Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 204 Marine, Nico Robin Is Rozi's Partner (For Subscription)

At the same time, Mao Xiong Guo's side.

"That woman from Sakura Flower Country is indeed a pest." The leader of Mao Xiong Country put his hands on his chin, and looked at Jiu Tiao Ling's live broadcast room with a frown.

"Boss, should we do something?" The secretary stepped forward and asked.

"Naturally!" Mao Xiongguo's leader tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically, "Although with Chu's current strength, it can definitely handle Sakura Huaguo, but we must set an example."

"Let our people act too, and see what can help our friends.

Hearing this, the secretary smiled and nodded: "Yes, chief!"

Sakura Flower Country, Chief Office.

"Report, Mao Xiongguo sent a condemnation, seriously warning our challenger's dangerous behavior towards Rozi of Chu Kingdom."

"In addition, not long ago, it was detected that a mysterious aircraft took off from Chu State, but we were unable to detect its trace.

Hearing his assistant's words, Sakura Hanakuni-the leader frowned.

"Have Chu State and Maoxiong State taken action yet?"

"This nine zeros will really cause us trouble."

The leader read softly, his deep voice revealing a full of helplessness.

"Boss, Kutiao Zero requested us, hoping that we could send her the latest information about Rozi in time, see if we think about it..."

"Thinking about what?!" The leader slammed his fist on the desk and gave her information about Rozi? Then she threatened Rozi with the information?"

"Stupid! Whether this will convince Marine or not will make Rozi die.

"If something happens to Rozi because of this incident, Chu State will never let us go. Mao Xiong Guo and Chu State have a good relationship, and they will never warn us verbally."

"Resources are seriously lacking now. If they are restricted, our life will be even more difficult."

The leader of Sakura flower country is not a complete idiot, after seeing the actions of Chu country.

The leader of the Sakura flower country knew that it would suffer, and the Chu country had already regarded Rozi as the reverse scale of the Chu country.

A slight touch may trigger the fury of the thunder of Chu State.

With the strength of the two countries Chu and Maoxiong, even if they really want to do something to their Sakura country, their allies are more likely to just watch.

As for the lighthouse country, it is even more unreliable.

After seeing the behavior of the Lighthouse Country against the Country on which the Sun Never Sets, Sakura Flower Country's trust in the Lighthouse Country has been greatly reduced.

"Quickly, continue to contact Chu State and show them our goodwill."

"Nine points and zeros must not affect us!"

The leader of Sakura Flower Country waved his hand and shouted to the assistants around him.

One Piece World, near the Explorer.

"Friends? I'm not friends with her." Rozi shook his head, "Kizaru Admiral, from your point of view, do you think I would hang out with a woman like that?"

When Jiu Tiao Ling Hui was arrested, he called her his friend, which once again refreshed Rozi's perception of her.

Of course Rozi knew her purpose, he just wanted to use his Shichibukai identity to fish her out.

Rozi also believes that if he does it himself, he can indeed fish her out of Kizaru's hands.

But he didn't want to do that, and Rozi felt that he had done enough to help her get back the shadow when the three sailboats were terrorizing.

Letting myself help her again is simply too much.

Behind Rozi, Nami and others were also speechless for a while.

As for nine zeros, they naturally still remember them.

"That's it, I understand, then I'll ask my subordinates to send her to Impel down." Kizaru nodded, picked up the phone and dialed. "Hey, this is Kizaru, you can take that woman away, Rozi said that woman is not his friend."

"Understood, Kizaru Admiral!" A calm voice came from the opposite phone bug, but soon, this voice was covered by a sharp female voice.

"Wait, I really know Rozi!"

Hearing this voice, Rozi frowned, he naturally recognized that it was Jiu Tiao Zero's voice.

"Rozi, Mr. Rozi, you're on the phone."

"It's me, I'm Jiu Tiao Zero, please, please help me, for the sake of our acquaintance.

Jiu Tiao Zero's voice had just fallen, before Rozi could speak, baby5 beside him spoke first.

"You woman, enough is enough.

"Stop pestering our Rozi!"

"With a woman like you, you dare to call yourself Rozi's friend?"

As for Jiu Tiao Zero, baby5 didn't like it very much. Now that she heard her voice, she naturally reprimanded her.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." On the opposite side of the phone bug, Marine wanted to push away the nine zeros that suddenly rushed out and hang up the phone.

Seeing this scene, the anxious Jiu Tiao Zero didn't care about anything else, and quickly said: "Wait, before I have a word with Rozi.

"Rozi, you have to save me, you know, I know a lot about you."

...ask for flowers...

Hearing this, Rozi laughed: "Jiu Tiao Zero, are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm not threatening you, I just want to discuss with you, please, I don't want to go to Impel down, my companion said, it's a scary place. Once you enter Impel down, there's no way out for the rest of your life .”

"Then what does it matter to me? It can only be blamed on you mixing with a group of pirates, isn't it, Jiujou?" Rozi sneered, "When you were on the Horror Three Sails, you used my name to bluff and cheat, you Think you've done these things and I can't help you?"

"Let me tell you, I really hate people threatening me, even if you are an "existence" like you, you can never threaten me with anything!"

Just kidding, if I helped you because of your threat, other people can use the same method to blackmail me in the future, how can I help you.

Rozi snorted coldly in his heart, he definitely would not leave such thoughts to other challengers.

He wants other challengers to know that using intelligence to threaten him will not only prevent him from compromising, but may also incur his own revenge.

Even, this may bring some losses to Rozi himself, even if it will affect Rozi's own plan.

Aside, Kizaru looked at Rozi with interest.

Originally he was just casually asking about Jiu Tiao Zero, but now that he heard Jiu Tiao Zero say that he knew a lot about Rozi, he couldn't help but become more interested in Jiu Tiao Zero.

To some extent, Kizaru himself is very curious about Rozi, a young man who has risen so fast.

"Honestly, woman, Rozi already said he's not your friend, so don't try to use him as a Shichibukai to get away.

Marine gave Kujo Zero a disgusted look.

The Marine who captured her was also aware of the relationship between the woman and her partners.

If Rozi hadn't happened to be on Sabaody Archipelago, Marine felt that Kizaru Admiral wouldn't even have listened to what Kujo Zero said about Rozi.

‘Rozi, since you look down on me like that, don’t blame me for revealing your information to Marine. "

'It's all your fault, if you would help me like you helped Sofia, I wouldn't be caught by Marine so easily. '

Kujo Zero, who was almost pushed to the ground by Marine, gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly before Marine pressed the button to hang up the phone bug:

"Rozi has Nico Robin, the son of the devil, by his side. He is a man who threatens your Marine!"


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