Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2225: Halloween Eats the Sky!

"It seems that you really want to be a tortoise! ​​Who will break this big battle for me?"

The original emperor sneered a sneer, and then said to the many powerful demon behind him.

"Sovereign Emperor, my Devil's Army is willing to break this battle!"

As soon as the primordial emperor's voice fell, the leader of the Devil's Legion stood up and knelt on one knee towards the primordial emperor. He said very respectfully.

The primordial emperor nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! The Demon Celestial's Halloween Bite hasn't been used for a long time. Wild wolf, today you will break this array with the Halloween Bite! "


The leader of the Devil's Army said with his fists clenched, and then stood up, facing the powerful tens of thousands of Devil's Army, a wave of extremely terrifying breath erupted throughout his body.


The wild wolf is also a powerful man who walks through the sky and the three realms. The whole body is full of magical energy, and the laws of the Dao are all oscillating with his breath. A fierce and violent momentum burst from him.

"Buwansheng bites the sky!"

The wolf screamed.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill..."

Suddenly, the Devil's Army started roaring up and down in unison. The sound was like a turbulent wave, sweeping the Quartet. The body of many black armor knights sprayed thinly, as if there were mysterious runes flashing between each other, and a terrifying momentum erupted. Now!

If you say that the former Devil's Legion is like a charge of thousands of horses, and the Devil's Legion that has formed the Great Divine Devouring Array at the moment, it is the ancient gods and demons that destroy the heavens and the earth, and that monstrous momentum makes people Trembling.


The empty space oscillates, and that kind of momentum alone distorts the surrounding space. The black armor knights of the Ten Thousand Demon Legions lifted the guns in their hands. The guns seemed to be able to penetrate the sky, and the eyes were too big. The array locked up.

"Open sky style!"

The wolf shouted.

In an instant, all the black armor knights of the Devil's Legion burst out of terror at the same time, transmitting the black war gun in their hands.

Thousands of black war guns are densely packed, gathering in the void, and the magic light in the sky is surging, forming a huge spear of millions of feet, rumbling towards the Yin and Yang of Taishang!

"Can the Taiyang Yinyang formation be able to stop it?"

Both the old goat and the unscrupulous people couldn't help but think secretly.

The Halloween of the Devil's Legion is too terrifying. The breath of destruction will make the sage feel numb and difficult to contend with.

Jin Se didn't speak, but his slender fingers clenched Taishang's sword. His eyes were full of powerful fighting intent.


A huge gun with a length of one million feet fell on Taiyin's yin and yang array, and the void was suddenly broken, a rune exploded, everything exploded into the most primitive particles, and an endless chaotic mist appeared. As if everything no longer exists.

The formation enchantment formed by the Taiyin yin and yang formation was trembling violently, and the yin and yang were intertwined on it, and the endless light bloomed as if it reached the limit of bearing, and it must be broken at any time.

The hearts of the old goat and the unscrupulous were raised.

But in the end, Taiyin's yin and yang array still did not break open. After the tremor, he still blocked the horrible gun and supported it.

"The Taiyin yin and yang great array still lacks a supreme treasure as an array of eyes. If there is a divine emperor soldier, even if the great saint and the holy king come, they will not be able to break through!"

Feng Qingyang reluctantly said.

"Hopefully, the yin and yang group can support it for a while!"

The old goat smiled bitterly.

"Broken sky!"

Among the eyes of the wild wolf, the murderous intentions were more and more fierce, and there was another rant.

Suddenly, the void rolls violently, there is a roar of horrible beasts, ancient, majestic and mysterious, just like the ancient fierce beasts have recovered, the endless magic light interweaves in the void, forming an extremely horrible ancient horrible beast .

Black dragons, black falling phoenixes, black unicorns, black giant eagles... All kinds of archaic fierce beasts manifested in the void, all exudes monstrous grief, and it looks lifelike, like a resurrection The same.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The archaic fierce beasts were all roaring, madly rushing towards the Taishang Yin and Yang formation, and the terrifying breath rose, and when they touched the Taishang Yin and Yang formation, they blew themselves up directly.

Those ancient fierce beasts are not afraid of death, and their terror is extremely terrifying. Every time they explode, they have set off a terrifying storm of divine light, crushing everything around them.

Taiyin's yin and yang tremors are trembling violently, and yin and yang flow, although forming the most perfect balance, but in the face of this self-explosion, it also begins to become weak.

Although Yin-Yang Erqi can devour energy and replenish itself, it is far from catching up with this drastic consumption.

"Huatian style!"

"Tongtian style!"


The wild wolf commanded the Devil's Army, bursting out the strongest power of the Halloween Saint Devouring Great Formation, merging tens of thousands of strong men, and again and again a terrifying attack on the Taiyang Yinyang Great Formation!


The tremendous tremors of Taiyang Yin and runes are very bright and burst into pieces, just like the rain of beautiful light, the power begins to weaken sharply.

The Demon Celestial's All Saints' Devouring Heaven Formation is like heaven's prestige, suspended above the heads of old goats and others, so that their hearts are lifted up.

If the Taiyin yin and yang are broken, I am afraid that they will face the Devil's Legion and many Demon strongs, and a **** battle will be inevitable.

"Sky Devouring!"

The wolf screamed loudly, and the terrifying magic light suddenly rose into the sky.


Thousands of black armor knights rise up at the same time, endless magic lights rise and fall, forming a huge and ancient rune in the void, a trembling tremor in the void, a huge figure emerges vaguely.

That figure exudes a vast divine power, as if it came out of the endless time and space, making the world trembling violently.

The figure fell down with a volley of palm, the palm print is ancient and mysterious, containing the monstrous coercion, directly printed on the Taiyang Yin and Yang formation.


The violent turbulence of the void, the violent tremor of the yin and yang, and the bursts of runes exploded as if they reached the extreme of bearing, and they could not bear such terrifying power at all.

That figure was another palmprint that fell, and the two palmprints were superimposed. The Taiyin Yinyang formation also had no way to withstand such a terrible attack, and it suddenly burst into pieces.

In the void, light and rain flew, and chaos and mist rose, revealing the figures of Jinse and the old goat.

"Taiyin yin and yang group was broken?"

The hearts of the old goat and the unscrupulous were sinking.

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