Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2211: Unlimited blood world!


The figure of the Blood Prisoner was annihilated under Ling Xiao's fist, and the golden dragon rolled in the long river of blood, constantly blasting the light from the surrounding swords into powder.

In the vagueness, the void is completely broken, and the **** river spreads in the endless turbulence of the void, and all vitality should be buried completely.


The Promise Son rises into the sky, and he steps on the void, and the chaotic light around him is surging. There is a mysterious scene between his arms. Pushing out in a flash, a fierce chaotic light separates the world and toward the blood prisoner. Cut down.

The Blood Prison Sword River was cut in half by the chaotic light, and the endless sword light burst into pieces!


The figure of the blood prisoner flew out of the void.

At the same time, a golden fist seal circling the three thousand worlds, just like the ancient heavenly emperor fighting against the chaotic demon, coming from nine days away, containing a domineering and mysterious power fluctuation.

"court death!"

A **** emperor's face showed a startled and angry look, and he shot it across the sky. A series of **** runes gathered in front of him, and in an instant an ancient **** shield was formed.

Above the shield, there is a mysterious figure sitting vaguely, containing a fierce and violent atmosphere.


The fist of Ling Xiao's Heavenly Emperor fell, and the **** shield shook violently, and a rune burst from above, and then was suddenly penetrated by a punch of Ling Xiao.

The terrifying fist prints continued unabated, and directly hit the chest of the blood prisoner!

Ling Xiao's eyes were full of cold killing intentions. His fist gathered his unparalleled divine power, and even burst out the supreme power of Zulong's secret technique. He was confident in front of this fist, even if it was The blood prisoner will not be dead, but he will also be hit hard!


A crisp voice sounded, and a **** enchantment appeared in the body of the blood prisoner, and Ling Xiao's fist of the heavenly emperor was unparalleled, but it only made the **** enchantment slightly tremble, and there was no way to break it. Open the defense of Scarlet Enchantment.

"Even if the saint has no way to break the infinite blood realm of this seat, how can you fight me? Die!"

The eyes of the blood prison prince were full of cold killing intentions, sneered, and then volleyed a finger at Ling Xiao's brow.


The blood prisoner's fingers are shining brilliantly, like a piece of blood-colored jade, but it is extremely fierce and contains all the power fluctuations that penetrate through it.


Ling Xiao fell with his palm and collided with the finger of the blood prisoner, bursting the sound of gold and iron clashes, Mars was shooting, and a circle of ripples burst in the void, Ling Xiao and the blood prisoner The children are all going backwards at the same time.

At the same time, the Promise Son also appeared behind the Blood Prison Emperor, punching him into his heart nest, chaotic punches were fierce, but also immediately touched a circle of **** enchantment, and then was blocked.

"Infinite Blood Realm?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were shocked, he could feel that the circle of **** enchantment around the blood prisoner had countless small runes intertwined, and there seemed to be a mysterious world around the blood prisoner , Looks perfect.

Every **** particle can differentiate into a world, as if there are countless scenes of the birth and death of the world, leading to the attacks of Ling Xiao and Promise Son, after touching the **** enchantment, they are instantly divided into countless ways, being Those small worlds are absorbed.

Unless Ling Xiao and Promise Son can have ten times and one hundred times the power of Blood Heirs, there is no way to smash the Blood Heirs' infinite blood realm.

It can be said that the Prince of Blood Prison has naturally become invincible.

"Infinite Blood Realm? Then I will break your turtle shell!"

The eyes of the Promise Son are full of sharpness, the chaotic light rises in his palm, and a mysterious ancient knife emerges in an instant, intertwined with chaos, making the voids tremble slightly, the most important thing is Ling Xiao I can feel that there is a strong pole of Diwei emerged.

"Is this...Ji Dao Imperial Soldier? No, it's not a complete Ji Dao Imperial Soldier, it's a bit crippled!"

Ling Xiao's heart shook, and the ancient knife in Wuji's son made him feel a strong danger, but when he looked carefully, it was not a complete ancient knife. The tip of the knife broke, but only a broken knife .

Incomplete imperial emperor soldier!

But even so, that terrifying extreme divine power also changed the face of everyone around.

"Incomplete Imperial Soldier?"

The blood prisoner's face changed slightly, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, but then he flashed away, but instead showed a hint of greed.

The Ji Dao Emperor Soldier is the treasure of the Supreme Emperor, and contains the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Even if he is the heir of the Blood Prison Emperor, there is no Ji Dao Emperor Soldier.

An incomplete imperial imperial soldier is also enough to drive countless people crazy.


The broken knife in the palm of the Promise Son, the chaotic light spewed out, and a blazing knife light suddenly rose in the void, and turned into a thousand feet, and the horizontal sky fell towards the blood prisoner. Dao Di Wei sprayed out from it, and the laws of the surrounding roads seemed to be broken in an instant. This is a peerless sword, and the power of destroying the world is exploded with one shot. .

The Blood Prison Emperor didn't dare to neglect, Rao was that he had extremely strong and careful attention to the infinite blood realm, but he didn't dare to let Wu Ji Shengzi's broken knife directly cut him.


He stood up, like a **** lightning, approaching the extreme, wanting to avoid the knife of the Promise Son.


At the same time, Ling Xiao also shot!

Fan Tianyin rose in the sky in his palm, and rose up in the void, like a black mountain, containing a thick and ancient power.

The King of Thunder Spirit sits in the Fan Tianyin, the thunder of the whole body rises, and displays the secret technique of heaven punishment. On the sky of the Fan Tianyin, it seems that an eye of heaven punishment appears, rumbling towards the blood prisoner Down.

Ling Xiao's shot was just right. It was when the Blood Prisoner wanted to rise in the sky, avoiding the knife of the Promise Son, Fan Tianyin blocked the space around the Blood Prisoner and suppressed him towards him, letting him avoid Inevitable.

"Asshole, you are dead!"

The murder in the eyes of the blood prisoner was like substance. He seemed to be completely violent, and a **** sickle appeared in his palm, slashing towards the sky.


Fan Tianyin was suppressed, and he collided with the **** sickle. In an instant, he shot a very violent wave of divine light, and the thunder bursts thinly, and the blood prisoner was enveloped in an instant.

The punishment of heaven punishment contains the power fluctuations from yang to gang, which can annihilate everything, and has a strong restraint against the evil power.

(End of this chapter)

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