Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2203: Chaos Eucharist!


Ling Xiao and the Promise Son spread across the void, and the speed reached the extreme, like two golden shadows, each collision was like a volcanic eruption, spraying an endless blazing divine light.


Wu Ji Sheng Zi's eyes were indifferent, screaming, and his whole body shook like thunder.

Chaos gas spewed out of his body, Wuji Son exuded endless power fluctuations, and the terror was to the extreme, his body seemed to be able to prop up the sky, so that the four sides of the world were shaking, and the vast chaotic light all around was pouring in Into his body.

The Promise Son of the Promise has his unpredictable Tianwei between his hands and feet. His whole body and the Avenue meet, and every move contains the power of the Law of the Avenue. A chain of gods of order traverses the sky dome and completely seals the surroundings.

This is the true Chaos Eucharist, capable of controlling chaos, controlling the avenue, sweeping everything, invincible!


The sound of Longyin vibrates the sky, Lingxiao urges the mysterious dragon's secret technique, the whole body shines golden light, and the vast dragon's power sprays out. A golden dragon shadow emerges, which looks lifelike. The sound of Longyin seems to shatter the world. Unmatched.

"Zu Long Quan!"

Ling Xiao took a scream, and his body merged with the golden dragon, turning into a golden dragon to fight towards the endless Son, and the huge dragon claw turned into a fierce fist print, suppressing the Quartet .

Ling Xiao cultivated the Zulong mystery to the state of Dacheng, and it was only one step away from complete completion. Although this step was not easy to take, Ling Xiao glimpsed a trace of the divine power of the Zulong body from it, and evolved infinitely. Zu Long Quan, and the Promise Son, launched a fierce battle.

"Chaos opens the palm!"

The Wuji Prodigal Son's whole body rises in chaos, and it seems that there is a rising sun and moon among his eyes. He claps his hands to Ling Xiao, the imprint of the palm is vast and unparalleled, as if he can open up the earth and contain the supreme power.

The collision between Zulongquan and Chaos opened the palm of the sky, which was also the physical confrontation between Ling Xiao and Promise Son. It instantly set off a terrifying hurricane, directly annihilating the surrounding voids.

There is a mysterious formation space in the Temple of Heaven, which has transformed into mountains and rivers, but even so, the Temple of Heaven is trembling violently, as if some cannot bear the battle between Promise Son and Ling Xiao.

boom! boom! boom!

When the fists collided, the sound of thunder like thunder was remembered in the void, causing the four sky domes to tremble and tremble. A crack appeared in the void, and a turbulent flow of void overflowed from it.

Ling Xiao and Wu Ji Sheng Zi traverse the sky dome, as if they did not care about the torn void, and there is endless divine power between their shots, as if they can kill all the creatures.

"Too strong! Why is this Long Aotian so strong?"

Yuanchen Shengzi's expression shook, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Although he was on the verge of watching battles outside, he could still feel that the horrible fluctuations during the battle between Ling Xiao and Promise Son made him feel trembling.

Yuanchen Shengzi knows the power of Wuji Son very much. Chaos Holy Body is known as the first Holy Body of the heavens. It is not a false statement. It is said to be invincible of the same rank. It not only possesses the chaotic flesh, but also possesses the immortal Chaos Yuanshen, and Born to be close to the road, the strength is extremely terrifying.

But he did not expect that Ling Xiao was lower than the Promise Son, but his strength was extremely terrifying, and he could even compete with the Promise Son.

"Chaos means!"

Wu Ji Sheng Zi's eyes were sharp, and he knew that Ling Xiao was powerful, so he didn't keep his hand in the slightest. His first shot was Chaos Tianzong's supreme holy law, and his power was unmatched.

He pointed toward Ling Xiao's eyebrows with one finger, and his fingers were in the void, and the distance of hundreds of millions of miles was fleeting. This finger was extremely sharp, which locked Ling Xiao's eyebrows and wanted to directly destroy Lingxiao's Yuanshen. .

"Indestructible seal!"

In Ling Xiao's eyes, the gods burst into flash, squeezing the invincible fist print, and an immortal wave radiated around him, Ling Ling blasted towards the Promise Son.

This is a killing trick in the holy law of immortality, which can kill the heavens and break everything.


The immortal seal and the chaotic fingers collided, igniting a fierce chaotic light, just like the fighting between gold and iron, fierce and unmatched.

The chaotic finger of Promise Son seems to be only one finger, but it contains tens of thousands of changes. After being blocked by the indestructible seal, it began to stab toward Ling Xiao's whole body, and Ling Li was like sword light.

Ling Xiao exhibited the immortal seal, and a residual image appeared around him, constantly colliding with Ling Chao's chaotic fingers, making the gods flash in the void, and the world roared.


Promise Son seemed to grab a flaw in Ling Xiao, turned his fingers into palms, and fell down across the sky. Suddenly a fiery blade of light passed through the gap and cut directly towards Ling Xiao's head!


Ling Xiao didn't seem to resist it, coupled with the extremely fierce sharpness of Wu Ji Sheng Zi, he even split him directly into two halves, and then broke up in the void.

"Huh? Move the secret technique?"

The edge of Promise Son's eyes flickered, and suddenly realized that he was only a residual image of beheaded, and then he didn't want to take a palm shot behind Rumble!

The vast chaos spewed out. Behind the Promise Son, Ling Xiao just emerged. A punch was about to blast towards the back of Promise Son, but was blocked by this palm.


The fiery lightning erupted, and the huge anti-shock force let the Promise Son fly by the force, and Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and the whole body spun like a gyro.

He let go of the powerful force of the anti-shock, and then kicked out of the air, and went directly to the door of Wuji Son.

"court death!"

Wu Ji Shengzi's face was cold, and Ling Xiao did so, which seemed to him to be contempt and insult, and suddenly a anger appeared in his heart, and a sharp sword light came out of his palm, turning into a fierce blaze. Jiangang, want to cut off your leg directly below zero.


On Ling Xiao's feet, there was a sudden dragon stunned, a golden dragon scale emerged, and after colliding with Jiangang, a brilliant Mars burst out.

Ling Xiao's body folds in the void and draws in the air at an incredible angle. The whole person seems to form a big bow, and the pinch of the invincible fist is an arrow, and he suddenly shoots towards the Promise Son!


Ling Xiao's body is also full of chaos. He casts the fist of Heavenly Emperor, and a mysterious three thousand world phantom emerges from his body. The fist seal contains immense power, capable of killing everything, and letting him exude a kind of body. Majestic and overbearing breath.

Heavenly Emperor's Fist is Ling Xiao's most powerful Emperor's Art today, and has infinite potential. Every time Ling Xiao exerts it, he can feel that Heavenly Emperor's Fist is extremely powerful, as if it is endless.

Facing the fist of Heavenly Emperor, even the Promise Son became slightly discolored.

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