Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 462 Aunt: It Seems That I Will Be Able To Meet Rozi Soon

"Reiju, are you really going to do this?"

"If you want, we can go to war with the opposite person."

Nami held the phone bug and said with a serious face.

On the other side of the phone bug is Reiju on the Germa 66 ship.

"Nami, you know, Captain Rozi wouldn't want to see any casualties here."

"And now, it's not suitable for us to have any conflicts with the Big Mom Pirates, is it?"

Reiju said calmly.

It seems that Reiju's calm tone infected Nami, and gradually Nami became much calmer from the excitement of Reiju's decision for the first time.

As Reiju said, Rozi is now planning to find Kaido and trouble the Beasts Pirates.

An all-out feud between Fairy Tail and the Beasts Pirates is a sure thing in the near future. 513

If a BIG MOM pirate group is added now, it is indeed not in the interest of the explorer.

It is true that Reiju and Luo will not necessarily be injured when they go to Wan Guo.

With Rozi's innumerable mysterious means, maybe it won't take long to bring the two back.

Even, many treasures can be obtained from Wan Guo.

Including the red historical text stele collected by Charlotte Linlin.

Thinking of this, Nami couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"I see, Reiju."

"I will contact Captain Rozi afterwards."

"But, I can't guarantee that Captain Rozi won't be angry."

Nami sighed.

"Hehe, if Captain Rozi is really angry, please trouble (cjej) Nami and go and coax him.

"Don't look at his serious appearance, in fact, he is easy to coax."

The corners of Reiju's mouth turned up, and the interesting things that happened when he and Rozi lived in the same room could not help appearing in his mind.

After chatting for a few more words, Reiju hung up the call with Nami, turned to look at Smoothie and the others.

"Come on, both of you."

"We have already discussed it, and then we will go to Wan Guo."

"Though Miss Smoothie you may not be to Captain Rozi's liking."

"But as Captain Rozi's assistant, I might be able to find some other girls who fit Captain Rozi's aesthetic."

"By then, the possibility of our two marriages will be even higher."

Reiju said with a light smile.

"That's really bad. It seems that I will have many competitors."

Smoothie smiled, but her heart was not as bad as she said.

For her, Rozi is interested though.

But without seeing Rozi with his own eyes, he wouldn't feel any reluctance towards Rozi.

After seeing Katakuri nodding to himself, Smoothie ordered his men to control Germa 66's ship and sail away.

Reiju turned to look at the video phone bug.

At this moment, Sanji is holding a video phone bug and sailing in a small boat to a distant place.

Seeing Reiju's gentle smile, Sanji couldn't help clenching his fists, and he once again felt the importance of becoming stronger.

He knew that if he was strong enough, maybe Judge wouldn't have the chance to threaten him.

He could have beaten Judge himself when Judge threatened to kill Zapp.

"Mom, we've taken Vince Mo Ke Reiju and Lo to the nations.

"In about a day, we will be able to reach all nations."

"As for Vince Mo Ke Judge, we've thrown him overboard."

In the cabin, Katakuri took the phone bug and reported to Charlotte Linlin who was far away on Cake Island.

By this time, they had already replaced their ships.

"Hee hee hee! Well, it looks like I'll be seeing that Rozi soon.

"Hope that kid Kaido won't be mad!"

Across from the phone bug, Charlotte Linlin laughed and stuffed dessert into her mouth.

The good news brought by Katakuri further increased his appetite.

Although it is to steal someone from Kaido, but I think of the kindness I once had towards Doo.

Charlotte and Linlin didn't feel the slightest bit of shame.

At the same time, the research on Rozi also gave Charlotte Linlin full confidence that Rozi would come to Cake Island for Reiju and Luo.

Even if Rozi doesn't come, she can go directly to Rozi with Reiju and Luo.

Let Rozi marry his own daughter.

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