Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 239 Zephyr: Found Rozi, Ready To Fight (Subscribe)

Amazon Lily, Coast.

Rozi's partners are constantly moving supplies to the ship, ready to sail to Naval Headquarters.

Even though the explorer is sailing at an extremely fast speed, the unique power system on board can allow the explorer to avoid ocean currents and go to Naval Headquarters even without going through the righteous gate set up by Naval Headquarters at sea.

But in order to be able to feel that Naval Headquarters entered the battle in time, Rozi has also decided to leave immediately.

Similarly, Hancock not far away has also made preparations, reaching the ship of the Nine Snakes to the warship where the Flying Squirrel Admiral is located.

"Rozi, it's really you who managed to persuade Princess Snake to agree to the arrest warrant for Shichibukai directly. 11

"I originally planned to ask you to help me persuade Serpent to go to Naval Headquarters, but now it seems that I don't need it."

"And it really made Snake Girl stronger. Let me tell you how you did it."

Granny New stepped behind Rozi and looked at Rozi curiously.

Next to Granny New, there is Margaret holding a stack of luggage.

After Hancock's special confession, she has now been sent as a representative of Nine Snakes to be a trainee crew member on the Explorer.

Although Rozi wants her to be a sniper on the expedition, Margaret's trust level has not yet reached the standard.

Even though she respects Rozi very much because of Snake Princess' order, she herself is quite curious about Rozi.

But there is still something short of being able to engrave a seal on the distance.

"Well, you old man don't need to know."

Rozi smiled at Granny New, then turned around and waved to the three Hancock sisters who were sailing out to sea on a nine-snake boat not far away.

Rozi didn't let go until the Nine Snakes' ship passed through the gate of Amazon Lily.

"It's already gone, Captain Rozi, if you are too obsessed with Hancock, it will make baby5 jealous."

Reiju came behind Rozi and whispered in his ear.

Hearing this, Rozi shrugged and looked at Reiju who was beside him.

"Reiju, let's make it too"

"After Hancock leads the ship away, we are going to set off."

"After that, it's time to go directly to Naval Headquarters, and it's almost time."

As he spoke, Rozi's face gradually became a little more serious.

Even though his current physique has reached 30,000, Rozi is still very cautious about the upcoming Summit War.

"Understood, I'll make arrangements now." Reiju nodded, stepped slightly on the ground with both feet, and jumped onto the deck of the explorer.

He greeted his companions, Yang Fan, and was ready to set sail.

"Margaret, let's go up too." Rozi turned around and patted Margaret's shoulder, "Have already bid farewell to your friends."

"Well! I've already told everyone."

"In this case, let's go, and I will take you to your room."

After speaking, Rozi took the lead aboard the Explorer and led Margaret into the cabin.

Along the way, Margaret looked left and right, feeling very curious about the environment in front of her that she would live in next.

"Margaret, there are many differences between the outside world and Amazon Lily."

"If you have any doubts, you can come to me, and I will try my best to answer.

"Of course, you can also ask Reiju, Nico Robin and others."

While talking, Rozi stopped in front of a room door.

"This will be your room from now on. If you need anything, you can tell me."

"I still have to prepare for the voyage, and I will come to you later."

After waving to Margaret, Rozi turned and walked in the direction he came from.

Looking at Rozi's back, Margaret opened her mouth, but didn't say anything after all.

"Forget it, I'll ask Rozi about the man later.

Margaret whispered, pushed open the door and walked in.

As Hancock boarded the warship of Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel, Marine, who was standing outside Amazon Lily, immediately set sail for Naval Headquarters.

The flying squirrel Vice Admiral would never have imagined that after they left, Rozi's explorer, which Marine and World government soldiers tried so hard to find, also set off from the gate of Amazon Lily.

Head towards Naval Headquarters.

On the next day, the flight linking Amazon Lily and Naval Headquarters.

A huge Marine warship is sailing fast on the sea.

"Really, has the Pirate Empress agreed to join the battle?"

"That's good, at least there won't be one more Shichibukai who will become like Rozi and Jinbei, one betrayed and one imprisoned."

"Rozi? Sorry, we didn't find them."

...ask for flowers...

"Those guys seem to have disappeared outside the Sabaody Archipelago sea area, and we have been unable to capture their traces."

"Okay, don't worry, Sengoku. If we really meet Rozi and the others, we will find a way to arrest him.

"Don't forget, besides me, there is a Marine Admiral candidate here, so there will be no problem."

On the deck of the warship, the former Marine Admiral held a phone bug and communicated with Sengoku on a daily basis.

Behind him stood a slim female Marine with a long knife pinned to her waist.

It is the Marine Admiral candidate Momousagi Gion that Zephyr said.

"Report, Mrs. Zephyr, Momousagi Vice Admiral, behind...behind..."

At this time, a young female Marine ran over.


"Don't be nervous, Ian." Gion looked back at the female Marine Ian, "What happened."

"Hoo......Report, a ship sailing at an extremely fast speed appeared behind our ship."

"According to the lookout report, it is the Explorer owned by Rozi!"

Iron gave a military salute and quickly reported to Zephyr and Gion.

"What, Rozi appeared!"

Before Zephyr and Gion could speak, the serious voice of Sengoku who was opposite the phone bug came over first.

"That Rozi is actually on this route."

"He doesn't mean he wants to come to Naval Headquarters!?"

"Zephyr, Gion, stop them!"

"Never allow them to make trouble at this time!"

Hearing this, Zephyr nodded.

"Don't worry, Sengoku, if I risk my life, I will stop Rozi."

"I'll hang up the phone first, and I'll call you after I arrest Rozi."

Zephyr replied a few words, then hung up the phone.

"Let's go, Gion, Ain."

"Go back to our audacious original Shichibukai."

Zephyr turned around and looked at Gion and Ain with a very serious face.

The two nodded and followed Zephyr towards the center of the boat.

"Turn the bow and aim the cannons at Rozi's Explorer."

"Everyone, prepare to fight!

Following Zephyr's order, the Marine soldiers and descendants on the Marine warship moved quickly, preparing to fight Rozi and his party.


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