Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 276 Sengoku, I Will Perform A Public Execution For You Celestial Dragons

"Father, you are back!"

"Great, Dad, you finally arrived at the Moby Dick safely."

"Everyone, let's set sail and take Dad out of Naval Headquarters now."

Seeing that Rozi came out of the air door with Whitebeard and landed on the bow of the Moby Dick, members of the Whitebeard pirate group surrounded them in surprise.

The speed of the original evacuation accelerated even more, and some pirate ships even started to turn around and prepare to go to the other end of the sea.

However, Whitebeard, who was involved, was not excited about returning to the Moby Dick.

He glanced at Marine who was chasing this way, then at Rozi, and said:

"Boy Rozi, what are you going to do with these Marines, they won't just let us go."

"Of course I have a way. If the plan goes well, we can get out of here." Rozi smiled and turned to look at Jambalu beside him.

Qiangbalu nodded, unfolded the fruit space of the 29 city, and took out the square boxes from his body.

Seeing Jang Baru's actions, Marine Marshal Sengoku twitched his face.

At this moment, he suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Faintly, he felt that those boxes contained Zephyr's party captured by Rozi.

Jambaru moved very quickly, taking out all the boxes containing Zephyr and his party in less than ten seconds.

Because Zephyr and others have been deprived of shadow by Conis, in order not to let them be burned by the sun, Rozi deliberately chose to load them in closed boxes.

Of course, the choice to deprive them of their shadows is also to prevent Rozi from injuring others when he trades with Marine.

After all, as long as they trade during the day, Zephyr and others who have lost their shadows can only stay in a dark place and cannot attack their group under the sun.

After taking out the box containing Zephyr, Celestial Dragons Char Ross, who had been captured by Rozi for a long time, also appeared in Rozi's hands.

"Huh? Well...that's Celestial Dragons!"

"Rozi this guy... really brought the Celestial Dragons to the battlefield!"

"Damn it, you should have taken that fruit ability user from the very beginning!"

Although Charles Ross's bruised and purple face is very different from before, many Marines still recognized this Celestial Dragons who was strongly requested by the World government to rescue Marines.

Seeing Char Ross being held in his hands by Jangbaru like a chick, the Marine and World government agents stopped and turned their attention to Sengoku who was rushing to this side.

"That guy, are you trying to threaten me with Celestial Dragons?"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and stopped two hundred meters away from the Moby Dick.

The anger in his eyes almost burst out.

"Rozi, you bastard, if you don't want to commit further crimes, let the Celestial Dragons go!"

While speaking, he gestured to the surrounding Marines, wanting them to turn off the video phone bug that was broadcasting live to all parts of the world.

None of Sengoku's movements escaped Rozi's gaze.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he glanced at Kaku and Kalifa beside him.

Kaku stroked his hat, took out an image from behind, took two steps back and pointed the phone at Rozi, Sengoku and others.

Kalifa also took out a phone bug and slapped Celestial Dragons Char Ross with another Kakuzu.

"Don't bother shutting down the broadcast, Sengoku."

"Early before I came here, I had drawn up a plan to let my partners capture the video phone bug that you used to broadcast.

Rozi rested the knife on his shoulder and looked at Sengoku leisurely.

"Bastard Rozi, what the hell are you trying to do?"

Sengoku clenched his fists angrily, if eyes could kill, Rozi would have died thousands of times.

"It's nothing." Rozi shrugged, "Don't you Marines like public executions? Now Ace can't do public executions, so I thought it would be better to have Marine Admiral, Celestial Dragons or something before public executions."

"In this way, a normal war is considered complete, isn't it?"

After saying that, Rozi turned the long knife in his hand, and stabbed at the palm of Celestial Dragons diagonally behind.

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts to death!" Charle Ross, who was still in a coma just now, was immediately surprised and cried by the tingling pain from his hand, and his appearance was so slippery

"Wait, Rozi, don't hurt Celestial Dragons, what you want, you can talk about it first!"

Seeing that Rozi stabbed the long knife into the palm of Celestial Dragons without any hesitation, Sengoku panicked a bit.

Although he doesn't like Celestial Dragons, but if Rozi kills a Celestial Dragons in front of the whole world, the majesty of their Marine and World government will really be lost

The Summit War, which was originally launched to suppress the arrogance of the pirates, is likely to have the opposite effect.

At the same time, Sengoku was also frantically thinking about countermeasures in his mind. Rozi took out the Celestial Dragons at this time, nothing more than wanting to leave Naval Headquarters safely.

Although he knew it, but at this time he could only choose to procrastinate for the change.

He believes that the Five Elders at Mariejois will not be indifferent to what is happening here.

Perhaps the super 033 combat force of the World Government will be sent here soon.

What Sengoku didn't know was that Rozi was just stalling for time.

Want to rely on the likes of Celestial Dragons and Zephyr for the chance to escape?

Not to mention that the World government can even give up Zephyr in exchange for a pirate Shichibukai who cut off Zephyr. Even with Celestial Dragons in his hands, Rozi doesn't feel safe.

In the face of major events, Five Elders may choose to give up a Celestial Dragons in exchange for victory in the war.

Even if he's not sure, Rozi isn't going to pin everything on the Celestial Dragons.

His bet now is whether the Red Hair Pirates will come to Naval Headquarters like the original.

As long as the time is delayed until the arrival of the Red Hair Pirates, facing the two Four Emperors pirate groups, even if Marine wants to continue the war, he has to think carefully.

"Stop being confused, Sengoku."

"Don't you know what I want?"

"Honestly let us leave, maybe I will consider returning Zephyr and his party to you."

Rozi gestured to Jambaru, and he immediately stepped forward to remove the template that contained Zephyr's party and the side facing Sengoku and others.

Among the boxes, Marines such as Zephyr and Gion are being bound by chains and placed in an iron cage.

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