Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2201: Mysterious Tiangong!

Ling Xiao was very happy. Jinse had already become warm and warm without knowing it. Naturally, he gave up the opportunity to understand the five elements of the secret technique, and he had to protect the law.

The way of overwhelming emotions is the heavenly way, which is ruthless, not based on things like happiness or grief, based on self-interest, and will not be angry because of foreign things.

However, Ling Xiao found that today's Jinse seems to have reached the critical moment, between the path of love and the path of love, as if he can always forget the path of love from Taishang, and step into the path of love on Taishang at any time.

Ling Xiao remembers what the emperor once said. If Jin Se can enter the sentimental path of the Taishang, he can restore his past memories and think of everything.

Ling Xiao can feel that Jinse stays beside him, and this subtle effect is great.

"Thank you!"

Jin Se hesitated, but still took the colorful blood beads and inherited spar, nodded.

"You're welcome! Jin Se, we don't know each other, and when you remember your past memories, you will understand everything!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly and was in a good mood.

He has now obtained the secret of reincarnation, the secret of punishment, the secret of yin and yang, the secret of five elements and the secret of war. These five secrets of heavenly strength not only greatly increase Ling Xiao’s strength, but also make him 12 days away The technique of mystery is much closer.

In addition to these five Tiangong mysteries, Ling Xiao also received the incomplete fate mysteries, causal mysteries, and space-time mysteries. He believes that it will not be long before he can fully gather the twelve heavenly mysteries.

At that time, based on the twelve days of mystical skills as the foundation to prove the sanctification of Taoism and the invincibility of Taoism, even if his identity is exposed, he can also have some self-protection.

During this time, Ling Xiao felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He always felt that his identity could not be concealed for long.

"Huh? Old goats, they have a little trouble!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered with a fine awn, and said slowly.

The old goat came over to ask for help, and encountered a lot of troubles, so Ling Xiao was also shocked in his heart. After all, the old goat, the unscrupulous Taoist and the wind Qingyang are all strong men in the world. They can make them feel trouble. I'm afraid it's an opponent with an extraordinary history.

"Let's go and see!"

Jin Se collected the colorful blood beads and the inherited spar, and his expression became pale but calm again.

"Let's go! I also want to see who the old goat feels troublesome in the end!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and rose up with Jin Se, flying towards the direction of the old goat.


After the old goat, unscrupulous Taoist and Feng Qingyang left, they accidentally found an ancient Tiangong in the sea of ​​clouds.

The celestial palace is hidden in the depths of the clouds and shrouded in mysterious laws. I don’t know how many years it has been sealed. Ordinary people have no way to find this place. If they are not lucky with the three goats, they can’t find this celestial palace.

The whole body of Tiangong is crystal clear, as if cast from glazed glass, exuding colorful divine glow, which looks extremely mysterious, and contains a vast dignity.

The old goat, the unscrupulous Daoist, and Feng Qingyang are all very excited. They feel that they should have encountered some kind of strong man's inheritance. They are all eager to try to enter the heavenly palace to find treasure.

However, the breath of Tiangong also attracted two uninvited guests.

Those are two unbelievably young men.

A slender figure wearing a five-colored robe, looks handsome and extraordinary, all exudes a strong and unmatched breath fluctuations.

The other looks very ordinary, dressed in a gray robe, black hair scattered, the whole body seems to be filled with a touch of chaos, the appearance is very ordinary, but a pair of eyes are extremely deep and calm.

At the beginning, they were still very restrained with each other. Together they broke many of the prohibitions of the Tiangong, and finally pushed the gate of the Tiangong and entered the Tiangong.

Old goats and others also knew the origins of these two men. The man in the five-colored robe was the Son of the Five Elements Tianzong, and the ordinary-looking man was the Son of the Chaos Tianzong Promise!

The Son of the Five Elements Shengzong is enough, but the Son of Chaos Tianzong makes the three of the old goats stun.

Chaos Tianzong has always been the head of the twelve holy places, the most powerful force in the entire **** realm.

Legend has it that Chaos Tianzong has existed for several epochs, and is older than the human race. No one can understand the details of Chaos Tianzong. Even among the original Nine Emperors of the human race, several people practiced in Chaos Tianzong.

Chaos Tianzong is extremely mysterious. It is said that Chaos Tianzong accepts disciples very strictly, and no one knows where the chaotic Tianzong’s mountain gate lies.

At this moment, seeing the Holy Son Promise of Chaotian Tianzong, the three old goats were all secretly alert when they were shocked.

Because they found that they couldn't see through the cultivation behavior of this Promise Son.

After entering Tiangong, they found a volume of ancient scriptures and a round jade dish in Tiangong, and the contradiction finally came into being.

The three old goats all took a fancy to that volume of ancient scriptures, and Wuji Son and Yuanchen Son were incomparably overbearing, not only to put that jade dish into their pockets, but also to get the complete ancient scriptures. In the article, only three old goats are allowed to copy some of them.

In an instant, the crowd became daggers.

"The two saints are really overbearing! It is the result of our concerted efforts to open the prohibition of the You want to monopolize these two treasures, can you really think we can't be bullied?"

The unscrupulous Taoist said lightly.

"Three Daoists, do you know where this Tiangong is? This is the cave house left by my predecessors of Wuxing Tianzong, and this volume of ancient scriptures and that jade dish are all from my Wuxing Tianzong. Treasure, it is impossible to fall into the hands of outsiders! I can give some compensation to the three Taoists, how?"

Yuanchen Shengzi smiled indifferently, his expression looked very gentle, but the three old goats could perceptively perceive the arrogance behind that gentleness.

"Give us some compensation? Think beautiful! That ancient scripture is likely to contain atheism, and the jade dish is also very simple, it may be some kind of treasure! We promise to share with you, it is already your share It’s cheap, isn’t it enough?"

The old goat sneered.

His temper is very hot. At this moment, the Son of Yuanchen and the Son of Promise are not pleasing to the eye. If it is not stopped by the unscrupulous Daoist, I am afraid that it will go away directly.

"Three people, I advise you not to toast and not to eat or drink fine wine. This is the cave house left by my predecessor of Wuxing Tianzong. It allows you to copy an ancient scripture. It is already very kind! You don’t have to be too much!"

Yuan Chen Shengzi's expression was slightly cold, and the five-colored radiance around him became more and more dazzling.

"Depth in size? Hey, so overbearing! You said this is the cave house left by the predecessors of the Five Elements Shengzong, is that it? I also said that this is my grandson's filial piety to Laozi! Damn, Laozi doesn't like you the most Things that look so decent, if you want to fight, do you really think we are afraid you will not succeed?"

The old goat was a little irritated, and his voice was cold and bone-throwing, and his whole body had the intention to gather together, as if he had to do it anytime!

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