Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2227: Let it all go, I'm going to pretend!


Zhao Ritian emptied the sky, Yan Diding was above his head, his breath was majestic and ancient, his body exuded endless light and heat, and his breath was unfathomable. He looked down at the many powerful demons in front of him, without the slightest fear.

"This guy, isn't his brain flooding? Is he confident enough to face the two emperors?"

In the eyes of the many powerful people of the Demon Race, there is an incredible look, looking at Zhao Ritian like a fool.

"Zhao Ritian, I haven't heard of it! Today we only kill Long Aotian, if you don't want to die, hurry up and get rid of it, or even kill you!"

The primal prince sneered.

"Kill me? Just rely on your ants, and dare to compete with the great Master Zhao Ritian? Really do not know the life and death! Since you are obsessed, then today I Zhao Ritian will take the place of the sky, demons and demons!"

Zhao Ritian smiled proudly, his eyes full of disdain.

The corner of the mouth of the old goat slightly twitched and whispered softly: "Zhao Ritian is so jealous. I can't help but want to beat him. Is he really not afraid to anger the demons?"

"He should not be a reckless person, and that ancient Ding is not simple!"

The unscrupulous Daoist stared at Yan Diding, who was staring at Zhao Ritian, and he was very keenly aware that Yan Diding exuded a very dangerous atmosphere fluctuation, as if he could burn the world, making him a little palpitated.

"Death! Wild wolf, take the Devil's Legion and kill him for me!"

There was a hint of cold murderous intention in the eyes of the primordial emperor.


The wild wolf grinned and walked slowly with a huge mountain axe. His terrifying breath rose around him, making him look like an ancient **** and demon.

And the Devil's Legion behind the wild wolf also started to act. The whole body was full of anger, converging into a vast torrent, silent and suppressed, and suppressed to Zhao Ritian overwhelmingly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Jin Se, Lao Goat, Wuliang Taoist and Feng Qingyang immediately fell beside Zhao Ritian, fighting all over the body, ready to face the charge of the Devil's Army.


Yan Diding, the top of Zhao Ritian's head, instantly rose into the sky and turned into a mysterious streamer, covering the sea of ​​blood, protecting both the blood cocoon and the Lingxiao in it.

"You protect Ling Xiao, these devil cubs will be handed over to me! I don't know what life and death, let the great Master Zhao Ritian teach them how to be a man! Give me back, I will start pretending!"

Zhao Ritian smiled proudly, standing hand in hand and stepping towards the Devil's Army.


Zhao Ritian's body burst into a blazing glow, just like the rising sun, his breath was terrible, and the sky was soaring.

Every time he took a step, his breath exploded a few points. When he took dozens of steps and came to the Devil's Army, his breath exploded to the extreme.

The sky is full of flames, the thunder is fierce, and Zhao Ritian is shrouded in endless Jinxia. It looks like an undefeated **** of war, exuding eternal and immortal breath fluctuations.

"This guy... is so strong?"

The old goat, the unscrupulous Taoist, and Feng Qingyang looked at each other.

At this moment, Zhao Ritian, surrounded by the law of the avenue, glowed vigorously, with three mysterious figures vaguely appearing above his head. One was clear, as if responding to this life, and the other two were vague, as if coming from the past and the future.

This is really the cultivation of the third heaven!


Among the eyes of the wild wolf, the killer struck, and all his power burst out in an instant. Holding a huge mountain axe, he was the first to kill Zhao Ritian.


The Devil's Legion launched a charge. Ten thousand strong Devil's Legions interwoven with each other's breath, filled with breath, like a vast torrent, and the wild wolf is this torrent's sharp knife, able to pierce everything.

Above the sky dome, Zhao Ritian stood up, his red cloak fluttering like the blood of the wind, the golden armor of his body bloomed dazzling light, and the whole person was extremely extreme.

His expression is indifferent, like a supreme heavenly emperor, overlooking the heavens and the world, overlooking the creatures, as if nothing can make him move.

The attack of the wild wolf was not taken into account by Zhao Ritian at all. The vast torrent of the Devil's Legion did not change his look.

"This guy, haven't you heard of pretending to be thundered?"

The corner of the mouth of the old goat twitched, and Zhao Ritian looked too beaten at the moment.

The Devil's Legion charged as much as possible, and that terrifying momentum came from all over the place. Even a saint would be crushed into powder in an instant, but Zhao Ritian was like a boring person.

"No! He is saving power!"

Jin Se's eyes flashed sharply said slowly.

Her words just fell, and the attack of the wild wolf and the Devil's Legion immediately reached the top of Zhao Ritian's head. The terrifying divine light had distorted the Quartet's void, and it was about to devour Zhao Ritian completely.

"I said, there must be light!"

Zhao Ritian said slowly, and then extended a finger to the sky.


On Zhao Ritian's body, an infinite amount of divine light was sprayed out in an instant, shining to the extreme, like a huge wave directly rushing into the sky, colliding with everyone in the Devil's Army!

The light of the sky bloomed in the void, and each light was extremely powerful, as if it could penetrate everything. The huge mountain axe in the palm of the wolf, after being irradiated by the infinite amount of light, turned into nothingness in an instant.

The horrible beam contains the power to devour all vitality, and the Motian Legion was drowned in a flash. A scream came suddenly. Those black armor knights of the Devil Legion were instantly penetrated by the beam. The whole person slowly shattered in the void.

This kind of fragmentation is irreversible, without any blood, they seem to become the most original particles, into a bright light rain, flying with the wind.

In addition to the strong outside the Devil's Legion can still barely contend, and quickly escape, the Devil's Legion seems to appear a huge black hole, bright light and rain, many black armor knights were directly swallowed.


The screams kept coming, and even the wolf felt a pain in his arm, and his arm disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the Devil's Army of Ten Thousand Deities left only a group of old, weak, sick, and less than a thousand people alive. Most of them died in that weird infinite amount of light.

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