Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 275 The Disappearing Whitebeard, Sengoku Is Shocked (Subscription Required)

Rozi naturally paid attention to the battle on Whitebeard's side, and knew that Whitebeard was facing a tough fight now.

It can be said that he may have an accident at any time.

After all, the battle has lasted for such a long time, and his opponent is so powerful, even the strongest man in the world will sometimes be exhausted.

But even so, Rozi has to ensure the safety of his partner first.

Rozi is really worried if he puts two Marine Admirals in front of his partner because he went to rescue Whitebeard.

Therefore, after entering the independent space channel opened by the door fruit, he did not choose to leave.

Instead, he watched the situation of Kizaru and Aokiji in the surrounding area.

Kizaru deserves to be Kizaru, the speed is really nothing to say. "

"It's a pity that I couldn't kill this guy "Three Zero Three" just now. Killing him may give me an achievement like "Killing Marine Three Admiral" in the forbidden space.

And give me a first kill achievement chest.

Rozi touched his legs, sighed in his heart, and at the same time looked around, and when you reached a certain distance, it became an endless dark space.

He who has temporarily become a door fruit ability user can feel that only in this area with light can he open the door and leave this county space.

And there is an endless dark place farther away, he can't go there, let alone open the space door there.

Even if Rozi knew, that dark area had a counterpart to the real world where Whitebeard and Sengoku fought.

'It's a pity that the distance in this different space is not infinite, otherwise, I could just open the door and go out when I reach Whitebeard's place. '

Rozi sighed in his heart, and ran towards the direction where Whitebeard was fighting.

Since Kizaru has been injured, and the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is on the Moby Dick, as long as there is no accident [Rozi feels that his partner will not be threatened.

Taking advantage of this time, he needs to go to where Whitebeard is as soon as possible.

the other side.

After seeing Rozi disappear into the space gate, the faces of Aokiji and Kizaru immediately turned serious.

Observation Haki is expanded to the limit to prevent Rozi from launching a surprise attack.

"Hehe, Rozi really has tricks!" Ace rubbed his nose, "However, Rozi is not the only thing you two need to guard against.

By now, he also understood Rozi's plan.

Rozi wanted to scare Kizaru and Aokiji in this way.

That being the case, he naturally didn't intend to let Aokiji and Kizaru stop, he raised his hand and punched the two Admirals with a fiery fist.

Almost at the same time, the Ultralisk that Nami condensed also took shape and rushed towards the two Marine Admirals.

The lightning and the flame collided when approaching the defensive shield made by Aokiji, immediately triggering a huge explosion that engulfed the two of them.

Then, Marko and Reiju also flew up, and rushed towards Kizaru with a group of partners.

At the same time, Rozi reappeared in the different space created by the door fruit and in the real world, constantly narrowing the distance between him and Whitebeard.

Because of its speed, although some Marines saw an afterimage, they didn't connect it with Rozi.

Soon, Rozi appeared within two kilometers of Whitebeard.

"Huh?" Sengoku, who was fighting Whitebeard, glanced suspiciously at the place where Rozi disappeared.

'There, what was there just now?'

Sengoku was puzzled, but before he could think about it, Whitebeard's naginata landed on his forehead.


The vibration of the Shock Fruit collided with the shock wave released by Sengoku, and the ground that was already full of cracks couldn't bear it anymore, and it shattered directly, forming an abyss that couldn't be seen at a glance.

And this abyss happened to be right under Whitebeard's feet, causing Whitebeard to fall straight down.

'good chance!'

Rozi in the different space focused his eyes, appeared near Whitebeard at a very fast speed, opened a door and stretched out his hand to pull Whitebeard in, and disappeared in Sengoku almost instantly

In the eyes of Blackbeard et al.

Whitebeard, who entered the different dimension, reflexively wanted to lift up to Rozi.

"It's me, Whitebeard!"

Rozi yelled quickly, even though Whitebeard was seriously injured, it didn't mean that Rozi wanted to try how much strength Whitebeard still had.

"It's you, Rozi boy..." Whitebeard exhaled, frowning together. "What are you doing here, you should escape with the other members of the Whitebeard Pirates now."

"I want to escape, but your crew misses you very much." Rozi shrugged, "Don't talk so much, before Marine can react, come back to the Moby Dick with me now .”

"Wait, I have to stay, or Marine won't let it go."

"Even if you stay, Marine won't let it go, why don't you come back to the Moby Dick with me now, I risked such a big risk to help, can't you listen to the young man properly? Rozi waved his hand and ran in one direction. "I have Zephyr, Gion and others in my hands, as well as a Celestial Dragons, at worst I can use them to exchange the opportunity to leave."

"If you don't want your sons and daughters to be chased and beaten by that guy Blackbeard after you die, hurry up and follow."

Hearing Rozi's words, Whitebeard frowned, looked at Rozi who had already run far away, and finally stepped up to follow.

Meanwhile, the outside world.

"What's going on, Whitebeard people!" Akainu, who was about to pursue him, stopped abruptly, his eyes staring straight into the abyss.

However, at this time, neither Observation Haki nor eyes can capture Whitebeard's figure.

Just now, Whitebeard suddenly disappeared from his perception at 5.8.

Blackbeard on the periphery of the battle frowned, thinking of the picture of Rozi saving Ace, he naturally connected Whitebeard's disappearance with Rozi.

Looking at the figures of Sengoku and Akainu, Blackbeard thought for a while, then gestured to his companions, raised his legs and ran to the rear.

He came here to kill Whitebeard in order to get his Shock Fruit.

Now Whitebeard has disappeared, but Sengoku and Akainu are still in front of them.

He didn't dare to bet on whether the two of them would turn their guns on him.

"It must be Rozi!, they must be heading for the Moby Dick, catch up, Sakazuki!"

Sengoku glanced at the receding Blackbeard, stared and rushed towards the direction of the Moby Dick on the coast.

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