Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 605 Nico Robin Wants To Explore

"Quick, give me back the ring."

"Now if you let the pure gold on the ring shine, it will attract Lord Lantern."

"We're all going to be swallowed."

Oro Jia grabbed Rozi's arm and said very nervously.

I have experienced the scene of being swallowed whole by Mr. Lantern.

This made Oro Jia quite awed by Lord Lantern.

That is a giant lantern fish that is big enough to swallow most of the island.

If it really appeared here, Oro Jia felt that even Rozi, who offered a reward of nearly two billion Berry, would not be able to deal with it.

"Pure gold? There's pure gold on this?!"

Oro Ka's words, on the contrary, aroused Nami's interest.

She ran over excitedly, her eyes staring straight at the ring in Luo's hand.

Sure enough, I saw something that looked like gold inside the ring.

Under the sunlight, the pure gold began to emit a dazzling light gradually.

Like Nami, everyone around looked over curiously.

I want to find out what kind of treasure pure gold is.

"Hey, Captain Rozi, can you show me the ring...huh?!"

"Captain, it seems that something is swimming towards us from the bottom of the sea!"

"It's so big, even bigger than some islands!"

When Nami was about to ask for the ring from Rozi and watched carefully.

With her keen sense of sight, Haki sensed that there was some kind of huge creature swimming towards the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, other people with Observation Haki on the Expedition also sensed the creatures on the bottom of the sea and began to show serious expressions.

"Huh?! Huge creature on the bottom of the sea?"

"Could it be that Lord Lantern has already sensed the existence of pure gold?"

"Wait, why are you able to perceive the existence of Lord Lantern in advance?!"

Oro Jia came back to his senses and looked at Nami in shock.

"There is such a power as Observation Haki in the world."

"Oro Jia, you just said that Lord Lantern'can perceive pure gold?"

"What does it mean?"

Nico Robin asked suspiciously.

"I said, do you have a sense of crisis?"

"Lord Lantern is a super big lantern fish that is bigger than an island."

"It has a super perception of pure gold, as long as it feels the light of pure gold, it will appear beside pure gold and swallow it."

"Once, Al Camie was swallowed by Lord Lantern because he felt pure gold.

At this time, Oro Jia was able to see the increasingly large shadow through the surface of the sea.

Through the shape of the shadow, Oro Jia was sure that it was Lord Lantern.

Under such circumstances, she can't care so much.

In one breath, he told about Pure Gold, Al Camie, and Lord Lantern.

"So it is. 683"

"Al Camie, who disappeared two hundred years ago, was swallowed by a giant lanternfish."

"So, if you enter this giant lantern fish, you can see the remains of two hundred years ago?"

Nico Robin rested his chin on one hand, and began to have a great interest in the legacy in Lord Lantern's belly.

Like Nami, Robin also has quite a few interests.

Nami is treasure and Robin is ancient relic.

At this moment, she was quite interested in hearing that there were ancient relics in Mrs. Lantern's stomach.

"Captain Rozi, why don't you take me to the inside of Lord Lantern's stomach, how about?"

Suddenly, Nico Robin turned his head to look at Rozi and smiled.

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