Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 240 Shichibukai Meeting, Blackbeard's Planning

Naval Headquarters, Shichibukai Conference Hall.

Around a huge round table, sit Doflamingo, Tyrant Bear, Hawkeye, and more, the Seven Warlords of the Sea who have come to Naval Headquarters.

Sitting on one side of the round table, Sengoku put down the phone bug in his hand, his already serious face became even more intimidating.

Beside him was the Marine Senior Staff Officer Tsuru who greeted Shichibukai with him. After hearing the content of the call, her face also became serious.

"Fufufu, this is really interesting, Marshal Sengoku."

"Rozi appeared on this route, do you think he wants to revenge you starfish?"

"A strong man who was supposed to appear on the friendly side may now become an enemy. The things in the world are really amazing.

"However, I'd be very happy to see Rozi and his party be hostile to Marine, it saves me a lot of trouble."

"Sengoku, do you want me to go out and help you fight Rozi now?"

"That kid's strength is very good. If your Marine loses a former "Four Four Three" Marine Admiral and Marine Admiral's alternate before the war begins, it should be very distressing.

"I just don't know how to rush over now, there is still too little time.

Doflamingo put down the food in his hands and looked at Sengoku with a big smile.

Because Zephyr called during the Shichibukai meeting, Sengoku did not avoid suspicion, but let several Shichibukai present hear the news about Rozi.

"Hmph, shut up, Doflamingo." Sengoku snorted coldly, "You are staying at Naval Headquarters now, preparing for the upcoming battle with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"I hope that when that time comes, you can show your strength well and don't let Marine and I down."

"No matter how strong that bastard Rozi is, he won't be a match for Tu and Gion."

Sengoku is one of the few people who knows the power of Zephyr best.

With Gion's cooperation, Sengoku doesn't think Rozi can resist the power of the two.

Although adding Rozi's partner will be a little troublesome, but if handled carefully, Sengoku believes that Zephyr and others can still win the battle.

"Fufufu, will it really be as you expected?" Doflamingo lay down on his seat, his eyes flicked to the silent eagle-eyed Mihawk, "What do you think will happen, the world's number one sword Howe, isn't that kid someone you admire very much?"

"Rozi?" Doflamingo raised his head, "Being able to become Shichibukai in such a short period of time, he certainly did not disappoint me.

"It's like seeing him on the battlefield, but...if he doesn't even break through the level of Zephyr and Momousagi, it means that he is only a man of that level

Hearing this, Sengoku frowned: "Hawkeye, you bastard, are you hoping that Zephyr will lose?"

"Sengoku, just because I promised you to join the war doesn't mean you can tell me what I think." Hawkeye frowned and glanced at Sengoku. "However, I'm curious why you Marine question Rozi because of a woman's casual remarks.

"You guys, did you get any information from other places?"

During the Shichibukai meeting, Sengoku mentioned Rozi's matter, and the Kujo country involved in it was naturally also discussed at the meeting.

"Thief hahaha, to be honest, I'm also quite curious. Blackbeard Teach stuffed a piece of pizza into his mouth and said with a big smile, "Marshal Sengoku, could it be because of the repeated provocations of your Marines and Celestial Dragons that you let me go?" A bounty hunter like Rozi decided to go against you. "

"Although I haven't seen the man named Rozi, I heard that he seems to be a very righteous man.

"It's not like our group of pirates on the sea, whose hands are stained with the blood of many innocent people, thief hahaha."

Hearing Blackbeard's words, Sengoku's expression darkened.

It's not like he didn't think about such a possibility.

It's just that after all it's about the war with the Whitebeard Pirates, Sengoku had to be cautious, that's why he wanted Rozi to come to Naval Headquarters in time to confront Kujo Zero in front of him.

As a result, Rozi directly slaughtered Jiu Tiao Zero, even killed a Celestial Dragons, and kidnapped a Celestial Dragons.

Up to now, even if they want to understand the truth of the matter, it is already very difficult.

Jiu Tiao Zero is dead, so naturally he can't speak.

Rozi is now an enemy of the Marine and the World government, and he will not speak honestly either.

"By the way, Marshal Sengoku, my partner heard that you seem to want to recruit that guy who goes by the name of Whitebeard II as the new Shichibukai?"

"If my information is correct, he should be the man who cut off Zephyr's arm and killed many of Zephyr's disciples."

"Let such a person be a Shichibukai...thief hahaha, if you think about it this way, Zephyr should die while fighting Rozi."

"This way, he won't have to feel betrayed by the Marine and World government!"


"Teach, you bastard..."

Sengoku slapped his palm on the left side, cracks appeared on the solid round table because of Sengoku's huge force.

He turned his head and looked at Teach angrily.

The World government has recently contacted Whitebeard II to become a Shichibukai. Although Sengoku strongly rejected this matter, the Shichibukai was judged because the Rozi he recommended last time had not yet played a role.

This made Five Elders not intend to adopt his opinion at all, and the fact that Whitebeard II will become the new Shichibukai has almost become a certainty...

And this matter, Sengoku naturally did not dare to tell Zephyr now.

"Okay, let's not say a few words, Sengoku, Blackbeard Teach." Marine's chief staff officer Tsuru said in a low voice, "Even if Marine and Shichibukai don't like each other, at least we are companions at this time."

"Fufufu, as expected of the crane Vice Admiral who chased us halfway across the ocean, what he said hit the nail on the head. Seeing how calm you are, you should also be very impressed with Zephyr and Momousagi Gion's actions against Rozi Be careful. That's right, that woman's strength is indeed quite difficult."

Doflamingo smiled, thinking of the scene of fighting with Crane and his party before.

It can be said that the reason why Han's warships were able to chase their Donquixote Family's ships across half of the sea.

The role played by Gion is indispensable.

"However, Shichibukai is Marine's companion. I just don't know if our tyrant bear is your companion."

"This man seems to have a good relationship with Rozi."

Doflamingo laughed and looked at Tyrant Bear who had been silent since entering the meeting room.

Hearing this, Sengoku turned his head to look at the bear, and after pondering for a while, he asked:

"Bear, at this point, don't you have anything you want to tell us about Rozi?"

He knows that the bear's consciousness will soon dissipate because of Vegapunk's transformation, and the only chance to talk to the bear is now.

"Sengoku, at this point in time, I have nothing more to say to you Marines.

"But with Rozi, if I had to comment on that, I would say 'thank you'."


Thank you for making 3.3 Rozi finally make up his mind to rescue Ace.

"Thank you?" Sengoku frowned, "Bear, what the hell do you mean?"

Bear lowered his head and didn't say a word.

Off to the side, Blackbeard scanned Xiong and Sengoku with piercing eyes.

'It seems that this war will be more interesting than I thought. '

'I must consider the possibility of Rozi coming to Naval Headquarters to hinder my plan. The action to Impel down must be advanced and more cautious!

Thinking of this, Teach stood up and walked out of the door.

"Thief hahaha, more hospitality, Marshal Sengoku.

"Teach, where are you going?" Sengoku frowned.

"I suddenly found that I have something to do and I need to leave for a while." Teach grinned, "Don't wait for me, I'll be back soon.

Of course, it was back from Impel down with a powerful companion, Sengoku Genshi.

thought Blackbeard.

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