Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 348 Two Dumbledores


Principal room.

"McGonagall, call Harry for me."

Dumbledore stood up from behind his desk, stretched and said.

"You want to take him with you?"

After McGonagall glanced at the chaotic photos on the table, she asked Dumbledore.

"Yes, Mag, he is the last key. I may not be able to survive Tom's downfall."

Dumbledore said, slowly raising his right hand.

The spots there have disappeared.

But McGonagall knew that it was because Dumbledore used deformation ripples to conceal those traces.

"Okay, I'll call Harry right now."

Mag sighed and turned around to leave.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from under the spiral staircase.

"Who could it be?"

Mag stopped and said doubtfully.


Fawkes, who was not far away, suddenly shouted. Dumbledore was stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "It's Aberforth. I didn't expect him to come."

As he spoke, he quickly stood up and headed towards the spiral staircase.

And just when he came to the edge of the spiral staircase, Aberforth, who was also tall but slightly thinner than him, walked up.

"Go ahead, McGonagall, I want to talk to Aberforth." Dumbledore said in a happy tone.

"Okay, Principal."

Mag nodded, said hello to Aberforth again, and walked down the spiral staircase.

"Whiskey on the rocks?" Dumbledore asked his younger brother who looked quite similar to him.


Aberforth nodded, but did not address Dumbledore, but Dumbledore showed no sign of anger.

He even walked happily on tiptoes and took the initiative to pull out the chair in front of the desk for his brother.

"I didn't expect you to come here, Aberforth. This surprises me."

As he spoke, he used his wand to conjure whiskey on the rocks. "Of course, it also makes me happy, Aberforth. I'm glad you can come."

Aberforth nodded. His expression looked a little awkward and his mouth opened, but in the end he said nothing.


Dumbledore sat back down and conjured up a cup of super sweet hot chocolate for himself. "Whatever you need, Aberforth, you know I will do it."

Aberforth forced a smile, glanced at the hot chocolate in front of Dumbledore, and said, "Too sweet is not good for your health."

Dumbledore looked happier after hearing this.

He smiled and picked up the hot chocolate, bumped it with his brother, and said: "I hope the happiness is double, Aberforth, I don't usually drink like this."

Aberforth nodded, took a sip of whiskey, looked at Dumbledore's right hand again, and said, "I heard you were injured. It was serious. Is that true?"

"Yes, Aberforth, but I am ready to embrace death. I think you understand me, right?" Dumbledore said after taking a sip of hot chocolate.

Aberforth nodded, but in the depths of his blue eyes, which could see through people's thoughts just like Albus, there was a trace of sadness flashing through.

"Tell me about you, Aberforth." Dumbledore changed the subject.

"I met Snape today, in my pub, and August, the wanted man," Aberforth said.

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then looked at his brother in confusion.

"Did something bad happen?" he asked.

"No, Snape just invited August to join the Order of the Phoenix, but the latter refused." Aberforth said.

Dumbledore nodded but did not speak.

He knew that Aberforth wouldn't come all the way to see him if that was all.

"August left the bar first, and Snape chased him out. I followed behind, but didn't dare to get too close. They said some other things, but I didn't hear them clearly." Abu Fu Si said.

Dumbledore nodded, smoothed his messy beard and said, "Do you think they said something that they don't want me to know?"

Aberforth nodded and said: "Yes, the conversation they had later was not short. I think they were discussing something, and for a moment, Snape's face was not very good."

"How bad?" Dumbledore asked.

"It seems like... I thought of something terrible." Aberforth said.


Dumbledore showed a similar surprise to Voldemort. He also couldn't figure out who could make Snape frightened.

"Could it be my student?" Dumbledore asked.

Abufo thought for a moment and said, "Probably not. After all, as a double agent, he doesn't need to terrorize that person."

Dumbledore nodded, he felt the same way.

"Have you noticed any changes in him recently?" Aberforth said, "I mean Snape."


Dumbledore rubbed his temples with a headache and said, "You know he is a master of Occlumency, but for some reason, his emotions often leak out recently. It seems like there is something wrong with Occlumency."

"Something went wrong?" Aberforth asked in surprise. "Under what circumstances would there be a problem with Occlumency?"

"The brain has been forced to open, or there are uncontrollable fluctuations in thoughts. There are some other possibilities, but they are mostly related to this."

Dumbledore said, pointing his wand at his head.

Aberforth nodded and said, "Well, you should pay attention to yourself anyway, I don't have anything else to do."

After saying this, he picked up the whiskey in front of him and drank it in one gulp, then stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, Aberforth." Dumbledore stopped him and said, "Do you think August really betrayed Voldemort?"

Aberforth stood there and thought for a moment, then said: "It's hard to say, but I think that if he really betrayed him, he wouldn't dare to come out so openly. We all know that that person will retaliate."

Dumbledore nodded and said, "And he can locate those people through here, right?"

When he said this, he pointed at the wrist of his left hand with his right hand.

The Dark Mark, Aberforth understood what Dumbledore meant.

"Yes, but maybe August found some way to hide it. Maybe we thought too much. Didn't the other principal also betray that person?" Aberforth said with a frown.

Dumbledore nodded, but there was still confusion on his expression.

"If there is any new news, I will tell you, but I don't think they will come to my store to communicate again." Aberforth said, waved, then turned and walked towards the spiral staircase.

Dumbledore opened his mouth to stop him, but after glancing at the picture of the cave in the middle of the table, he hesitated and closed his mouth.


There was a roar downstairs, and Dumbledore knew that his brother had left.

"Anyway, it's something to be happy about, isn't it?"

Dumbledore looked at the empty wine glass on the table and suddenly said with a smile.

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