Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2212: Blood Demon Emperor

Zi Zi!

The blood prisoner's whole body seemed to be corroded by some kind of power. The blood of his whole body was broken by thunder, and even the infinite blood world began to tremble violently.

"This is... this is the secret technique of heaven punishment?!"

The blood prisoner seemed to think of something, his face became very ugly.

He hadn't paid attention before, but after the punishment Thunder Light completely surrounded him on that day, the horrible thunder broke through the heavy blood, and he suddenly remembered it. This is the legendary punishment of Heavenly Penalty, the most restraint. Powerhouses such as demons have dark energy.


At the same time, the knife of the Promise Son was also chopped on the body of the Blood Priest. His blood was exploding around him, and the infinite blood realm was also trembling violently. The **** runes were dazzling, and the tiny world was broken at the same time. In the end, the Infinite Blood Realm seemed to have reached the limit of endurance, and was somewhat unstable.

"Go away!"

The Blood Prison Emperor was frightened, and the blood around him seemed to be burning, and a force of devastation exploded, and a **** flame spewed out of his body, sweeping towards the surroundings.

Both Fan Tianyin and the broken knife were slightly trembling, blocked by the **** flame, and the Blood Prisoner took the opportunity to retreat!

"This is what you call the Infinite Blood Realm? It's just that! Blood Emperor, die!"

Wu Ji Sheng Zi sneered.

"Your tortoise shell is about to break? The blood prison prince, grab his hand and capture, Mo Yaoyu will resist!"

Ling Xiao also said faintly that Fan Tianyin floated on top of his head, exuding a wave of horrible breath, locking the blood prisoner.

The blood prisoner's face was extremely ugly. He did not expect that the strength of Ling Xiao and Wu Ji Sheng Zi was so strong, and the endless cards came out endlessly, beyond his control. The result of this battle also became unpredictable. Got up.

Like a certain determination, there was a hint of madness in the eyes of the blood prisoner: "This is what you forced me to do!"


The blood prisoner's body swelled in an instant, and then the endless blood rose into the sky, just like the blood in his body was drained, and a terrifying breath burst out of his body.

On the head of the blood prisoner, a mysterious **** figure appeared, surrounded by endless blood, a chain of **** gods of order intertwined, and the runes rose, as if a world emerged.

That **** figure, like an invincible emperor, stood above the Nine Heavens, exuding a wave of breath that made everyone's hearts tremble.

"Blood Devil Emperor, kill me!"

The blood prisoner's face was extremely pale, and his whole body became shriveled, as if the strength of his whole body had been evacuated. He suddenly pointed at Ling Xiao and Promise Son Road, and his eyes were full of hatred and murder.

"Blood Demon Emperor?"

Both Ling Xiao and Promise Son couldn't help but change their faces.

Although they don't know who the blood demon emperor is, the words "Emperor" seem to be like a thunder blasting in the void, so that their looks have become extremely dignified.

The emperor is the supreme strongman, surpassing the strong person of the holy way, half of his feet stepped into the realm of the emperor, which can also be called a quasi-emperor, only half a step away from the supreme emperor.

The strength of this peerless figure is extremely terrifying. Even if the sage and the big sage are in front of the emperor, they are just like ants, they can be pinched to death.

The Blood Prison Emperor actually said that the figure in the void was the Blood Demon Emperor, which naturally made Ling Xiao and Promise Son extremely shocked.


The blood demon emperor's figure looks very vague and his eyes are closed, but Ling Xiao and Promise Son can feel a powerful momentum.

That figure Ling Kong took a picture towards Ling Xiao and Wu Ji Sheng Zi. The **** palm print enveloped this side of the sky, locking Ling Xiao and Wu Ji Sheng Zi, so that they had no room to dodge.


Wu Ji Sheng Zi took a whisper, the whole body of Chaos light rose, directly cast the Chaos Mystery, the broken knife in his hand burst into a fierce knife light, and the extreme power of Di Dao broke out completely, and the volley was towards that. Cut off with a figure.

Ling Xiao also exhibited Fan Tianyin and turned into an ancient **** to welcome him.

Both Ling Xiao and Promise Son understand the horror of the Blood Demon Emperor, whether it is a true emperor or not, but that kind of breath is enough for them to stay in line.

They all exerted the most powerful force and wanted to block this supreme blow.


The **** palm print is quaint and mysterious, intertwined with a mysterious rune, and with a sudden grip, it shattered the light of the sky, and the horizontal sky was shot on the broken knife, so that the broken knife buzzed, and then directly He flew out with Wuji Prodigy Son, making Wuji Prodigy Shocked, a spit of blood spurted from his mouth, and his breath became languishing!

And Fan Tianyin collided with that palm seal, and began to violently bang up. The pole Daowei that broke out in Fan Tianyin was also instantly annihilated. Together with Ling Xiao, the palm seal was shot down from the sky dome.


The earth trembles violently, and there is a very large palm print. Both Ling Xiao and Fan Tianyin are photographed into the Rao is Ling Xiao's physical strength is unmatched, and it seems to be falling apart at this moment. The same, the bones were broken apart, and his face became extremely pale!

The power of a palm, and even Si!

"His... terrifying! Ling Xiao is not going to be shot to death by this blood demon emperor?"

The old goat was shaking, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

"Blood Demon Emperor, is it possible that the Blood Demon Emperor has inherited the Blood Demon Emperor?"

The look of the unscrupulous Daoist is also somewhat dignified.

"You two still have the mood to chat here? Don't you shoot together? Or Ling Xiao will be beaten to death!"

Feng Qingyang glanced at the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist, and the blazing flames rose around him, taking the lead in the sky and slaying towards the blood demon emperor.

"Quickly save Ling Xiao!"

The old goat also reacted, and a wave of fluttering in the palm of his hand flew towards the blood demon emperor in an instant, a chain of order gods intertwined in the void, and the formation of the dense and dense array of laws appeared in the void. In, want to completely trap the blood demon emperor in it.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Wuliang Daoist is inferior to the microprojectile. From the back of him, a Dao Immortal Sword was shot suddenly. The sword light was fierce and sharp. In an instant, it turned into a Thousand Dao Sword Light.

"What a **** blood demon emperor, give me death!"

Even Yuanchen Shengzi was biting his teeth, his eyes were full of cold killing intentions, and with a wave of his hand, there were five flags rising out of the air in an instant, exuding powerful five-element fluctuations, and waving with the wind, just like the five gods and dragons rolled in anger Come, kill the blood demon emperor.

Everyone felt the power of the blood demon emperor, and they all shot together!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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