Hidden Corners

Chapter 593 593 Practice 1

Li Chengyi and the others entered through the gap on the side of Zhou Lu and others. When passing by, Zhou Lu suddenly paused slightly and glanced sideways at Li Chengyi.

He seemed to have noticed something, but it was not clear. In his current state, he could step into the holy throne and become a saint at any time.

A saint is immortal, eternal and unique. After he has absorbed himself, he has achieved a personality that transcends cause and effect. As long as he is within the blind spot of his sanctification, he is invincible.

This state is actually equivalent to small omniscience. It is normal to be able to slightly sense the subtle differences in Li Chengyi.

"What's wrong, Senior Brother Zhou? Could it be that you feel something in your heart and have some understanding?" A tall junior sister wearing a purple flower ornament on the side said softly.

"Nothing, let's continue the topic we just talked about." Zhou Lu said calmly, "As for the classification of the types of stress responses of underlying cells, I divided them into seventeen major categories and sixty-five sub-categories."

A group of people began to discuss in detail again, and their voices were undisguised. Li Chengyi's head was raised when he heard it.

"Let's go, let's go in first." Chunfan pulled him in front.

The two of them followed Que Ru at the front and entered the library together.

As soon as he entered, Li Chengyi's pupils shrank slightly.

This library seemed completely different from what he thought.

The entire library looks like ordinary furnishings, but the key is the books on the shelves.

Let’s not talk about the covers of these books. The point is that some of their entities are translucent and looming. Some are burning slowly, half charred.

Some surfaces are covered with mildew, which looks yellowish-green and quite disgusting.

There are also colorful little mushrooms growing on the cover of the book, and there are tiny flying insects circling around.

In the library, a beautiful woman with a translucent figure and a gray and black dress was quietly holding a book, sitting behind the counter on the right side of the entrance, and flipping through the pages.

Que Ru walked to the counter, stretched out his hand and gently pushed out his Ziyun Pei waist badge.

Chunfan also patted Li Chengyi and motioned to follow suit.

Both of them put their own cards on it.

Li Chengyi was surprised to find that his waistband had returned to its original state without knowing when, and the cracks on it had long since disappeared automatically.

The woman in the gray and black dress raised her head, revealing an innocent face that looked somewhat like an Eastern European. His dark eyes glanced at the three of them.

"Do not touch the book that is degenerating into a transparent book. It means that the system inside it is being questioned, resulting in system collapse, and it may become a fake book. Once you absorb the knowledge of the fake book, it will cause a huge misalignment of your thinking."

"Yes, thank you senior for reminding me." Que Ru was the first to bow his head and thank him.

The other two followed suit.

"Work hard. Your mother and I were best friends back then. It's a pity that she missed the chance and had no choice but to stop becoming a saint." The woman in black skirt said peacefully.

Looking at Que Ru, there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Yes." Que Ru saluted again.

"By the way, you should know the taboos in Yaoyuan, right? If you know, help me mention it to them." The woman in black skirt said softly.

"Yes." Que Ru nodded again.

After bowing seriously, she took Chunfan and Li Chengyi and walked towards the inner corridor of the library.

There are still a few people in the library, but most of them are looking for books rather than reading.

Li Chengyi looked carefully and found that many people took books and walked directly towards the deepest part of the museum.

Apparently there is a place to read.

The three of them walked along the aisle. The gloomy hall inside the museum is spacious and deserted.

The temperature is very low and very dry. Because everyone is communicating via voice transmission, there is no sound, so if you don't see it directly, you can't find out how many people are here.

Several times, I met several people looking for books at a corner, but Li Chengyi was unable to notice them.

I say it's deserted because the hall here is the size of an entire football field. It's hundreds of meters high from the ceiling to the ground, and the walls are densely covered with bookshelves.

Countless books are stacked one on top of another, moving forward and backward slowly and silently.

Those moving backward are becoming more and more transparent, while those moving forward are on the contrary, becoming more and more solid, and may even emit light.

The further you go, the clearer these changes become.

Countless books are on the wall bookshelves on both sides, constantly moving in and out, some appear new, and some disappear completely.

The old and the new alternate, and everything is renewed. This scene inexplicably moved Li Chengyi's heart.

"Okay, you can freely find books here. All the prerequisite knowledge and information required for forbidden knowledge can be found here. You can freely find the books you want to read. You all know the steps required for the divine fire, so you can Whatever is lacking, make up for it.

I would also like to mention that there is an auxiliary learning secret realm here, called Yaoyuan. It is a special blind spot that contains the path of radical change. Time flows very fast. When you enter, you must be careful that your flaws are magnified. " Que Ru reminded.

"Thanks for the reminder." Chunfan was obviously prepared. He greeted Li Chengyi and went to find the book he wanted to read.

Li Chengyi, on the other hand, was a little confused and continued to ask Que Ru.

"I dare to ask Senior Sister, what is this Yaoyuan?"

"To simply describe it, it's the secret realm of time acceleration." Que Ru already knew Li Chengyi's origins, and was not surprised by his ignorance, but explained patiently.

"To be specific, Yaoyuan is equivalent to an extremely violent time-accelerating secret realm. The time speed in it can be decided by you, no matter how long or fast. But it is also extremely dangerous."

"You mean, the time flow rate is adjusted too fast?" Li Chengyi frowned.

"Yes, someone once adjusted the time to one second and one million years inside and outside in order to quickly make up for the deficiencies in knowledge. Then..." Que Ru shook his head and stopped talking.

Li Chengyi felt horrified in his heart. This was really horrifying. What is the concept of millions of years passing in one second? He is now only a hundred years old in his last life plus this life.

"Now you understand, don't be greedy when adjusting the flow rate." Que Ru shook his head, "We are Taoists. What is Tao? It is a road. The Tao is long and dangerous. Don't be arrogant and impetuous. Only by advancing peacefully can we walk for a long time. farther."

"Thank you, senior sister, for your advice." Li Chengyi cupped his fists and bowed sincerely.

"Go, I hope I can see you again later." Que Ru said lightly, turned around and left, quickly disappearing among the other bookshelves.

Li Chengyi was left alone, standing in this large hall with the main color of gray and black, looking at the bookshelves moving on both sides, feeling somewhat at a loss what to do.

He casually took out a black book on the left.

"Observing the Changes of All Things from the Perspective of Plant Life", author: Oskarid (Golden City).

"Hmm" Li Chengyi was a little surprised. He picked out a book at random and it turned out to be the Golden City he had been to.

After putting it back, he took a few steps forward and randomly picked out another book.

"Tianyan Lun", author: Huang Shanzi (Liancheng).

I opened the book and flipped through it casually. It told about the changes and evolution of the sky.

He probably glanced at it and was not interested, so he moved on.

According to the various knowledge systems he has absorbed in his two lifetimes, what he is looking for this time is preferably the basic subject knowledge of modern science and technology.

This can also save a lot of time in the early stage of basic understanding.

Walking along the bookshelf, Li Chengyi soon discovered books related to technology systems.

He didn't care, he searched a bunch, and then moved in the direction where the others were walking.

Not long after, at the deepest end of the library, a black round door embedded in the wall appeared in front of Li Chengyi.

Inside the round door was a swirling black-purple viscous liquid, and it was unknown what material it was made of.

Readers one after another come in and out from here.

No one spoke, everyone quietly held their books and went in and out. There was no flattery or comparison. Most of the people's faces showed a look of reason, indifference, and persistence.

‘That’s right, those who have reached this point are definitely the proud ones who are extremely persistent and have put in countless efforts and hardships. ’ Li Chengyi sighed in his heart.

After gathering his thoughts, he also walked to the round door. Before he could get close enough, a message came into his mind.

‘Do you want to adjust the time flow rate? (Please be careful when purifying yourself. If the flow rate is too fast, your own hidden dangers will be quickly amplified and become more serious)’

Li Chengyi's heart trembled, he held a pile of books, looked at the door in front of him, and stepped in.


A white light flashed before his eyes.

He entered a pure white space without any furnishings.

The space was square and empty, not even a table.

A message came into his mind.

‘Please select the flow rate ratio and speak it with voice. The format is: Please adjust the time to one ratio xxx. ’

Li Chengyi thought for a while and spoke slowly.

"Please adjust the time to one to one hundred."

One hundred days here is equivalent to one day outside. This kind of time flow rate is still acceptable to him.

‘The adjustment is successful. The current speed of the space bookstore you are in is one hundred to one per hour. ’

After confirming this, Li Chengyi let go of the book in his hand and let it float around. He randomly picked up a book about how basic particles build the structure of metal materials and started to read it.

Although he is talented and has yet to use the flower language, the number of times the flower language is limited, it is more cost-effective to use it to retain knowledge and experience that he does not have in this place.

Don't waste such precious indicators on the knowledge that you can learn and absorb on your own.

Time passes little by little.

A large amount of knowledge systems began to quickly integrate into his mind at this time.

With his current strength of consciousness and reaction speed, he can absorb knowledge extremely quickly.

With the powerful consciousness of practicing the Thousand Faced Sword Code, Li Chengyi had a photographic memory at this time and his understanding was far beyond ordinary people.

It only takes him a few minutes to read a difficult book with hundreds of thousands of words.

With such terrifying efficiency, after ten minutes, he realized that he had taken too few books, so he left again and went to the hall outside to get new books.

By the way, check whether the time flow rate adjustment is successful.

Just when Li Chengyi was studying hard in the Taboo Library.

Deep in the Black Sea·Liancheng.

I don’t know when it started, for the various unknown threats and dangers in the Black Sea.

The life groups divided the known areas they explored into three positive and seven negative areas, a total of ten huge territories of influence.

Although it was later known that it continued to expand, become larger, and become wider. As a result, these ten major territories are getting smaller and smaller than before, and their proportion in the known range is also getting smaller and smaller.

But this division of three positives and seven negatives is still used by all life groups.

Liancheng is the headquarters of the All-Knowing Society.

This joint organization, which only powerful forces that have spawned omniscient powerful men are eligible to join, represents the highest position of all life groups in the Black Sea.

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