Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 412: Black Maria's Envy

Wanokuni, Flower Street.

"Master Rozi, this way please!"

Black Maria bowed slightly, leading Rozi with a respectful face.

"Well, it's been hard work."

Rozi nodded, stepped out of the door and onto the street.

Behind him are Nico Robin's baby5 and Kim Mira who have changed their clothes and arranged their clothes.

Just after coming out of the street, baby5 took Rozi's hand and stuck tightly to Rozi's side.

Although Nico Robin did not do like baby5, he is very close to Rozi.

Behind the three, Jing Jing looked at Nico Robin and baby5 with some envy.

Envious of their closeness to Rozi, at this time, she still believes that Nico Robin and baby5 can share so much powerful power from Rozi because they are close enough to Rozi.

"Please go this way, Weizhidao is in this direction.

"Understood, you can lead the way with peace of mind, Black Maria, I will also take a look at what this flower street looks like."

"Hee hee, if Master Rozi wants to fully understand, I can bring you here often in the future."

"Got it, got it, you are the leader of Huajie, you have said it many times."

"Lord Rozi is awesome, I'm just familiar with Huajie. Here, besides Xiao Zi, the chief oiran, I also know many good girls. If Master Rozi needs it, I can arrange it for you 々..

"Excuse me, didn't you see that there are two peerless beauties beside me?"

"Nico Robin and baby5 are indeed great beauties, but I said I knew each other... Oh, it seems that I can't say any more, and if I say it, it will cause someone's displeasure."

Feeling the gaze staring at her, Black Maria turned her head to look in the direction of baby5.

Sure enough, he saw her staring at her.

Black Maria didn't care much about this either.

In her opinion, no matter how much baby5 hopes to monopolize Rozi[, it will put Rozi first.

If Rozi likes it, even if Black Maria doesn't like her, she will accept the girl she arranged for Rozi.

That's right! At this time, Black Maria has already made plans to use other women to help her gain Rozi's favor.

'It's really enviable. '

Black Maria kept smiling, but her eyes showed envy for Nico Robin, baby5, and even Kim Mira.

At the beginning, when Kaido assigned her to perform the task of pleasing Rozi, she didn't take it too seriously.

But after seeing up close the way Rozi empowers her friends, she's starting to grow envious.

The way Kim Mira became stronger was not bad. Although she became stronger, Black Maria could feel it.

She was still stronger than Kim Mira.

But for Nico Robin and baby5.

Black Maria has a feeling [if she gets into a fight with either Nico Robin or the babies.

She will definitely lose badly.

"Hey, Master Rozi, can you tell me what Miss Nico Robin and Miss baby5 have learned from you?"

"I want to know, how about you fight with them, how much can you find out, let's count it as much."

Rozi smiled, walked directly past Black Maria, and walked down the street.

Just kidding, I'm still going to fight the Beasts Pirates in the future.

How could he disclose his partner's information to others so easily.

'It really isn't that easy. '

Black Maria sighed in her heart, and quickly took steps to follow.

And on the tall building not far away, a black figure also followed the pace of Rozi and others.

Rozi didn't have to look back, his Observation Haki informed him that what followed was the Flame Calamity Ember.

"||It was so nerve-wracking to finally leave."

"Yes, yes, this Rozi's aura is really too strong, he is indeed a man who can become the fourth disaster."

"At first I wondered how someone like Kaido would accept someone as the fourth disaster, but now I understand." (Qian Lihao)

"Speaking of which, that man seems to like women quite a bit. Do you think he will come to us often in the future?"

"If that's the case, we have to deal with it carefully, we can't make him unhappy.

In the building where Rozi stayed overnight, many women talked about it.

Beside them, a beautiful green-haired woman in steamy makeup glanced at them, and then at the direction Rozi and others left.

After a little hesitation, she walked up to her sedan chair with small steps, and said to the person who carried the sedan chair:

"Please hurry up, everyone. Before going to Daming Mansion, Xiao Zi, I want to talk to Mr. Rozi."

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