Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2204: The power of Chaos Mystery!


In the face of the unparalleled fist of the heavenly emperor, the chaotic light flashes around the body of Wuji, and the chaos opens the sky to the sky. The huge palm print contains the mysterious world phantom, just like the world is open, colliding Together.

The fist of Heavenly Emperor was so fierce. When Ling Xiao exerted this fist, whether it was the fist or the state of mind, he seemed to have transformed into the ancient Heavenly Emperor.

Rao is very powerful in Chaos Open Heaven, but he was still broken by the fist of Heavenly Emperor, the chaotic light of the sky exploded, Wuji Son felt his arms numb, shaking all over, his mouth snorted, and then flew straight out .

what? !

Yuanchen Shengzi shuddered, a little stunned.

Was Shengji Son injured by Ling Xiao so quickly? Could it be that he is defeated in Ling Xiao's hands today, ending the invincible myth?

You have to know that Wuji Son has been invincible since its debut. In the chaotic ancient land, whether it is the pride of the human race or the evil spirits of the heavens and the world, all have been defeated in the hands of Wuji Son, even if it is a devil. The Devil Emperor of the Clan was also defeated by him.

Wu Ji Sheng Zi thinks highly of himself. His real goal is the legendary Tian Zi. He wants to defeat the Son of Heaven Emperor and become the first person in the ages. He will step into the position of the Son of Heaven and dominate this opportunity.

But looking at the outcome of the battle in front of him, wouldn't he be defeated in Ling Xiao's hands by waiting for him to fight with the Son of Heaven?

What about the Chaos Eucharist? Isn't it still to be defeated by Ling Xiao, Long Aotian? You are still too weak! Hahaha

The old goat laughed arrogantly, his eyes full of pride.

In this battle, Ling Xiao will win!

Wuliang Taoist also smiled faintly, full of strong confidence in Ling Xiao.

Although neither Jinse nor Feng Qingyang said anything, their looks were calm, as if they didn't worry about Ling Xiao at all, thinking that the outcome of this battle was doomed.

Since Ling Xiao entered the chaotic ancient land, he has succumbed to the evil spirits and overwhelmed the invincible heroes. They are full of confidence in Ling Xiao, not to mention the Promise Son, even if Tian Zi and Ling Xiao fight, they believe that they will win. Must be Ling Xiao.

Long Aotian, you completely angered me!

Promise Son wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Ling Xiao with indifferent eyes.

There seemed to be a terrifying breath rising in his body. In the chaotic light, the mysterious road runes permeated, as if covering the world.

The so-called Chaos Eucharist is nothing more than that! Since you are the son of Chaos Tianzong, should you be able to do Chaos? Use Chaos Mystery, otherwise you are not my opponent!

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his eyes full of powerful fighting intent.

Among the twelve days of skill, the mystery of chaos is also the well-deserved first. The legend contains the secrets of the heavens and the world, which can break all the laws and sweep the invincible.

The most anticipated nature of Ling Xiao is also the Chaos Mystery. He wants to see whether there is a Chaos Mystery from the Wuji Son. If the Wuji Shengzi has a Chaos Mystic, he will get the Chaos Mystery at all costs.

Want to see Chaos Secret? well! In this case, then I will fulfill you, and I will let you know what is the real Chaos Eucharist!

The eyes of the Promise Son are indifferent, as if the ageless ice can freeze everything.


There was a fiery chaotic light spraying out all around him, and the mysterious atmosphere around him was so violent that it caused countless mysterious scenes around him, like the birth and death of the universe, and like the fight for hegemony, and the body of the Wuji Shengzi was scattered. An immortal wave.

His breath began to skyrocket, and the whole person stood between the sky and the earth. There was a trembling wave in his body. There was a law rune flashing in his body. The whole person and the road merged, and all around exploded. A blazing thunder.


He took a step, the sky was broken, and a punch came out, and everything returned to the market.

Overbearing to the extreme fist seal suppressed towards Ling Xiao, containing the power of annihilation, so that the Sifang sky dome is shaking.

Ling Xiao's heart vibrated as if he felt a certain force that could not be overcome. At the moment, facing the Promise Son, he had an irresistible illusion.

Is this the mystery of chaos? Come on!

The fighting intent of Ling Xiao's eyes rose, and there was a fierce thunder bursting around him. The original light of thunder emerged, turning him into a thundering emperor who overwhelmed the ancients, wrapped in a thundering thunder, and killed the Son of Wuji!

The mystery of heaven penalty exploded

At the same time, the chaotic light rising above Ling Xiao's head emerged with a sword, a gun and a sword, and the four powerful imperial soldiers were intertwined with each other, like a storm of divine light, which drove the battle of the heavens to the extreme.

With the punishment of heaven penalty and the secret technique of battle heaven, to contend the Promise Son, Ling Xiao urged the most powerful force.


The blazing divine light burst instantly.

It was like two bright suns exploding and like endless volcanic eruptions, Ling Xiao and Promise Son, launched a fierce battle on the sky.

The sky-wide thunderlight shot toward the Promise Son, but his chaotic fist prints were unparalleled, and there was a kind of non-intrusive breath fluctuation around him. With a single blow, he could directly break the sky-wide thunderlight.

The Promise Son stepped forward. Between the dragons and the tigers, the four corners of the world shook with his shot. The invincible fist prints continued to fall towards Ling Xiao, causing Ling Xiao to tremble and burst into a fiery storm of divine light.

Although the punishment of heaven penalty is unmatched, it seems to be restrained by the mystery of chaos. The original thunder is all assimilated by chaos, and disappears completely without a trace.

The four emperor soldiers of Yan Di Ding's seven killing swords, broken army guns, and Greedy Swords are suspended around Ling Xiao, and there is a fierce murder. The volley and the Promise of the Prodigal Son are fighting each other. Each blow will make the sky dome shake, the sun and moon broken, huge 'S Tiangong seems to burst at any time.

Wu Ji Sheng Zi exhibited the mystery of chaos, as if he had transformed into an ancient emperor, pushing the sun, moon, and stars, all the heavens and all realms were born and died under his feet, and all the powerful spirits were transformed into nothingness in chaos. .

Every time Ling Xiao collided with Promise Son, he was blown out by Promise Son. If he were not protected by the imprints of the four Great Dao Emperors, he would have been seriously injured.

The Chaos Mystery of the Promise Son made his terror to the extreme, and he was able to contend with Ji Dao Emperor Wei. Even the four Grand Ji Dao soldiers, there is no way to break through his chaotic light defense at this moment.

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao was like a ball, and was blown out by Promise Son, as if there was no way to form an effective resistance and counterattack!

: There are only two changes today, everyone take a break early.

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