Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2220: Split day!

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After the old man's Yuanshen shattered, the fragments were crystal clear, and an ancient and mysterious beast appeared vaguely in Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge. W

The fierce beast exudes a monstrous fierce air. It looks like a black one-horned rhinoceros, covered with black dragon scales. It looks like a mysterious rune, with the breath of the law of the Dao. His eyes are full of endless killing intentions and unwillingness.

It floats in the dark sea of ​​knowledge, as if it can tear the world at any time, and it is as if it is full of spirit.


The phantom of the fierce beast instantly entered the primordial spirit of the dark Lingxiao.

Dark Lingxiao burst into a vast black magic light around him, and the void around him was trembling violently. A mysterious rune appeared around him, and the whole person began to float.

The bones around him began to glow, exuding an extremely rich source of darkness, and a majestic momentum that did not belong to him erupted from his body.

The breath of dark hills began to rise, and two black flowers of avenues appeared on the top of his head, with a rich dark breath, swaying in the void.

As Dark Lingxiao's comprehension of the Darkness became deeper and deeper, he seemed to disappear into the dark void.

A wave of breakthrough broke out!


The black thunder light around him was fiercely dazzling, and the whole person instantly rose into the sky, and a pair of eyes opened slowly, like the sky and earth, making the world change color, majestic and mysterious.

The law of Dao has become a chain of gods of order, shrouded in his whole body, and a rune has been integrated into his body, making his breath more and more scary.

Above the head of the dark hill, the flower of the third avenue slowly bloomed!

In an instant, the sky was shaking, the chaos was boiling, as if all the heavens and earth were cheering in unison, and the vast avenue of gods sounded across the sky.

The flower of the third avenue looks convoluted and mysterious, with the flow of time flowing as if coming from the future, not in this world, so that the dark Lingxiao can vaguely see the long river of time, which comes from the front line of the future Heavenly machine.

"Is this heaven?"

Dark Ling Xiao said to herself, the streamer flashed in the eyes, and it looked very mysterious.

He felt that his whole body was filled with endless power, and the void could be broken between his hands and feet, and the power of the dark source flowed in his body, so that his physical body, Yuanshen and laws all reached a state of perfection.

The third heaven can also be said to be the twelve-turn half-holy. Once it breaks into the realm of the sage, it is the invincible holy.

Dark Lingxiao felt that after breaking through to the third heaven, the bottleneck of the holy realm completely disappeared, and he could prove his sanctification any time he wanted.

"It turns out that the old thing that claimed to be the Dark Devil Emperor turned out to be an ancient fierce beast?"

There is a weird color in the eyes of the dark hill.

It is the Dark Devil Emperor who surrendered to be an ancient fierce beast. The strength is horrible, and he fell with the Dark Demon Emperor, but he has also practiced the Dark Devil’s Dark Scriptures, but because of the fall for countless years This remnant soul can only survive in this dark place.

Ling Xiao refined the remnant soul of Tiantianxian, and also saw part of its memory. It turned out that it wanted Lingxiao to kill the strong man who walked in the sky and the three realms because of the flower of the avenue of the strong man who walked in the three realms. It is a big supplement, which can solidify its residual soul and make its strength skyrocket.

But it is a pity that Dark Lingxiao is more cautious, and did not give it the flower of the road, so Tiantianyan had to take the risk of passing the Dark Scripture to Ling Xiao, and then find a chance to seize it.

But it did not expect that not only did it not be able to seize the darkness, its remnant soul was also a complete dissipation of soul, and death was extremely suffocating.

"I just fell into a comatose state of involuntary thoughts when I was enlightening the Dark Sutra, how did the heavens die?"

After feeling the fear, Dark Lingxiao was very puzzled in his heart.

When he woke up, the remnant soul of Litianxian had been broken into countless pieces. As for how Litianxian died, Ling Xiao couldn't remember, nor did he find it in Litianxian's memory.

This uncontrolled feeling is very bad.

"Can it be that I have any power that can control the remnant soul of Tiancang?"

Dark Lingxiao thought secretly, but after a closer exploration, he found nothing.

He didn't even think about it, but played the dark script he got carefully.

"This dark scripture is indeed a no-god scripture, and it is in the same vein as the Dark Demon Sect's exercises. It contains the supreme power that points directly to the realm of the emperor! Soul sky old guy and Yuluosha, knowing that I am a dark body, But I didn’t pass the Dark Scripture to me, I’m afraid I’m not at ease! But they didn’t expect that I could get the complete Dark Scripture here!

I just heard Li Tianxuan said that it seems to know the whereabouts of the dark sky wheel, but why did I not see the news of the dark sky wheel from its memory? "

Dark Ling Xiao sneered and said to himself.

Dark Demon Sect is the Dark Devil Emperor's lineage, with a complete Dark Sutra, but it has not been passed to Dark Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao understands that Soul Sky Saint King and Jade Luosha still have reservations for him.

As for the Dark Sky is the Dark Devil Emperor's Apostolic Soldier. The Dark Devil Sect has been looking for the Dark Sky Wheel's whereabouts these years, but found nothing.

"According to the legend, there is an induction between the Dark Scripture and the Dark Sky Wheel. If the Dark Sky Wheel is in the ancient chaotic land, maybe I can find the Dark Sky Wheel's whereabouts by virtue of the Dark Scripture!

Dark Lingxiao's eyes lighted up slightly, and his heart was decided.

If he can be acquired by the imperial soldiers such as the Dark Sky Wheel, he will immediately have the invincible strength, even if he has the power to fight against the Great Saint and the Holy King, and he can even kill him.

The valley in front of him contains a rich source of darkness, which is a good place for him to practice the dark scriptures.

Dark Lingxiao simply stayed here and concentrated on the dark scriptures.


"Have you heard? Long Aotian of the Temple of War, beheaded the blood prisoner of the demon world, and got the supreme treasure of the blood prisoner!"

"Long Aotian? Isn't he dead? Didn't expect him to live to the ancient chaotic land!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that the human race would have such a peculiar Tianjiao. When the son of the heavenly emperor was in front of it, it already made people feel that the human race was endless.

"Hey, what about the evildoer? I've heard that the death of the Blood Prison Emperor made the Demon Realm anger, and even the Blood Prison Emperor lowered the decree, asking the Demon Realm to kill Long Aotian with all his strength! I heard that the original Emperor and the Undead The emperor, has begun to gather many powerful people of the Demon Race, ready to siege the dragon Aotian!"

"Surrounding the dragon and proud of the sky? Hiss... this is really crazy!"

In the chaotic ancient land, everyone began to discuss because of an explosive news. The entire chaotic ancient land was undercurrent and a storm brewed.

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