Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 203 Nine Articles Zero Is My Friend? What Are You Kidding (Please Subscribe)

The real world, the live broadcast room of Chu State.

[Kujo Zero? Why did Marine Admiral mention the name of the challenger from Sakura Flower Country?]

【What did that guy do? Didn't he cheat Brother Qi?】

【Damn it, that woman got hacked because of messing with the crew before, so I didn't continue to pay attention. I'm going to watch the replay to find out what happened. 】

Kizaru suddenly mentioned Kujo Zero's name, which made the audience in Chu State jump in their hearts.

Thinking of the previous experience that the challenge of the country where the sun never sets was entrapping Brother Qi, this time the audience in Chu State all had a bad premonition.

Although Rozi has become stronger now, Marine is also much stronger than K Locke Dahl.

If Marine targeted Rozi because of the information disclosed by Kujo Zero, the Chu audience felt that this would put Rozi in a rather passive state.

Hearing the name "Jiu Tiao Zero", Rozi's heart skipped a beat, but his face was extremely indifferent.

"Jiu Tiao Zero?" Rozi raised his eyebrows, "This name... seems to have been heard before."

"Come to think of it, I saw this woman at Moria's once."

"What's wrong with her, Kizaru Admiral?"

Kizaru took a deep look at Rozi and the three girls behind Rozi, and then said:

"When I came to Sabaody420, I caught her and wanted to send her and her partner to Impel down.

"It's just that this woman claimed to be your friend in order not to go to Impel down, and hoped that I could let her go."

"So, I want to come to you to confirm.

[Damn, I understand why Kizaru came to look for Brother Qi. It turned out that the woman in Jiujo Ling wanted to rely on Brother Qi's relationship to let Kizaru let her go. 】

【I just watched the replay of the Sakura flower country side. As soon as the guy came to Sabaody Archipelago, he met Kizaru who also happened to come to Sabaody Archipelago.

Because of the pirate partners she recruited, Kizaru identified her as a pirate and captured her. 】

【Fuck me, good guy, in order not to be caught by Marine, you actually let Brother Qi take advantage of you? Are we Brother Qi familiar with her?】

[Be careful with that woman, if Brother Qi doesn't save her, and that woman wants Marine to reveal the matter of Robin and cp9, Brother Qi will be in trouble. 】

【Bah, crow's mouth, don't (cjdf) talk nonsense!】

[If Kujo Zero dares to betray Brother Qi, I will buy a ticket to Sakura Flower Country right now. 】

【Go together!】

Chu State, in a plain office.

"Leader, do you need to contact Rozi now and tell him about this?"

Seeing the headed old man put down the phone, the assistant immediately stepped forward to ask.

"No, we can't use voice communication now." The old man shook his head, "The cooling time of voice communication is too long, Rozi must be notified at the most suitable time."

"You heard the words of the leader of Sakura flower country just now. Soon after Rozi upgraded the fleet to level 3, they used the communication."

"Information about Rozi, I also told Kujo Zero."

"However, Jiu Tiao Zero has not disclosed Rozi's information yet, in case that woman did disclose Rozi's information, it will not be too late for us to notify Rozi.

After a pause, the old man continued: "Xiao Zhang, go and inform our Demon fruit power to prepare."

"Let them suspend the task of conquering the red mist, this time, we need to stand for our challenger.

Hearing the old man's words, Xiao Zhang's eyes lit up.

"Leader, is this going to put our Devil Fruit ability into action?"

"Of course we have to act!" The old man nodded, even though the leader of Sakura Flower Country said that they didn't let Gojo Country reveal Rozi's information. "

"But they revealed this information to Jiu Tiao Zero."

"It's okay that Jiu Tiao Zero didn't harm Rozi. Once Jiu Tiao Zero does something wrong to Rozi, we will immediately make those who harmed us pay the due price."

After receiving the instructions from the elder, the assistant Xiao Zhang immediately left the office and was going to contact the Demon fruit powers of Chu State.

Even with Xiao Zhang's flat temperament, he was very excited at the moment.

"Hehe, you are looking for trouble with our challenger, deliberately revealing information to people in the forbidden world?"

"Zhou Qiangping and Liu Sha must be very happy to carry out this mission."

Xiao Zhang muttered, dialed the officer in charge of Demon fruit power as quickly as possible, and passed on the old man's instructions.

At the same time, in the plain office.

Regarding Kujo Zero and Sakura Flower Country, several elders are still discussing.

"Those fellows in Sakura Flower Country are really good enough, they even dare to take the initiative to call."

That's right, what they said about Jiu Tiao Zero has nothing to do with them, and they didn't ask Jiu Tiao Zero to tell Marine about Rozi. Hmph, even if they really didn't let Jiu Tiao Zero do this, Rozi's information is always what they told Jiu Tiao Zero.

"It's the evil deeds of this group of people. Rozi obviously helped Jiu Tiao Ling get back the shadow and gave her freedom, but now she still wants to blackmail Rozi. This time, no matter what, we must let the world know that we are serious about protecting Rozi. Determination."

"If Jiu Tiao Zero harmed Rozi, if we forget it, I am afraid that the same thing will happen more times in the future. y

"Also, other challengers may follow suit from these guys."

"Instead of treating each other kindly, it's better to show our determination directly by force. When our Demon fruit power fully demonstrates their strength, they will know how wrong it is to give Rozi's information to Kujo Zero Electricity"

"Agreed, showing that we got the Devil Fruit ability is better for us and Rozi than compromising.

Hearing the discussions among his colleagues, the leader of the old man slightly nodded and said:

"No matter what, the plan this time must be done quickly!"

"At the same time, we also need to keep an eye on Jiu Tiao Zero's live broadcast room at all times."

"If the matter develops to an irreconcilable stage, Luo must be notified immediately.

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

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