier, but the heavens are extremely difficult, because that represents the realm of the Great Consummation! Now we are called the three heavens, but in the ancient times, they were called Twelve for the Half Saint!"

"I have also heard that the Twelve of the Half-Holy Saint is the Great and Full Half-Holy, and after the sermon is the invincible holy, able to sweep the realm of saints!"

"This Hua Ziyang seems to have been pushed to the extreme by Long Aotian and began to explode all his strength!"

Everyone was excited too, and it was absolutely great for them to be able to witness this peerless matchup with their own eyes.

After the three Daxian Fairies appeared on Hua Ziyang's head, the breath became extremely violent, which also made Ling Xiao feel a strong threat.

The blossoming Avenue Fairy swayed in the wind, the petals were crystal clear and exuded a burst of sweet fragrance, and Hua Ziyang exuded a holy light throughout his body.


Hua Ziyang's eyes were icy, and he drank a loud voice. The Avenue Fairy that sat on the Venerable Master burst into immeasurable light, and the small sword in the Venerable's hand flew into the air instantly, just like a The gorgeous fairy light fell towards Ling Xiao.


Xiaojian looked incredibly light, but when he flew over Ling Xiao's head, it skyrocketed to a gigantic size and slammed down.

"Fan Tianyin, broken!"

Ling Xiao's horrible breath rose around him, and the Fan Tianyin in his eyebrows flew out of the sky, bursting into boundless light, and collided with that little sword.


Xiaojian buzzed and trembled, and the next moment the swordlight shattered, and Xiaojian flew out directly, and floated in front of Hua Ziyang again.


Hua Ziyang's expression was as usual, and he shouted again in his mouth.

The small sword among the second villains also flew out of the sky, and then merged with the first small sword, the power surged, and continued to cut towards Ling Xiao.


Under the control of Ling Xiao, Fan Tianyin collided with the second sword as he wanted, setting off an endless storm of divine light.

Finally, Fan Tianyin and that little sword flew out at the same time.

"Heavenly killing, slash the cycle!"

Among Hua Ziyang's eyes, the murder flashed, and he shouted again.


At this moment, the three Daxian Fairies bloomed infinitely at the same time, and the sword lights among the three villains rose into the sky at the same time, turning into an ancient sword with radiance in the void.

Hua Ziyang held the ancient sword, the breath was terrifying, and the sword fell down across the air, suddenly filled with the mysterious breath of life and death.

This sword seems to want to send Ling Xiao directly into the reincarnation to die, unmatched.

After seeing the sword, Ling Xiao showed a strange look in her eyes.


He folded his hands together, his fingers were crystal-like, and the speed was so fast that it reached its peak, and he directly sandwiched the sword between his palms.

A breath of samsara pervaded, with Ling Xiao's palm as the center, an ancient and mysterious world emerged faintly, and Hua Ziyang also enveloped it.

Originally, Hua Ziyang's vigorous and imposing momentum disappeared without a trace.

Hua Ziyang was dumbfounded, pointing at Ling Xiao Road: " could you possibly reincarnate the secret technique?"

His reincarnation triple-killing technique is based on the cultivation of the heavenly The power of human respect, earth respect and heaven respect has been merged, and the power of terrifying killing has erupted. This trick can Holy Tu!

However, he did not expect that Ling Xiao would actually reincarnate the reincarnation of the temple, and completely destroy his three reincarnation techniques.

Counting it carefully, Ling Xiao will fight Heaven Mystery, Heaven Penalty Secret and Reincarnation Mystery. These three peerless celestial skills are all concentrated on Ling Xiao alone!

"Why can't I reincarnate mystery? But your so-called reincarnation triple killer, although referring to reincarnation mystery, but the flaws are too much!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, sprayed with a sharp edge in the palm of his hand, and hit Hua Ziyang with a palm in the air, containing the power fluctuations that broke all.


Hua Ziyang trembled all over the body, caught off guard and flew out by Ling Xiao!

In the void, the endless divine light sprayed away. After Ling Xiao succeeded, he did not stay in the slightest. His shot was like a storm, and the sky was full of fiery palm prints and punches, constantly bombarding Hua Ziyang.


Although Hua Ziyang has a strong physical body and superb strength, there is no way to resist Ling Xiao’s horrific attack. In addition, Ling Xiao also performs the mystery of swallowing the sky, constantly swallowing Hua Ziyang’s cultivation behavior, which leads to Hua Ziyang’s strength. The weaker he coughed up his blood, his breath became disordered, and his face became more ugly and full of panic.

"Have Hua Ziyang lost?"

Everyone could not help but feel shocked, feeling that the outcome of this battle is finally going to be divided!


The sharp edge of Ling Xiao's eyes was fiercely dazzling, and the punches of the nine days of the sky were suppressed, the chaotic light exploded, the world was broken, the sun and moon were dark, and the vast and unmatched fist marks instantly flooded Hua Ziyang!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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