Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 607 Nami: I Want To See Pure Gold Soon

"The sea was cut?!"

"Am I dreaming?!"

Oro Jia lay on the side of the boat, looking at Robin and Rozi in disbelief.

She never imagined that Rozi's seemingly easy knife could cut a bottomless crack in the sea.

"Didn't I say it, our captain is very strong."

"Hee hee, it's really great, you can see the big pure gold later."

"I wish Captain Rozi got the pure gold from Lord Lantern soon."

Seeing Rozi and Robin falling towards the sea crack that separates them, Nami clasped his hands together, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"If you're really in such a hurry, why don't you go with me, Nami.

Nuo Qigao said with a smile behind him.

"Yes, we can go together." Nami's eyes lit up, "Nuo Qigao, you reminded me so well, I'll go there right away.

"The matter of sailing will be left to you."

After the words fell, Nami's body turned into a blue thunder and rushed towards Rozi in the distance.

"Hey, the navigators have left, how are we going to sail?"

Luo slapped his forehead with a distressed expression.

"Hehe, anyway, Nami and the others won't be away for too long.

"Nothing should happen."

"Compared to this, let me prepare some food for everyone.

"After all, Miss Oro's stomach has been ringing for a long time."

Nuo Qigao smiled and looked down at Oro Jia.

From just now, she could hear Oro Ka's stomach rumbling.

Obviously been hungry for a long time.

"I said, your hearts are too big."

"Look over there, Master Lantern has already gone after them."

Oro Ka opened his mouth and pointed in the direction where Rozi, Nami and others left.

Through the sea, everyone could clearly see a shadow bigger than an island moving towards the direction where Rozi and Robin left.

"Just a huge fish, it won't do Captain Rozi any harm."

"That man is a man who can confront the Four Emperors head-on."

Jinbei patted his stomach, and he didn't worry about Rozi at all. (jcd)

Oro Jia looked at everyone on the deck and found that they all had the same relaxed expression.

Not the slightest worry.

"Ah, why am I the only one who is worried."

"Forget it, I don't care."

"If that man and those two women are dead, don't blame me."

Oro Jia scratched his hair with both hands, and finally gave up and continued to persuade Luo and others.

And agreed to Nuo Qigao's proposal to prepare food for him.

She was really hungry already.

On the other side, where Rozi is.

"Nami, why are you here?"

Rozi turned his head and saw a blue lightning appear beside him.

He quickly reached out and took him into his arms.

After being held in Rozi's arms, Lightning quickly transformed into Nami's original appearance.

"Hee hee, I still decided to go treasure hunting with Captain Rozi."

"I want to see pure gold sooner."

Nami put her arms around Rozi's arms and gave her a big smile.

"I really can't do anything about you, hurry up, we will enter Lord Lantern's belly now.

Rozi said to Nami, and then grabbed the waists of Nami and Robin with both hands.

Step on the Moonwalk and rush to the right.

At the same time, a huge lantern fish suddenly rushed out of the sea and swallowed the three of Rozi.

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