Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 461 Smoothie's Thoughts

"What, Reiju, are you going to follow them to the Big Mom Pirates?"

"No, this is too dangerous!"

Hearing Reiju's words, Sanji immediately raised his voice to stop it.

However, Reiju just waved to Sanji calmly.

Then he raised his head and looked at Smoothie, who was a notch taller than himself.

We can agree to such a condition.

Smoothie smiled and said something, then looked mysteriously at the video phone bug where Sanji was.

The next moment, Sanji was on the side, and there was a noisy sound from outside the cell door.

Judge, Reiju and others looked up.

A few seconds later, several members of the Big Mom Pirates broke into the cell door.

Yuji, who was in charge of guarding Sanji, was knocked down before he could react.

And after all this was done, someone loosened Sanji's chains immediately.

"This...Smoogee, Katakuri, you have already arranged it?"

Judge's eyes were tearing apart, and he looked at Smoothie and Katakuri in disbelief.

In order for Reiju not to have the idea of ​​saving Sanji.

Judge purposely kept Germa 66's large convoy at a distance.

Sanji and Yuji were there too.

Similarly, Smoothie, Katakuri and others also left some people there.

Judge originally thought that Smoothie and the others wanted their people to help guard Sanji.

In order to avoid unexpected situations.

After all, Sanji was still practicing with Rayleigh not long ago.

Although this sea is far away from where they took Sanji.

But that doesn't mean Rayleigh isn't likely to come.

However, Judge never thought of it.

He didn't wait for Rayleigh to rescue Sanji, but his trusted BIG MOM Pirates betrayed his expectations.

"As I said, compared to you Germa66, the "Fairy Tail loyalists" led by Rozi are much more important."

Katakuri gave Judge a cold look, then turned to Reiju and said:

"That's how you expected it to be.

"Now, can the two of you follow us alone?"

Hearing this, Reiju smiled and looked at Luo: "Luo, I need to trouble you to come with me.

Luo shook his head and said: "They are all partners, if you want to go, I am naturally willing to go with you.

Regardless, although Luo is willing to go, Sanji obviously still cannot accept it.

Looking at the emotional Sanji, Reiju said:

"If we fight now, we may be able to defeat Smoothie and Katakuri and others."

"But the Explorer will also suffer certain casualties."

"Since Smoothie and Katakuri are here to marry Captain Rozi and Smoothie."

I think it would be better to have Captain Rozi come after us later than to fight directly.

Hearing this, Sanji couldn't help being silent for a while.

Indeed, Reiju is right.

Having seen the power of Rozi's companions during the Summit War, he naturally knows that Rozi is surrounded by some powerful monsters.

But people like Smoothie and Katakuri are also monsters.

If there is a real fight, the possibility of no bloody casualties on both sides will be very small.

In order to avoid such a situation, the decision made by Reiju may be the best choice.

After all, it now appears that Smoothie and Katakuri did not have any malicious intentions.

And if it's that Rozi, even if he doesn't want to join the BIG MOM Pirates, he doesn't want to marry Smoothie.

Perhaps he can also successfully bring Reiju and Luo out of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

Thinking of this, the last reason to stop in Sanji's heart also dissipated.

Opposite the phone bug, Reiju saw Sanji lowered his head, and took out the phone bug with confidence.

""||I'll get in touch with Nami (to get Li Zhao). "

"Afterwards, Luo and I will follow you to the nations."

"It's just that Captain Luo is very picky about women.

"Perhaps he wouldn't want to marry Miss Smoothie.

Reiju looked at Smoothie with a smile on his face and said.

"If that were the case, I would be very sad.

The corners of Smoothie's mouth raised slightly, and he continued:

"However, my mother still has many excellent daughters, there must be Rozi who he can fancy.

"Of course, I still hope that Rozi can see me."

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