Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 604 Oro Jia, I Will Borrow Your Ring

"Is Captain Rozi going to develop that Tezolo as a partner?"

"What an amazing speech."

"However, if it's you, Captain Rozi, maybe you can really do it."

Kaku pushed the brim of his hat and said solemnly.

After finishing speaking, he also glanced at Jinbei, Marigold, Yamato and others beside him.

Each of these people is not so easy to develop into a partner.

"Five Six Seven" but Rozi just developed them into partners.

If it is someone else, it may be really difficult to develop Tezolo, who has a lot of wealth, as a partner.

But Rozi definitely has that ability.

If pure gold is found, Rozi can become a richer man than Tezolo.

In terms of strength, Rozi's strength is definitely stronger than Tezolo's.

Thinking of Tezolo's expression when he realizes that he can't even match Rozi's proud financial resources, Kaku feels quite interesting.

"Tezolo's life card will appear here."

"Perhaps it was Tezolo who sent this treasure hunter to find pure gold."

"Captain Rozi, we are going to look for Tezolo at this time, maybe there will be some conflicts."

Brono rested his chin on one hand and expressed his thoughts.

"Maybe." Rozi shrugged, "Anyway, go to the Golden Emperor's Casino as a reservation first."

"Next, we still have to find pure gold first."

"Miss Oro, now you have seen our power."

"Now you should believe that we have the power to get the pure gold."

Hearing this, Oro Jia frowned, and began to mutter subconsciously.

"These individuals seem to be really strong."

"Easily knocked down my pursuers."

"But even with such power, it is impossible to defeat Lord Lantern."

"It's hard to leave that place, I don't want to go back to Lord Lantern's stomach.

"There must be a way to trick them."

Around, Nami and Nuo Qigao looked at each other, and looked at Oro Jia who was talking to himself, a little speechless.

Rob Lucci simply walked up to Oro Jia, looking down at Oro Jia with a serious face.

"We all heard what you said just now."

"I advise you to honestly tell us the information about Pure Gold..."

"We have the ability to extract your memory [even if you don't tell us, we still have a way."

Hearing Rob Lucci's words, Oro Jia raised his head in amazement, and at the same time realized that his problem of not being able to hide what was in his heart had been committed again.

Rozi patted Rob Lucci on the shoulder, lowered his body and raised Oro Jia's hand with the ring.

"Miss Oro, I'd like to borrow your ring."

Rozi, who knows where the pure gold is, plans to get the pure gold directly according to his own ideas this time.

He understood that, based on Oro Jia's experience, unless the "Lord Lantern" she called really appeared on the sidelines, she would be able to take them to find pure gold.

If there were no such special circumstances, Oro Jia, who finally escaped from the mouth of the Lantern Master in 5.4, would not want to go back.


Oro Ka's eyes widened, trying to stop Rozi.

But as an ordinary person, how could she be faster than Rozi's hand speed.

"Damn it, give me back the ring."

"Don't let the ring shine, you bastard!"

Oro Jia jumped up and grabbed Rozi's hand, but was directly pulled by Rozi to lift it up.

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