Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 775 Rayleigh: I'm Just Passing By Here!

【It’s amazing, it’s my goddess Hancock, the big fragrant legs are really amazing!】

[It's really great, but I don't think any of you here can catch this kick. 】

[Just kidding, I just watched Miss Hancock's attack carefully by slowing down 10 times. It was obviously a blow that condensed armed colors and Conqueror's. Even Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters would have a hard time catching this attack. 】

[I also slowed down, the pacifist is not simple, Hancock's attack obviously has the ability to petrify, but after receiving Hancock's blow, her body did not appear petrified. 】

29【Isn't it? Could it be that she has the power to resist Devil Fruit's ability?】

[I don't think so, it's just that she used some means to neutralize the power of the sweet fruit before Hancock's ability applied to her body. 】

What the audience in the real world can discover, Maynard naturally also discovered.

Seeing the little female empress pacifist standing up again, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Damn empress, since you want to fight, don't regret it."

With a roar, Maynard immediately ordered another pacifist to attack.

On the deck of the Marine warship, a child with the face of Hawkeye when he was a child, the same wings on his back, and a long knife similar to Hei Toya flew up, and slashed at Amazon Lily.

The powerful slash immediately turned into a flying slash tens of meters in length.

Vaguely, Hancock and the country behind her are included in it.

"This time, let's see how you can stop it."

The corner of Maynard's mouth turned upwards, and the image of Hancock's inability to cope was already in his mind.

However, such a picture is nothing more than a fantasy after all.

Just when the slash was about to approach Hancock, an unexpected person such as Maynard, Fujitora Yixiao and others suddenly appeared, using the sharp blade in his hand to intercept Little Hawkeye's slash.

"Ray...Rayleigh, why is he here?!"

Maynard stared wide-eyed, looking at the man who suddenly appeared in a state of bewilderment.

Although Fujitora couldn't look at him with a smile, he also sensed the strong aura of the person who stopped the little eagle eye from slashing, and suddenly became serious.

"Marine, you really invented something amazing."

"Such a slash really feels like an eagle eye."

Rayleigh chuckled, his eyes flashed, and his hands snapped hard.

The two swords resisting the flying slash rose up, and the slash of the little eagle eye flew towards the sea, cutting a huge hole in the sea.

"Pluton Rayleigh, why are you here?"

"Could it be that you plan to go out of the mountain again?" 000 Maynard raised his eyes to look at Rayleigh, and at the same time, he roared and asked Rayleigh.

"Going out of the mountain? I think you have misunderstood, I just came here just by chance."

"And the slash of yours just now would accidentally injure my friend and me, so I took the shot."

"To some extent, I'm justified in self-defense."

Rayleigh held the long knife on his shoulder, walked to the position alongside Hancock, and looked at the opposite starfish with interest.

Although it is old, Rayleigh has to admit it in his heart.

Picking up the knife again and standing with the young man, the enthusiasm in his heart gradually recovered.

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