Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2226: I am your grandfather!


The Taiyin yin and yang explosion exploded, and even the perfectly balanced yin and yang qi had no way to stop the power of the demon corps, and it was completely turned into powder.


The wolf roared with a loud voice, and led many powerful men of the Devil's Legion towards the Taiyang Yin-Yang formation. The monstrous grievances directed at Jin Si, Lao Goat, Wuliang Dao, and Feng Qingyang.


There was a sharp flash in the eyes of Jin Se, the whole person rose in the sky, the Taishang sword in his hand shone unmatched light, and the yin and yang flowed in an instant, the already broken Taishang Yin and Yang array, even once again Emerged.

However, the formation enchantment looks extremely weak, as if it will break apart at any time.

"Ready for a fight!"

Jin Se glanced at the blood cocoon in the blood sea in the distance. At this moment Ling Xiao was not out yet. She said to the old goat and others, and then flew towards the Devil's Legion in an instant.

"Kill! These demon cubs, thought I was afraid that you wouldn't succeed?"

The old goat also gritted his teeth and rushed up with a roar.


Above the void, an extremely fierce battle broke out instantly.

Each of the tens of thousands of powerful men in the Devil's Legion is battle-hardened, full of grief and fighting intent, and killed by fearless death. The magical lights and silhouettes of the sky seem to give the four Jinse instantly Drowned.

Even the Taiyin and Yang formation that formed again was trembling violently, as if it would soon be broken.


Jin Se radiated a tremendous sword spirit all over her body, with no sharp edge, she was empty in the sky, as if she were a female swordsman, and her slender jade finger was a little bit in the sky. The warrior's eyebrows then split it in half.

The old goat was surrounded by murderous intentions, an ancient and mysterious world vaguely emerged behind him, containing the power of engulfing. After a black armor knight was kicked by his hoof, he was directly thrown into the sky. In the Holy Realm, all the people and horses were swallowed up.

The body of the old goat is gluttonous, and the mystery of swallowing the sky is also practiced by it to a state of consummation. At this moment, it explodes with all its strength, making the emptiness of the Quartet trembling violently.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The unscrupulous Taoist's coat fluttered and looked unrestrained. His sleeves waved, and suddenly a million flying swords were formed in the void. The sword light was unmatched, and it fell like a sword rain towards the Devil's Army.

The wind and the Qingyang are flames all over the body, just like a sun **** of war, blooming endless light and heat, incomparably overbearing, with a punch, you can directly bomb a black armor knight, and then burned into the void ash.

Jin Se, Lao Goat, Wuliang Taoist and Feng Qingyang, for a time, actually blocked the edge of the Devil's Legion, so that they had no way to approach Ling Xiao.

But what can be seen is that many of the powerful forces of the Devil's Army are powerful and unmatched, and they cooperate well with each other. Except for the initial killing of some people by the Jinse four, the subsequent casualties are very small, and The four Jinse were trapped in the encirclement of the Devil's Army, and suffered a storm-like attack.

"In that blood cocoon, I am afraid it is Ling Xiao! How can it be so easy to get the inheritance of the blood demon emperor? You still go to die!"

The eyes of the primordial prince flashed, and instantly saw the blood cocoon floating in the blood sea, and could not help but sneered.


He rose directly into the sky, surrounded by primordial magic flames, and slid down towards Lingxiao with a palm, and the flames burned, causing the sea of ​​blood to boil instantly.

"not good!"

Jin Se's face changed, and the sword light rose suddenly, pushing back several black armor knights around him. The Taishang sword burst out with unmatched swords, and the volley pierced towards the original emperor.


The wolf screamed loudly, holding a huge mountain axe, muscles around his body knotted, full of explosive power, and fell down towards Jinse in the air.

"Go away!"

The killer's intent in Jin Se's eyes boiled. The Taishang sword contained an unmatched sword gas, and collided with the mountain axe suddenly, exploded suddenly, Mars was radiating, and the light was surging.

At this moment, the primordial emperor has also reached the front of the blood cocoon, and the palm shrouded by the primal magic flame will be photographed on the blood cocoon.


Only a crisp voice was heard, the flames of the primordial emperor's eyes rose, Jinxia was fierce, and a quaint three-legged and two-eared dinger descended from the sky, buzzing and blocking the primordial emperor.

The primordial emperor's palm shot on Gu Ding, making a crisp and melodious voice, Gu Ding trembles slightly, a terrifying breath erupted from it, so that the primordial emperor's face could not help changing, the whole person Suddenly flew back!


The eyes of the primordial emperor were indifferent, staring at the Gu Ding, who was soaring in flames.

He did not expect that at this time, he would even kill Cheng Chengjin halfway out.

"You guys are too shameless? You have the ability to single out one by one. How much is it to bully?"

A mad, domineering and arrogant voice exploded in the void.


The Void was slightly shocked. A young man wearing a gold armor and a bright red cloak came from the Stretched out his hand, the ancient Ding floated above his head!

It was a young man who looked very handsome, with a slender and muscular body, his skin was crystal clear like jade, his golden armor was very gorgeous, he wore a jade crown, his surroundings were powerful and unmatched, and he gave off endless light and The heat seemed to make the Quartet's voids burn.

Standing on his shoulder was a little red bird with three legs, his eyes looked very flexible, and a golden flame flashed away.

He looked incredibly proud, standing with his hands down. He looked like the first in the world, and he was full of arrogance and domineering momentum.

"Zhao Ritian?!"

The old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist looked at each other, and there was a strange look in their eyes.

They didn't even think they would meet Zhao Ritian here, and Zhao Ritian also shot Ling Xiao at the critical moment to block the attack of the primordial prince.

"Who are you? Why do you want to help Long Aotian? If you know you, hurry up, otherwise you will be buried with Long Aotian!"

The primitive emperor said coldly, his eyes full of cold killing intentions.

Although he realized that the young man who looked very saucy in front of him was very dangerous, his breath was unpredictable, especially the ancient tripod, which made him feel a sense of palpitations.

But here is the home of the Demon Race, and many powerful people of the Devil Race have come here, not to mention the genius of a human race, even if there are some evils of the human race, he has no fear.

"Who am I? I am your grandfather! You group of demons, get out if you don't want to die, otherwise I will start the fire with Zhao Ritian, and even I am afraid!"

Zhao Ritian smiled proudly.

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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