Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 776 Teachers And Students Meet, Opposing Positions

[Ginger is still old and spicy. When Rayleigh made a move, he knew it was the row of masters standing at the top of the pyramid. 】

[So what about the new pacifist, so what about being able to swing a powerful flying slash, and he was directly chopped off by our Rayleigh. 】

【Too bad, I'm a little fond of this handsome old man now. It would be great if Brother Qi could invite him to join the team in the future. 】

[I think this may be a little difficult, Rayleigh is obviously an old man who likes to retire. This time I came to help, also for the sake of Hancock and Shakky. 】

[According to the information obtained now, he seems to be more like a witness. But no matter what, with his shot this time, it must be stable. 】

"Stop kidding, do you think I'll take your word for it, Pluton Rayleigh?"

Maynard waved and growled.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, anyway, I will take care of today's matter."

"You really want to take care of it? Are you not afraid that Marine will want you again"?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Besides, I think you Marines probably won't have so much time to take care of me, an old man."

"Huh? Rayleigh, what do you mean?"

"What do you think? The sea is already boiling, think about the one you are most worried about.

Rayleigh smiled, and the superb Observation Haki - passed over the people on the Marine warship, and finally landed on the distant sea.

"Hey, has that person over there come too, but it seems that some dare not come here."

"Do you want us to go and see for ourselves?"

Rayleigh whispered.

"That one over there, what are you talking about?"

Maynard frowned.

"He should be talking about Whitebeard II."

"My Observation Haki senses the breath of the person coming from over there."

At this time, Hu Yixiao stepped forward and walked to Maynard's side.

"Whitebeard II, is that fool? How did he come here?"

Maynard frowned, unable to understand why Whitebeard II came here.

"Perhaps, some news from our side has leaked?"

"Whitebeard II, are you here to join forces with Empress Hancock?"

Thinking of the plan to abolish Shichibukai that will be announced to the world soon, Fujitora→dai said silently.

"Hmph, how could I join forces with that guy, that guy is my enemy."

Hancock snorted coldly.

Rozi's partner, Hancock, has made a special effort to understand.

Naturally, he also knew about the former Marine Admiral and Black Arm Zephyr.

Since the so-called Whitebeard II is Zephyr's enemy, Hancock naturally regards Whitebeard II as an enemy.

What Rayleigh and others can perceive, Zephyr can naturally perceive.

With a gloomy face, he walked out from the closed gate of Amazon Lily, his red eyes stared straight at the sea not far away.

There, he sensed a very familiar and hateful breath (good Li's).

After Maynard saw Zephyr, his already surprised mood went up to a new level.

"||Ze... Teacher Zephyr, why are you here?!"

"You...are you allied with Hancock?"

Hearing this, Zephyr turned to look at Maynard:

"It's you, Maynard. It's a pity that we will be in this position when we meet again."

"As you can see, we are already enemies."

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