Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 457: Waste of Natural Resources

Cu Chulainn is being besieged by three archangels. Their bodies are extremely hot, and every attack carries a rolling heat wave. This makes Cu Chulainn feel as if he is facing his father Luger, the god of light and sun.

And when he threw the spear with all his strength, it only caused some golden blood to flow out of the opponent, but could not cause much damage.

His body was badly damaged, and even though the pain stimulated his anger, his tenacious will to fight could not change the fact that he had run out of fuel and energy.

Despair rose in his heart.

At this moment, the only two remaining companions in the distance, the Son of God, were shot down by another archangel, who quickly joined in the attack on him.

Three archangels surrounded him in the center, their wings of light spread out, blocking the space where Cu Chulainn could hide. Then he saw the last archangel pull open a giant handle made of flames and light. bow.

A channel of magic locked him, and the arrow was aimed at his head, and he had no way to avoid it.

"Ah!!" He roared crazily, and his body expanded again, trying to make a final struggle.

"Bang!" The arrow was shot, but the death that Cu Chulainn expected did not come. Instead, the head of the archangel in front of him suddenly exploded, and golden blood splashed onto his face like molten metal. Large areas of his skin were burned off.

But this kind of pain was nothing compared to what happened just now. He stared in shock as the archangel who had lost his head lost his light for an instant, revealing a headless human body.

The body was like a doll made of melted candles. It had no texture or details, and was just a human figure.

But before he could understand it, the body was ignited with flames, and it seemed to be reviving.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared next to the headless archangel. He stretched out a hand also wrapped in flames and pressed it down. The flames in his palm suddenly expanded and engulfed the archangel. Then suddenly, the archangel disappeared.

Cu Chulainn looked at the young man in black robe standing in front of him in amazement. The latter was holding a wriggling ball of metal in his hand. But as his fingers tightened, the ball of metal gradually calmed down and turned into A smooth sphere.

Murphy has just basically understood the structure of these archangels.

They are not individuals with independent will, but more like dolls or puppets made with magic.

Against such an opponent, mental magic is almost useless. At the same time, their bodies seem to be composed of a liquid magic metal, making them immune to most physical attacks.

But this kind of puppet driven purely by divine power is completely vulnerable to the cursed fire that Murphy saved from Ragnarok. He just wrapped it in fire and swallowed up those divine powers. Through the Nibelung Ring Deposited in Rheingold.

Then, regardless of Cu Chulainn who was shocked to the point of being stunned, he also kneaded the remaining three archangels into iron balls according to the law. Then, he looked at the angel army in the sky, suddenly transformed into a demon form, and then raised his head With one hand, he summons storms and thunder.

Supported by its unconstrained magic power, Thousands of Thunderbolts defeated the angel army in just a few minutes. More than half of the angels were killed, and the rest fled in a hurry, leaving the sky clear.

Seeing this scene, the few remaining Sons of God no longer pretended to be dead, and crawled out of Rigg's cauldron one after another, helping the camp soldiers and wizards to kill the Crusader cavalry, thus ending the catastrophe.

Murphy looked over the camp and slowly descended from the sky.

"Satan!" someone in the crowd shouted.

As enemies of the Christian God, they also have some understanding of the image of demons promoted by Christians. Murphy's transformation at this time is too similar to the widely circulated demon king.

But someone else shouted another name, "Merlin!"

Merlin is the son of the native British god Nightmare, and his father's image is sometimes the same as the devil. In Christian propaganda, Merlin is half devil, half human, or even the son of the devil.

Murphy returned to his original appearance, but looked at the many people who were kneeling on the ground either out of gratitude for his rescue or because of his image, but did not open his mouth to explain.

The reason why he took action against the Angel Legion was to make contact with the native British gods. Whether it was Satan, the enemy of Christ, or Merlin, who himself belonged to the line of native gods, these identities were more conducive to his contact with the native gods. the other party’s cooperation.

After obtaining Merlin's memory, Murphy has already drafted a script in his mind. Britain has now become a stage for the melee of gods, and he needs to use one of them to get onto this stage.

The ones he chose were the local gods. On the one hand, they had irreplaceable local advantages, and on the other hand, they were also the weakest and most easily controlled by Murphy.

More than ten Sons of God were killed or wounded in the battle just now, and only five of them were still able to move. They all looked at Murphy with complicated expressions.

"Thank you! Wizard!" The giant Rigg didn't think as much as his companions. Seeing that Murphy had rescued his best friend Cu Chulainn, he had directly included him in the ranks of his own people.

Hearing what Rigg said, Cu Chulainn felt ashamed, but after all, it was true that the other party had saved him and the entire camp, and he was extremely powerful. He was also helped to come to Murphy, "It was us before. That’s too reckless. Thank you for helping us get through this difficult time. I don’t know how to repay this kindness. If there is anything you need from us, just ask.”

He didn't believe that Murphy's behavior was out of pure good intentions, but he just hoped that the other party's request would not be too excessive.

Murphy smiled. It seemed that Cu Chulainn was not just a violent and brainless warrior. He thought about it and did not make any direct request. Instead, he asked: "I noticed that many wizards gathered in the camp. What is this doing?"

The Sons of God looked at each other, and a Son of God with an eagle head said: "Christianity seems to regard wizards as a threat and is hunting them down everywhere. We gathered them to protect them."

In fact, not only Christians, but almost all spiritual forces now regard wizards as a hidden threat.

Because wizards can "create gods", the original gods were actually born from the imagination of wizards.

After so many years, the gods have learned more about themselves and the wizards, and have gradually become aware of this hidden connection.

As far as the gods are concerned, although the power of wizards is still very weak, it is an unstable factor that is difficult to control compared to Muggles who cannot use magic.

"Oh?" Murphy glanced at the ragged and tired-looking wizards in the camp, "So you are doing good deeds?"

Cu Chulainn hesitated, knowing that Murphy was not easy to fool, so he decided to tell the truth: "That's not entirely true. Wizards can use the power of magic. Although it is very weak, it can also play some role in war. We put goblins Teach them the alchemy skills and let them create weapons for the army."

This is why a Muggle officer can use weapons made of magic metal.

Murphy sneered, "What a waste of resources. There are so many powerful warriors, but you let them work as blacksmiths. No wonder they can't even defeat a group of angels."

"You said these wizards are powerful warriors?" Cu Chulainn was stunned.

All the sons of gods found it incredible that Murphy's voice was not quiet, and many wizards in the camp also heard it. Although Murphy spoke well for them, even they felt that Murphy was boasting.

I know my own situation. It is so difficult to release a magic, and its power is not even much stronger than the swords of soldiers. It is really outrageous to say that wizards are powerful warriors and can even fight with angels.

Rigg laughed loudly, "You are wrong. These wizards cannot even defeat ordinary soldiers. They are too weak and can only do these simple tasks and cannot go to the battlefield!"

But Murphy was unmoved at all, just looking at everyone as if they were a group of fools.

Rigg laughed for a while, and finally stopped smiling when he saw that Murphy looked wrong, "Did I say something wrong?"

Murphy snorted coldly, and suddenly a blazing flame shot up from in front of him, came into the air, and turned into thousands of flaming swords. The sword tips pointed at everyone below in turn, shrouding the entire camp. Under the edge of the sword.

The biting cold forced everyone's nerves. Faced with the flames that could easily kill the Son of Merlin and the Archangel, no one had any doubt that as long as they were touched by the sword, they would immediately turn into a ball of ashes.

"You have all seen my power."

"I am not a son of God, nor am I a god. I am just a wizard."

"I was no different from them, me and these wizards at first."

"Every wizard is a powerful warrior. This is no lie."

"The reason why their power is so weak now is just because they don't know how to use their magic power yet. It's just because they still lack one thing."

"That thing is called the Magic Network."

"And I'll help you build it."

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