Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 578 Reiju: Captain, I Will Take You To Rest

[Haha, Brother Qi is Brother Qi, this wave is completely playing around with the Four Emperors' aunt. 】

[This teleportation ability is very useful, although it needs to consume points. But when encountering a strong enemy in the future, Brother Qi can let his partners run away first, and then use the power of this teleportation to return to their side. 】

[One thing to say, this kind of power can only be described as perfect. 】

[Indeed, it’s only 100 points, Brother Qi can get 1,000 points for any historical text stele, little~ meaning. 】

【That's great, I'm really envious of your challengers from Chu. It would be great if the challengers from our country could also upgrade the fleet to level 4. 】

【It's not easy to upgrade to level 4, just accept your partner's progress quickly - wouldn't it be good?】

[How can it be so easy, not all challengers from all countries are as charismatic as Rozi from your country. 】

[That's true, Brother Qi is strong and good-looking, so the success rate in inviting partners is naturally extremely high. 】

[Now I can only hope that our country's challenger can come back smoothly. If there is another forbidden land expedition, he will be able to gain an advantage in the new forbidden land. 】

In One Piece World, the Explorer is rapidly sailing towards the distance.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of nowhere on the deck of the Explorer.

Most of the people on the Explorer have Observation Haki, and soon everyone turned their attention to the breath that suddenly appeared.

"Captain Rozi, great to have you back."

Nami, who was closer, made a dodge and quickly appeared beside Rozi in the form of lightning.

A pair of slender hands groped up and down Rozi's body, patting here and there.

"Hi, what's the matter with you?"

Rozi slapped Nami's hand away, twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

"Hee hee, Captain Rozi, are you shy?"

Nami had her hands on her hips, watching Rozi's expression with interest.

"Don't worry, Captain Rozi, I won't eat you."

"I just wanted to see if you were hurt?"

"Now it seems that you have no wounds at all?"

"Should I be worthy of being our captain, even in the face of Four Emperors Charlotte Linlin?"

"Are you able to retreat without injury?!"

Nami said proudly.

Even though she was once timid, she is now proud of Rozi, a captain who can compete with the Four Emperors.

"It's incredible, although knowing that Captain Rozi is an amazing character."

"However, seeing how Captain Rozi and Four Emperors BIG MOM competed, I was quite surprised."

Jinbei waved his hand to disperse the surrounding rain, and came over in amazement.

"Hehe, I can only come back safely and quickly by sensing the fleet seals on everyone."

"Otherwise, if you want to get rid of the blockade of Charlotte Linlin and her children, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to come back.

Rozi laughed.

My own people know their own affairs.


Charlotte Linlin didn't do much damage to Rozi though.

But Rozi himself was unable to do any harm to Charlotte Linlin.

The fighting between the two of them only consumed a little physical strength of each other.

If you don't have the ability to teleport, under the interception of Charlotte Linlin and her children.

Even with the speed provided by Breath of Thunder, Rozi is not confident that he can get rid of them.

After all, there are many Demon fruit powers among the BIG MOM Pirates.

There may be some weird Devil Fruit ability among them that can prevent him from leaving.

"Captain Rozi just finished the battle, it should be very hard."

"How about I take you to the captain's cabin to rest."

At this time, Reiju, the captain's deputy, came over.

She looked around at her companions, smiled and said:

"It's been a while since we sailed."

"Charlotte, Linlin and others should have no way to catch up."

"The work of keeping the Explorer sailing does not require the involvement of the captain."

After Reiju finished speaking, people around nodded their heads.

Obviously, they all agree with Reiju's statement.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll go take a rest."

"If someone really catches up later, I can also have enough physical strength to deal with them.

Rozi nodded, patted Reiju on the shoulder and walked towards the cabin.

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