Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 577 Smoothie: We Can Meet Again, Rozi

"Rozi, you bastard, you lied to me!"

BIG MOM Pirates, on the deck of a huge pirate ship, Charlotte Tesmoji looked at Rozi who was confronting Charlotte Linlin in the distance with a tangled expression.

Seeing Rozi herself, walking up the marriage hall with Rozi at Cake Island, all the way to the wedding room - came to her mind.

Looking at the man who should have lived a happy married life with him, but now he is fighting with his mother and even the pirate group he belongs to.

Charlotte Tesmoji's mood was extremely complicated.

"Yo, we meet again, sue."

Rozi turned his head and waved to Smoothie with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean 'meet you again', and what's the matter with your tone?"

"Why does it seem so easy?"

"What am I to you?"

Seeing Rozi's relaxed appearance, 630 Charlotte Tesmoji felt short of breath.

I can't wait to rush to Rozi now and reprimand Rozi.

However, after thinking about the ability of the Conqueror's Haki that Rozi left for herself, she was a little bit at a loss.

"Well, I never planned to marry the Big Mom Pirates."

"Besides, you didn't ask for my opinion, and forcibly brought my partner to your territory."

"So, if I deceive you a little bit, it shouldn't be considered a reason.

Rozi shrugged and said for the so-called.

After speaking, he also took a special look at Charlotte Linlin who was directly opposite him.

Sure enough, because of Rozi's words, Charlotte Linlin's complexion immediately became quite ugly.

It seemed that he would rush to teach Rozi a lesson at any moment.

"Since you are only acting, why do you want to leave me with a royal history?"

"Rozi, you should still like me."

Smoothie took a deep breath, and asked the question that he felt very puzzled in his heart.

For marrying Rozi, she originally regarded it as a mother's task.

But now, after seeing Rozi's power and feeling the power that Rozi bestowed on his Conqueror's Haki, Smoothie's sense of Rozi has surpassed the initial feeling.

For Rozi, she already has a considerable degree of appreciation in her heart.

After all, for pirates like them, appreciating and worshiping the strong is a common characteristic to some extent.

"Well... it should be regarded as appreciation."

"I thought, we are also 'newcomers' who have walked the red carpet.

"Perhaps one day, you would like to break away from the Big Mom Pirates and come (cjdh) to my side?"

"So, I left this power behind, intending to tempt you."

Rozi laughed.

"Bastard Rozi, how dare you goug me in the face!"

Charlotte roared Linlin, and once again drove the thundercloud towards Rozi.

Rozi had poached Snamon, and now she was poaching Smoothie in front of her.

How could the outburst heavy lottery Linlin endure such a thing.

Seeing Charlotte Linlin rushing towards him, Rozi raised the corners of his mouth and waved to Charlotte Tesmoji with a smile on his face.

The next moment, before Charlotte Linlin's blade brushed over Rozi's body, the latter's figure suddenly turned into a white light and disappeared in front of the entire BIG MOM pirate group.

Charlotte Linlin who swung the knife in the air blinked her eyes, and after a while, a roar came out of her mouth.

It has been spread to the distant sea.

"Rozi, you bastard!"

I will definitely find you and execute you!

"And your partner, I will never let them go!"

On the side, Charlotte Tesmoji and the others looked at the angry Charlotte Linlin, and for a moment they didn't dare to step forward.

They understand, walking in front of Charlotte Linlin in a rage state.

Maybe they will suffer from the soul spell from Charlotte Linlin, and face the situation of the soul being drawn.

‘Rozi, you are such a man...that you made mom so angry. "

"We should be able to meet again."

Smoothie touched the ring between his fingers, and looked at the endless sea with a complicated expression.

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