Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2208: Chaos Daoguang!


Ling Xiao's eyes were sharp and unmatched, and a fist burst out, the chaotic light of the whole body rose, and the virtual shadow of the three thousand worlds appeared, and the fist of Heavenly Emperor broke out completely.

The white robe saint, who was already deep in the sea of ​​devouring gods, changed his face greatly, and the blazing light around his body was thin. He even grew a pair of white and flawless wings behind him. He rose from the sky, struggling out of the enveloped area of ​​the sea of ​​devouring gods. To flee Ling Xiao's punch.

As a saint, he has a keen sense of perception and can perceive the horror of Ling Xiao's punch, which is simply not something he can resist.


The fierce fist prints suppressed, and the speed of the white robe saint was still a little slow.

The wings behind him burst into burst, and the fist of the Heavenly Emperor hit his chest, directly penetrating him, blood and rain flew in the void, and it looked extremely cruel!


Ling Xiao said in a cold voice that the mystery of swallowing heaven broke out again, completely swallowing the white robe saint into it. This time the white robe saint had no resistance at all, and the whole person burst into bursts. .

The saint and the avenue are combined, and the flesh is nourished by the origin of the avenue at all times. The blood and flesh of the white robe sage contains incomparable power. At this moment, all are swallowed by Ling Xiao. The breath began to skyrocket.

On the other side, the chaotic light of Wuji Prodigal Son thinned out, and he grabbed the black robe saint with his arms, and the unparalleled divine power exploded, directly tearing the black robe saint's life in half, extremely fierce!


Wuji Shengzi frowned slightly. He didn't expect that he would still fall behind Ling Xiao and beheaded the white robe saint by Ling Xiao!


Ling Xiao smiled faintly at Wuji.


Wu Ji Sheng Zi snorted coldly, feeling very bad, his whole body was boiling with indignation, and rushed towards those powerful demon races instantly, he punched like a dragon, with powerful and unparalleled power fluctuations, almost every punch Next, there will be a demon strong who explodes into blood mist, and the soul is completely scattered.

The two great saints of the Demon Race were killed by Ling Xiao and Wuji Son in a blink of an eye, without the slightest resistance.

And the thousands of powerful demon clan were completely shocked, a look of terrified expression in their eyes, and some despair.

But none of them fled or begged for mercy, their eyes became fiercer and fierce, and the fiery glare around them all burned the source of life and killed them towards Ling Xiao and others.

boom! boom! boom!

They exploded one by one in the void, setting off a fierce storm of divine light, and wanted to die with Ling Xiao and others.

But the gap is still too large, their death is destined to have no value at all, and it will not be long before all the demon powerhouses are slaughtered and all beheaded.

There is a thick **** smell in the void, and the broken limbs are flying around like broken asura hell.


Ling Xiao and Wu Ji Shengzi glanced at each other, and they all rushed towards the huge black palace, and the strongest force erupted around them, and began to bombard the demon enchantment around the black palace.

They did not relax at all, because they knew that there was a demon evil in the black palace. At this moment, they may be practicing the supreme mystery of the demon, or they are accepting the inheritance of the strongest.

Being able to have two saints and so many demon clan protectors, it can be seen that the demon power of that demon is also extremely terrifying, and they must not be relaxed at all.


The Wuji Prodigal Son burst into the Supreme Chaos Open Heavenly Palm, and each palm imprint contains the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, blasting on the demon enchantment, making the demon enchantment tremble violently.

Ling Xiao sacrificed Fan Tianyin to suppress the demon enchantment with Fan Tianyin's peerless power. Fan Tianyin is the supreme treasure, containing the power of the divine emperor, and at the same time, the Spirit Thunder King Obtained the punishment secrets of heaven punishment taught by Ling Xiao, and possessed the punishment of heaven punishment. Upon falling down, there were pieces of runes exploding, making the demon enchantment trembling.

"Fan Tianyin? It seems that just fighting me, he didn't show all his cards!"

A glance flashed in the eyes of Promise Son, glancing at Ling Xiao, thinking secretly in his heart.

Fan Tianyin's power is terrifying, especially he can feel the divine power in it, which makes him secretly shocked. He is more cautious about Ling Xiao in his heart.


A moment later, under the joint attack of Ling Xiao and Promise Son, the demon enchantment exploded suddenly, and the endless magic light surged across the four sides like a storm, while also revealing the most central huge palace .

It was a demon palace floating above the nine days, surrounded by a black magic energy, and the whole body was made of some mysterious metal, exuding the ancient, mysterious and majestic atmosphere fluctuations.

This black palace does not know how many years it has existed, it looks magnificent and extraordinary, let Ling Xiao take a look at it, and there is a small sense in his And at this moment, the two black doors are closed , But Ling Xiao and Promise Son can feel that there is a thick **** gas in the black palace, and the roar of fierce beasts, shaking the Quartet Sky, which seems to be undergoing some kind of mysterious transformation.

"No! No matter who is inside, you must stop him!"

Ling Xiao's eyes became extremely sharp, and a strong sense of crisis appeared in his heart. That was the secret technique of destiny and Wu Zi Tian Shu warned him, as if he had done nothing, and he would soon be in great trouble.


Ling Xiao didn't think about it, Fantianyin suddenly rose like a black ancient mountain, the thunder around was fierce, the chaotic light was surging, and a vast pole of dignity exploded from it, and suddenly turned towards the black palace Suppress.

There was a tremendous loud noise in the void, and the black palace trembles violently, with many black rune ancient characters appearing on it, and in an instant infinite amount of light bloomed, spreading in all directions.

However, the black palace is stronger than Ling Xiao’s imagination. Fan Tianyin’s such a fierce blow, even the sage must be suppressed into instant powder, even if it is a super sacred treasure, it must be completely reduced to scrap copper. .

But the Black Palace was unscathed.


An ancient and mysterious voice erupted from the mouth of Wuji Son.


His eyebrows seemed to be split, the endless divine light was raging, and a fierce knife light burst out of his eyebrows, vaguely as if there was a mysterious figure, making that knife light blazing to the extreme, like It is able to cut through the heavens and the world, destroy all creatures, and bring everything back to chaos.

The horrible chaotic sword light, fell across the sky towards the black palace.

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