Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 608: Plan To Pack All The Pure Gold Away

After entering Lord Lantern's belly, the surroundings fell into darkness.

Fortunately, Nami is a Thunder Fruit capable user.

After she used her ability to condense a blue ball in her hand, the darkness was dispelled by the light.

'what a pity. '

‘Obviously I wanted to be alone with Captain Rozi~ for a while. '

Nico Robin glanced at Nami's excited face, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

It's a pity, but I feel sorry for Nami seeing the treasure of pure gold sooner.

She also understands very well.

Naturally, I won't say much.

"Oro Jia said just now that Lord Lantern has three stomachs in his stomach. I don't know which island the pure gold we are looking for is on."

When Rozi stepped on the Moonwalk and ran towards the Lantern-sama's stomach, Nami spoke.

"Take a look at all three islands, you can always find them."

"However, I think the largest pure gold should be the object inside the lantern on the head of this huge lantern fish."

Rozi walked towards Lord Lantern's stomach while stepping on the Moonwalk, generally raising his head to look above his head.

"Inside the lantern?" Nami also looked up to the sky, "But, Captain Rozi, how do you know?"

"Use your knowledge and experience to see Haki and you will know." Rozi glanced at the ring in his hand, "The object in the lantern fish lantern has the same breath as the pure gold on the ring I got from Oro Jia. "

Hearing what Rozi said, Nami and Robin immediately launched Observation Haki and sent it towards the lantern fish lantern above their heads.

"It's really what you said, Captain Rozi, it's really pure gold!"

Nami opened her eyes with a smile on her face.

Thinking that the huge lantern might be full of pure gold, Nami hugged Rozi's arm excitedly.

"Oro Jia said that Lantern-sama likes pure gold, maybe because of the characteristic of pure gold that can emit golden light.

"And after it swallows the pure gold into its stomach, it will digest and absorb the pure gold and transfer it to the lantern above its head.

Robin bowed his head and pondered, and gave his guess.

"Captain Rozi, you found out just now."

"That's why you said you want to borrow Jangbalu's Devil Fruit ability."

"Are you ready to remove the huge pure gold on the lantern fish's head at that time?"

……ask for flowers…

Robin raised his mouth and asked Rozi.

"That's right." Rozi nodded slightly and said without hesitation. "Although the gold in the lantern is huge.

"But with my strength, if I borrow the ability of Qiangbalu's Fortified City Fruit, I should be able to hold all of them."

"If you put pure gold into your body, you don't have to worry about the light from the pure gold causing Mr. Lantern to chase you."

"However, after all, it is the pure gold that Mr. Lantern has collected for a long time."

"After losing it, I'm afraid it will go crazy."

"In order not to let its madness affect the explorer, it must be kept away from the explorer first."

"With so much pure gold, maybe it can really buy the world."

"However, it may also attract more people's coveting."

Rozi believes that, among other things, the World government, which covets pure gold, is likely to send a large number of troops to make trouble for itself.

But thinking that he had already fallen out with the Five Elders and the others.

Rozi felt that it was okay for them to get the news that he had pure gold in his hands.


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