Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2202: Promise Son!

"I advise you not to start here. The Son of Wuji is generous and generous, and allows you to copy the ancient scriptures and leave. Do not toast or eat and drink fine wine! Otherwise, you will offend the Son of Wuji and no one will save you!"

Yuanchen Shengzi sneered.

His practice is similar to that of the old goat and the wind and Qingyang. He broke a limit and was promoted to the world of heaven and earth, but he seemed to be headed by the Promise Son. Whether it is speaking or acting, he revealed extremely respectful attitude.

"Promise Son? Want to shake the majesty in front of Lao Tzu, I'm afraid you have chosen the wrong place! Today I will put the words here, either give me the ancient scriptures or fight!"

The old goat said with a sneer, his breath was unmatched, and he locked both the Son of Yuanchen and the Son of Wuji, and a dangerous breath surged, causing the Quartet's void to tremble slightly.

At the moment, Wuji Son's eyes have always fallen on the crystal clear jade dish, as if he hasn't put the three goats in his eyes.

At this moment, after hearing the words of the old goat, Wuji Son returned to God, frowning slightly: "Trust me, these two treasures are not what you can covet, now leave, I can save your life, today I don’t want to kill!"

The Promise Son has a high attitude, the voice is majestic and overbearing, and suddenly makes the old goat, the unscrupulous Taoist and Feng Qingyang all look angry.

This Promise Son is really overbearing!

"If you want to devote yourself to making jade dishes, I'm afraid you are too overbearing? I'm also very interested in making jade dishes. How about giving them all to me?"

At this moment, a faint but calm voice sounded in the void.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Together with Jinse, Ling Xiao flew in from the outside of the Tiangong Palace, and his whole body was strong and unmatched. The divine light in the Tiangong Palace was blazing, the mist was steaming, and the violent violentness was extremely high.

"Ling Xiao, you are finally here! If you don't come again, we will have to dry up with these two bastards!"

The old goat's eyes lightened, and his heart was relieved.

"Isn't this a fight yet? You are so unconfident that you are not opponents of both of them?"

Ling Xiao rolled his eyes.

He used to think that the three old goats were in a desperate situation, so he rushed with Jin Se, but he did not expect that after arriving here, he found that the three old goats were only confronting the two sons. Fight.

Ling Xiao also heard the words of Yuanchen Shengzi and Wuji Shengzi, and was also somewhat dissatisfied with the hegemony of the two of them.

However, when he saw the two treasures in the Temple of Heaven, Ling Xiao instantly understood why the Son of Yuanchen and the Son of Wuji were determined to seize the two treasures.

Because, that jade butterfly is just a remnant of the jade dish!

"Who are you?"

Yuan Chen Shengzi's eyes flickered, said indifferently.

"Jin Se Saint Virgin of Taishang Dao Palace? If I guess correctly, you are Long Aotian of the Temple of War? Do you want to be against me?"

Wuji Son said softly, his voice slightly surprised.

"Yes, it's me! It's not that I'm against you, but you're against me! All three of them are my good brothers. Good brothers are bullied. If I can't get some justice for them, then I’m too incompetent! Moreover, I am also very interested in making jade dishes!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly.

"Can you recognize the made-up jade dish? I know, do you have any fragments of the made-up jade dish on your body? Hand over all the left-over pieces of the made-up jade dish, and I can spare you not to die!"

Wu Ji Shengzi's eyes lit up, staring at Ling Xiao and said slowly.

"Want to make the fragments of the jade dish? It depends on whether you have the skill! As long as you win me, all the treasures are yours! But if you lose, you obediently hand over the two treasures, Then roll with your tail!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, with a strong war in his eyes.

He was keenly aware that Wu Ji Sheng Zi had the breath of a jade dish made in his body, and his incomparable purity was not much worse than the jade dish made in his body, leaving Ling Xiao's heart awkward.

This is also the first time he has seen a man with a forged jade dish. This chaotic Tianzong's Promise Son, is really not simple!

"Are you going to challenge me? It's really extraordinary just to break into the world. If you take this as your dependence, then you are wrong!"

Wu Ji Shengzi said lightly, his expression was still very calm.

"I really want to try it!"

Ling Xiao was tit-for-tat, staring at Promise Son, and there was a touch of chaos all over him.

This Promise Son is extremely powerful, and Ling Xiao guesses that he has also reached the third Heaven Realm, plus the Chaos Heavenly Sect’s various supernatural powers and peerless emperor techniques, so that Promise Son has a terrifying horror. Combat power.

But even so, Ling Xiao still wanted to fight him.

He will advance step by step, defeat one opponent after another, swept the arrogance of all roads, accumulate his own strong momentum, and finally carry the monstrous momentum and the war of the emperor.

Ling Xiao knows that he wants to get the human and there must be a battle between Tianzi and Tianzi!


Between Ling Xiao and Promise Son, the breath collided, and the vast momentum rose, like two tornadoes sweeping the world, bursting into a fierce and unmatched divine light, making the world and the world rumbling.

The two of them intersect with each other in four eyes, and there are lightning flashes and thunder, the chaotic light blooms, and there is almost a supreme supernatural power that destroys the world!

"You're good! But you shouldn't touch the made jade dish. Since you don't want to hand it over, then I can only get it myself! Starting today, the luck of the Temple of War is dead!"

Promise Son said lightly.


His voice resembled the glorious sky and thunder, so that the emptiness of the Quartet was trembling tremendously, and the vast laws of the Dao came, and the avenues were intertwined, just like the chain of God of order.

At the same time, Promise Son also shot.


His simple punch blasted towards Xiao Xiao, and the chaotic light exploded in a flash, the sky was shaking, the sun and moon were dark, and the vast chaotic punches were fierce!

"Come well!"

Ling Xiao's eyes lighted up instantly. He felt a terrifying power from Wuji Son, who seemed to have endless chaos in him, and he had unpredictable Tianwei between his hands and feet.

This is the true Chaos Eucharist!

Ling Xiao felt the pressure, but the fighting intensified more and more, pinched the invincible fist print, Jinxia sprayed around the body, Long Yin shook Jiu Xiao, and a golden dragon slain towards the Wuji Son!


Void concussion, blazing divine light swept away, so that this heavenly palace is violently concussion, Ling Xiao and Promise Son are flying up at the same time!

ps: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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