Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2219: The Darkness

The dark plate sat down and kept his mind, his expression looked very excited, full of anticipation, waiting for the Dark Devil Emperor to pass the Dark Scripture to him. .U

But Dark Lingxiao was sneering in his heart, and he was alert all over, and the power in his body was gathering, ready to attack the Dark Devil Emperor at any time.

After these two contacts and observations, Ling Xiao has discovered the weakness of the Dark Devil Emperor, and should be able to directly hit the Dark Devil Emperor.

After all, this old man is not strictly a Dark Devil Emperor in the strict sense, but a residual soul.

"Now I will pass on the Dark Scripture to you! The Dark Scripture is what I have learned from my life, and I have created my own atheistic scriptures and possessed the power of the gods and ghosts! I hope you can practice well and don't fall under the prestige of the emperor!

The Dark Devil Emperor said solemnly, with a solemn and majestic face, and then pointed his finger toward the dark Lingxiao's brow!


Dark Lingxiao did not resist. His eyebrows knew that there was a black ray of light directly exploding in the sea, a rune rising, chaotic light filled, like a mysterious scene of the earth, an ancient and mysterious emerged vaguely. The scriptures sounded like Ling Ling's ears like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

"Darkness is the source, chaos is the sky, everything is the body, all the spirits rotate..."

The ancient voice sounded, which contained the majesty and mystery of the avenue, and the dark sea of ​​consciousness trembling slightly with it, making him feel a dark and dead atmosphere shrouded in it, as if the four sides of the world, the ultimate destination of all living creatures It is an endless dark place.

"This is the real dark scripture..."

Ling Xiao was shocked in his heart. Although he had not practiced the Dark Scriptures, he confirmed almost instantly that the piece of Scripture that the Dark Devil passed to him was the Dark Scriptures.

That kind of darkness shrouded the chaos and turned into the heavens, so that the vast artistic conception of all souls returning to the reincarnation seemed to be able to destroy everything, and finally only eternal darkness remained.

Only the Darkness has such a terrifying mood and power!

However, Dark Lingxiao still did not dare to relax in the slightest, still alerting to the Dark Devil Emperor, and at the same time quickly accepting the inheritance of the Dark Classics.

But the true meaning of the No God Sutra is too vast, so that the dark Lingxiao is gradually lost.

What he did not know was that as he accepted the inheritance of the Darkness, his bones tremble slightly, and a dark breath wave radiated from it, ancient, pure and mysterious, vaguely emerging. An extremely mysterious and majestic breath.

The bones of the dark hills are covered with dense black runes. Each rune contains the law of the vast road, exuding eternal and immortal breath fluctuations, and there is a mysterious power, starting from the dark hills. Escaped from his bones.

He didn't know this change in Dark Lingxiao himself, and the Dark Devil Emperor didn't know about it.

"Have you lost it? Dare to covet the dark scriptures? Since you don't want to hand over a hundred Avenue flowers, then leave your life! You are more suitable than those Avenue flowers... !"

The dark Devil Emperor's face returned to an indifferent and cruel expression, and he smiled coldly, and there was a scorching color in his eyes. The dark light in the whole body was hot and unmatched, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and flew into the darkness. Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea.


The dark sea of ​​knowledge, like an endless thunder bloom in a flash, a huge, great shore, ancient and majestic black figure appeared in his knowledge of the sea, like a heavenly devil, radiating With an immortal momentum!

This figure is the dark devil emperor, he stared at the black primordial **** who had been covered by the darkness before his eyes, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"How many years...I can finally leave this ghost place! Dark Devil Emperor, you can't trap me, no one can trap me! When I get rid of the trap, the Dark Demons will be blood washed!"

He murmured to himself, exuding hatred and murderous intentions all over his body.

At this moment, the primordial spirit of the dark Lingxiao fell into the realm of enlightenment, shrouded by the infinite Taoism circulated by the dark scriptures, and he did not notice any strangeness at all. The primordial spirit seemed to be sleeping strangely, floating in the endless darkness In the constant absorption of the power of the dark scriptures, it becomes stronger and stronger.

The figure stared at the dark Lingxiao, and suddenly the black magic light surging around him, rushing across the sky, opened his mouth directly, as if transformed into a terrifying beast, and wanted to turn the dark Lingxiao's spirit Completely devoured.


The black magic light surging around, the dark scripture is the figure that passed to the dark Lingxiao, there is no slight hindrance to that figure, so that he instantly approached the dark spirit Xiaoyuan, the horror swallowed in his mouth The power broke out!

He actually wanted to take away the dark hills!

The original one hundred flowers of Avenue had a very important effect on him, but Dark Lingxiao seemed to be aware of it, so he gave up the Flowers of Avenue extremely decisively, tempted Dark Lingxiao with the dark scripture, and then started him Seize the house.

The dark Lingxiao in front of him contains a very rich dark magic energy, and has a dark sacred body, but he has not condensed the Dao fruit, which is an excellent furnace for him.

As long as he takes away the dark hills, he will be able to rebirth to leave this dark place!


Just when he was going to completely swallow the primordial spirit of the dark Lingxiao, he suddenly felt the sea oscillating around him, and a very mysterious sound wave permeated.

At the beginning, the sound wave was still very weak. At the end, it was like a big river. The waves hit the sky, and the thunder came like a million thunders.

The Yuanshen in the dark Lingxiao suddenly became illusory and disappeared in front of that figure.


The figure was completely stunned. I didn't expect that such a change would happen!


In the body of Dark Lingxiao, the endless expanse of dark divine light surged, a rune rose, and finally gathered together, turned into a soaring torrent and entered his sea of ​​knowledge.

A breath of terrifying terror emerged, vaguely transformed into a huge black palm print, intertwined with a mysterious pattern, as if all the heavens and all realms were under this palm, and hegemony came to an extreme.

"The person I chose is the one you dare to covet?"

The sound like thunder suddenly exploded in the dark sea of ​​consciousness, and the palm seal was rumbling towards the old man who claimed to be the dark devil.

"You are... you are... no!!!"

The old man's eyes showed a terrified look, as if he had thought of something, he could not help shouting, but his words had not been spoken, and the scary palm print fell, and the old man shivered violently. , Burst into burst at once.


The old man was shot into powder by the palm of his hand, and an extremely pure piece of Yuanshen fragment was released in an instant, which instantly merged into the dark sea of ​​knowledge. ()

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