Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 413 In The Sedan Chair, The Blocked Line Of Sight

With the urging of Oiran Kozuki Hiyori.

How could the staff who carried the sedan chair not obey.

They nodded respectfully to Kozuki Hiyori, then raised the sedan chair and chased in the direction where Rozi and others were walking.

Because Rozi wasn't rushing to the island of ghosts.

Therefore, after only a few minutes, Kozuki Hiyori and others caught up with Rozi and others.

"Isn't this Miss Xiao Zi, have you been summoned by the daimyo again?"

Black Maria looked sideways at Kozuki Hiyori and others.

For her resident in Wanokuni Flower Street, she knows Wanokuni's name, that is, Kurozumi Orochi likes Oiran Xiaozi.

He would often summon Kozuki Hiyori, who goes by the pseudonym Xiaozi, to perform music in Daimyo Prefecture.

And the road that Rozi and others are now walking is not just the road to the island of ghosts.

It is also the road leading to Daming Mansion.

Therefore, Black Maria immediately guessed Kozuki Hiyori's purpose when she saw Kozuki Hiyori and others. 017

'Shall we go to where the Kurozumi Orochi is? '

'I don't know if I've had a chance to talk to her. "

Rozi fumbled for his chin, and glanced at the sedan chair in front of him.

The breath that belonged to Kozuki Hiyori that he felt yesterday immediately appeared in Rozi's heart.

On the sedan chair, Kozuki Hiyori gently lifted the curtain, and a beautiful face appeared in front of Rozi and others.

Her appearance immediately aroused the exclamation of the surrounding people.

Rozi is not surprising either, as one of the three beauties in the pirate world, the most beautiful woman in Wanokuni.

Kozuki Hiyori certainly has most of the people in Wanokuni.

Even women like it.

Glancing at the airtight box Kozuki Hiyori was riding in, a gleam of light flashed in Rozi's eyes, and he stepped up.

"Yo, what a coincidence."

"Isn't this Miss Xiaozi, the oiran of our cjeb country?"

"It's really a fate to meet you here."

"I don't know if I have this opportunity to walk with you for a while."

When Kozuki Hiyori heard this, she was looking for an opportunity to communicate with Rozi, of course she would not refuse.

"Master Rozi is in need, of course I am willing to chat with you."

"That's great."

Rozi said something with a smile, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and walked in directly under Kozuki Hiyori's surprised eyes.

And sat next to Kozuki Hiyori.

The sedan chair that Kozuki Hiyori rides on is itself a sedan chair for one person.

The entry of Rozi instantly made the space appear narrow.

Rozi and Kozuki Hiyori can only squeeze together close to the body.

"Hush!" Rozi raised his hand and put his index finger on Kozuki Hiyori's lips, who wanted to speak out.

"As expected, Miss Xiao Zi is very beautiful."

"When you came to play last night, I wanted to take a closer look at you."

"I didn't expect to have such an opportunity now."

"If you don't mind, can I take a closer look at you..."

While Rozi said that, Observation Haki quickly spread out and flocked to where Black Maria was.

Black Maria outside the sedan chair, just as Rozi thought, stared at the sedan chair in front of her.

But at this time, she didn't intend to raise the curtain to disturb Rozi.

Hearing what Rozi said to Kozuki Hiyori in the sedan chair, she chuckled and turned to Nico Robin and baby5.

"It's true, Captain Rozi really likes Xiao Zi."

"It's a pity that she is not from the Beasts Pirates, otherwise, Lord Kaido would have given it to Lord Rozi.

Hearing this, Nico Robin smiled and looked up at Black Maria: "Even if she is not from the Beasts Pirates, Rozi can have her, right?"

"This is more troublesome." Black Maria looked up at the front of the street.

There, the Daming Mansion is faintly visible.

"With the deterrent power of the Beasts Pirates, even Wanokuni's oiran can snatch it.

baby5 tilted his head, and said to Black Maria in a puzzled way.

"You two don't know that the oiran Xiaozi is the woman that the daimyo of this country likes."

"So if you want to give her to Rozi-sama like "me", there will be some difficulties.

Black Maria deliberately wrote the word "I", and even turned her head to look at the sedan chair.

Even if Rozi didn't pay much attention to her, she was trying her best to tell Rozi her respect for Rozi.

"I don't think Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, is afraid of a country's name."

Nico Robin shook his head and said with a smile on his face:

"You... no, it should be said that we should have some kind of business with the big name of this country, just like the Beasts Pirates have business with the Donquixote Family."

"As expected of Nico Robin." Black Maria clapped her hands, "No wonder Rozi likes you so much, she is beautiful and smart, she is such a powerful woman."

"Thank you for your praise, but, can I ask Miss Black Maria to tell us about the incident between Miss Xiaozi and Daimyo Wanokuni, so that we and Captain Rozi can be prepared.

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