Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2207: War Demon Sage!

Headed by two old men with white hair, one wearing a black robe and one wearing a white robe, the old black robe has a dark and evil breath, but the old white robe is full of holy breath. The two have very different breaths, but the body However, all of them contain the power of the Devil's origin.

These two elders, surrounded by the prestige of the prestige, the breath is vast and unparalleled, they are all saints!

The two saints took thousands of strong men to siege Ling Xiao and Promise Son, and others. The kind of breath was extremely terrifying, and the air was trembling, making the void tremble like a thousand horses and horses, and the momentum was amazing.

"There are so many monsters?"

The old goat was frightened. He didn't expect that the Wuji Prodigal Son's punch was like stab the horse honeycomb, which directly led to the two demon saints and thousands of powerful demon clan.

"Just now they said Young Master? Could it be that there are demons' arrogant evildoers or emperors practicing here?"

The eyes of the unscrupulous Daoist flashed, and they heard the key point.

"It can protect two demon saints, I think this palace is absolutely extraordinary, it is probably the inheritance of Devil Emperor!"

Feng Qingyang also said coldly.

"Human race? You dare to disturb my young master's cultivation, then leave all your life!"

The black robe sage said coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"These people seem to be geniuses of the human race. They have powerful qi and blood and extraordinary strength. If they refine their flesh and blood, they might even increase our strength! Black Brother, he will change soon, kill them first! "

The white robe sage also said indifferently.


The two of them were filled with holy prestige, and their breath was terrifying, as if darkness and light were intertwined, causing the two of them to explode into the strongest power fluctuations.

"A group of devil cubs are nothing more than chickens and dogs! Long Aotian, just did not make a difference. We are not as good as the two old dogs. Let's see who slaughtered first, how?"

Promise Son stared at the two demon saints in front of him, a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

In his view, these two demon saints are like prey in his hands, there is no fear at all, but they are eager to try and want to do the holy act!

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao nodded and said that the murderous intention in his eyes was like substance.

The hatred of the human race and the demon race has begun since the beginning of the era.

Legend has it that the last era was the Demon Era, and the human race was extremely miserable. They were regarded as pigs, dogs, cattle, and sheep by the Demon Clan.

It was the darkest time of the human race. The extremely terrible human race died tragically, and had already forged a **** hatred with the demons.

At the end of the Demon Era, there was a peerless arrogance of the human race, and when the emperor came out, it would be dead forever. Only then did the human race really have hope, and gradually got rid of the control of the demon race, and in the era of calamity, and the heavens and the world The strong contested, and eventually became the master of the era, creating a human era.

But the background of the Demon Race is extremely deep. There are more than one strong at the level of the Emperor alone. Although the Human Race has appeared the shocking and beautiful Nine Emperor, but it is said that several of the Nine Emperors of the Human Race died in the Devil. In the hands of the tribe.

This **** enmity has continued from the beginning of the Human Race era to the present, so that when the Human Race and the Demon Race meet, there must be a **** battle, and only one person can survive.

Therefore, Ling Xiao met the demon strong, always killing without amnesty, without any hesitation.

"court death!"

The words of Promise Son and Ling Xiao completely irritated the two demon saints. Although they saw that Ling Xiao and Promise Son were extraordinary, but after all, they had not yet preached sanctification, they even wanted to slaughter Holy, aroused the endless killing intention in the hearts of the two.


The white robe sage and the white robe sage pervaded the body, and shot at the same time!

The two of them, one exudes a dark breath, one exudes endless light, intertwined with each other, the light and darkness cover the entire sky dome, containing a monstrous murderous intention.

And the thousands of powerful demon around them were all roared and killed, just like thousands of horses charged in battle, that terrifying breath made people tremble. If they are ordinary people, I am afraid that even if the battle is too late, they will be killed. Kill directly.

"Old dog in black robe is mine!"

Promise Son said coldly that he was the first to kill towards the black robe saint, his chaotic light was thin throughout, he did not use any magical powers, just a simple punch!


The sky dome seemed to explode, the endless black magic light surged violently, the punch of the world's supreme world illuminated the shock among the eyes of the black robe saint, and then burst out.

In the void, light and darkness are intertwined, but in front of the fist of Promise Son, it is broken directly, and Promise Son is killing towards the black robe.


The murderous flashes in Ling Xiao's eyes stared at the white robe saint.

When he was from the God of War Realm, he once fought against the Demon Clan Powerhouse. From the Demon Clan of the Realm, the Demon Clan of the Divine Realm, the Demon Clan of the Semi-Holy Realm, and the Sage of the Demon Clan, he accumulated a wealth of experience.

Ling Xiao has long known **** the Demon Strong with the fastest speed.

He cast the secret technique to move in the sky, his arms seemed to push the sun, moon and stars, and the vast sea of ​​swallowing gods exploded behind him, and the vast robe came towards the white robe saint. UU Reading

The mystery of swallowing the sky is the supreme power of restraining the demon strong, and it is unfavorable, even for the demon sage.


The five of Lao Goat, Jin Se, Wu Liang Dao Ren, Feng Qing Yang and Yuan Chen Sheng Zi were killed towards the thousands of powerful demon clan, they are all powerful in the three worlds, one The momentum is like a rainbow, the shot is fierce, like a tiger entering the flock, and a massacre is launched.

The strong forces of the Demon Races formed a strong battle line with each other, but in front of the strong men in the three realms, they were shredded and crushed like paper paste, and then they were completely bombarded.

There is a thick blood in the void, and there are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, just like the asura hell.


The black robe sage tried his best to block the chaotic fist of the Promise Son, but he found that the fist of the Promise Son became more and more overbearing, and locked him completely so that he had nowhere to escape.

Although the black robe saint is the cultivation of the saint realm and has the power of the law of the avenue, the chaos of the son of the Promise Son pervades the whole body, and the law does not invade, resulting in the attack of the Saint of the Black Robe.

The black robe sage succumbed incomparably, and it was almost not long before it fell completely into the disadvantage.

The white robe on the other side looks even more miserable.


The vast sea of ​​devouring gods exploded like a mysterious devouring the world, and the white robe saints were trapped directly in it. The exploding power of the heavenly gods began to devour the original power of the white robe saints, so that the white robe saints were all The souls of death are struggling, struggling violently, but there is no way to escape from the envelope of swallowing the sea of ​​gods!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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