Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 153: The Demon Court Attacks Mount Buzhou

The five-color light of sacred bloom was so dazzling in the eyes.

The demon master Kunpeng roared, and the silver light flashed around him, and a huge power fell.

But Hongyun, who was standing in front of him, remained motionless.

Dijiang, who was sure of victory, was also gloomy at this moment, and his expression was extremely ugly.

Before he planned to capture Hongyun, he considered many kinds of accidents, even including Tianyuan's sudden appearance to help.

But he never thought that Hongyun would have an innate treasure.

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun clearly only gave the Three Pure Ones, why could Hongyun have an innate treasure.

Dijiang didn't know in his heart, the necklaces and beads hanging down in front of him were like a natural moat, blocking all his attacks.

"Roar!" Dijiang roared unwillingly.

His realm was far above Hongyun, and he had made so many preparations, but he didn't expect that accidents would still happen.

If the treasure in Hongyun's hand didn't come from Hongjun, then it could only be from the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, which undoubtedly made Dijiang have a more ominous guess in his heart.

Hongyun could obtain the innate treasure, so what about Tianyuan? The other party is the existence that controls Mount Buzhou.

This fleeting thought in his mind immediately made Dijiang even more crazy.

Compared with the angry and irritable two people, Hongyun was overjoyed.

He didn't have time to react to Dijiang's sudden attack. It was the instinct of Zhutian Qingyun to protect the master.

The opponent's terrifying power, the realm is far above him, but it was easily blocked by Zhutian Qingyun. The treasure is really powerful.

Hongyun put away the smile on his face and said with a gloomy face: "Daoyou, I kindly pointed out to you, but you are so ignorant of the destiny. No wonder Brother Tianyuan captured you one by one."

Dijiang, who was blocked by the five-color light, was full of red blood and his wings on his back were shaking rapidly.

He is the authentic Pangu, the leader of the twelve witch ancestors, and now he is at the peak of the Hunyuan Jinxian. These guys actually spoke to him in such a tone.

More importantly, he hated it most when others said that he didn't know the destiny.

The silver light surged, and the space around him flickered rapidly.

Hongyun didn't care about the changes around him, and turned to look at Kunpeng next to him: "Kunpeng, that Hongmeng purple air is not a good thing. You can't grasp it, so don't try to get it again."

Although it is not clear what the Hongmeng purple air is for, after becoming the master of humanity, Hongyun instinctively feels that it is not a good thing.

Hongyun guessed in his heart that it might be related to the power struggle between the three ways of heaven, earth and man.

Although Kunpeng is a congenital sacred, he has never been in contact with the will of heaven and earth, so it is impossible to master it.

Kunpeng, who was already angry, trembled slightly when he heard the words, and his face turned a little black.

It's okay to covet the Hongmeng purple air, but he said it so high-soundingly. This Hongyun is really hateful.

Hong Yun didn't care what Kun Peng was thinking. He glanced at the two irritable people and shook his head slightly. Then he saw the five-colored light of the Zhu Tian Qing Yun above his head.

Under the rolling clouds, he easily broke through the silver light surrounding him and disappeared in the wisps of red clouds.

Zhu Tian Qing Yun is a defensive treasure. He can't do anything to the two people, but the other party can't do anything to him either.

Hong Yun has already made up his mind. Now he will move the Fire Cloud Cave to Buzhou Mountain to avoid being bothered by others.

With Brother Tian Yuan here, these guys will definitely not dare to come.

"Stop!" Kun Peng was very anxious and shouted loudly.

Di Jiang next to him was full of murderous aura and attacked that space frantically.

In the exploding void, red mist overflowed and slowly faded around. There was no trace of Hong Yun.

Di Jiang stood there, looked deeply at the direction where Hong Yun left, and turned to escape to Pangu Temple.

Hong Yun was protected by the treasure. He couldn't do anything to the other party, and there was no point in chasing him.

At present, only by breaking into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible can we have the strength to suppress the opponent.

Facing Dijiang's departure, Kunpeng was speechless. How could he not know this?

Hongyun avoided him for these years, probably because he was refining the innate treasure.

There are only a few innate treasures in the whole world.

Obviously, both of them lost the futon, why did Hongyun not only get the Hongmeng purple air, but also the innate treasure? This is too unfair, and Kunpeng was very unwilling.

Glancing at the Buzhou Mountain in the distance, he quickly fled to the thirty-three heavens.

Only the innate treasure can fight against the innate treasure. If you want to capture Hongyun, you still have to rely on Donghuang Taiyi.

And the news obtained this time must also be informed to the two demon kings.

The space on the Buzhou Mountain is far more mysterious than he imagined.

The three thousand years set by Dijun earlier is also coming soon, and I don’t know how the Zhoutian Xingdou formation is being cultivated.


Just as he was approaching the thirty-third heaven, he heard a loud bell echoing.

Instantly, he saw a brilliant dark yellow aura emerging from the Sun Palace and pouring into the starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, two powerful auras surged up and swept across the entire thirty-third heaven.

The vast and boundless aura swept down, accompanied by the magnificent power of heaven, and countless demons in the Demon Court lay on the ground.

"These two demon kings have broken through." Kunpeng was shocked and his face was a little gloomy.

As one of the three thousand guests of the Zixiao Palace, he has been running around for Hongyun for these years, and now he has killed two corpses.

The two demon kings of the Demon Court are now at the peak of quasi-saints.

But in the next second, Kunpeng frowned slightly.

Feeling the fleeting aura, Kunpeng looked into the distance, and without thinking much, he quickly rushed towards the Sun Palace.

Judging from the current situation, the two demon kings may have completely refined the Chaos Bell with the help of the entire Demon Court's luck.

During this refining process, Di Jun and Tai Yi also made great gains, and they all broke through.

Because of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he wasted too much time.

"Huh!" Kunpeng took a deep breath, thinking about killing the three corpses as soon as possible.

Without powerful magic weapons, Taoism is the foundation of everything.

In the thirty-third heaven, powerful figures escaped one after another and rushed towards the Sun Palace.

When Kunpeng approached, many demon gods and demon saints had gathered outside the Sun Palace.

The Sun Palace is the place where the two demon kings practice in seclusion. Now, except for the fairy Changxi, only he and Bai Ze can enter without notification.

"Demon Master!"

Seeing Kunpeng appear, all the figures greeted him respectfully.

For this demon master, everyone in the demon court still respects him very much. After all, the other party created the demon text and passed down the method of practice.

Kunpeng nodded and walked quickly into the Sun Palace. The two demon kings at the top were happy, and His Highness Bai Ze and Changxi also had smiles on their faces.

"Meet the two demon kings!"

Seeing Kunpeng appear, Di Jun hurriedly asked: "The demon master is back, how about the red cloud?"

Originally, he thought that he could attack Buzhou Mountain after the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array was perfected, but he didn't expect to refine the last restriction of the Chaos Bell first.

Earlier, neither Taiyi nor he was sure, after all, the innate treasure was the magic weapon of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Unexpectedly, with the help of the luck of heaven and earth, and the will of the sun star, they worked together and unexpectedly went smoothly.

More importantly, during the refining process, they all broke into the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian. There is only one step left to prove Hunyuan.

The refining of the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array has also kept up with the progress, how can Di Jun not be happy.

Use the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array to resist the power of Buzhou Mountain, and then use the Chaos Bell to break the space on Buzhou Mountain. The time to attack Tianyuan is coming soon.

As Di Jun spoke, several people in the hall looked at Kunpeng.

The Fire Cloud Cave was a serious matter, and the Ancestral Witch was involved, so they were all very concerned.

Facing the gazes of Di Jun and Tai Yi, Kun Peng sighed lightly and said solemnly: "That Hong Yun has an innate treasure to protect him, and Di Jiang can't do anything."

Di Jun, who was originally in a good mood, was stunned, and the rest of the people were also stunned.

Di Jun frowned, stood up, and asked in a deep voice: "Are you saying that Hong Yun got the help of the Three Pure Ones?"

In the whole world, except for his second brother Tai Yi, only the Three Pure Ones had the innate treasures, and he thought of the three people in Kunlun Mountain at the first time.

If this is true, it would be a big trouble.

But although Hong Yun was given the Hongmeng Purple Qi by Hong Jun, he did not have such a deep friendship with the Three Pure Ones.

Now it is in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, how can the Three Pure Ones be so careful about their feathers and end up so easily.

Di Jun and Tai Yi beside him looked at each other, with doubts in their eyes.

"It's not a few treasures bestowed by Daozu, but a white cloud, exuding a righteous spirit. The primordial world is hidden in the cloud, and the sun, moon and stars are shining. Even Dijiang can't break it." Kunpeng told the story without hesitation.

"A new innate treasure?" Dijun interrupted Kunpeng's words and strode down with a solemn expression.

Taiyi, who was sitting firmly in the hall, also stood up immediately, his eyes slightly open.

After so many years in charge of the Chaos Bell, the two knew very well what it meant to have an innate treasure.

It's okay to have an offensive treasure, but if it's a defensive innate treasure, it's completely invincible.

But how did Hongyun get the innate treasure?

Facing the solemn gazes of several people, Kunpeng did not hesitate and told the details of these years.

Hongyun has an innate treasure to protect himself. Whether he can take back the primordial purple air can only rely on Dijun and Taiyi.

For a long time, the whole hall was silent.

No one doubted Kunpeng's words. After all, the other party was an innate sacred, and even Dijiang, who was at the peak of the Hunyuan Jinxian, could not break the defense of the Qingyun. It was very likely that it was an innate treasure.

"I only heard that the God-killing Spear in the hands of the Demon Ancestor Luohou was a treasure. Where did this Qingyun treasure come from?" Bai Ze frowned and spoke softly.

But before he finished speaking, Bai Ze's expression changed slightly.

In addition to obtaining the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Hongyun only entered the space on Mount Buzhou.

The origin of that Qingyun was self-evident.

This information was definitely not good news for the demon court that was about to attack Tianyuan.

Dijun, Taiyi and others in the field also thought of it, and all of them looked solemn.

They had not taken action against Tianyuan before because they were afraid of the other party's mystery.

Tianyuan could control Mount Buzhou. If he still had an innate treasure to protect him, it would definitely be a big trouble.

Dijun, with a gloomy face, turned his head and looked at Bai Ze. "Speed ​​up the refining of the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, the matter of conquering Buzhou Mountain cannot be delayed."

The original joy of the breakthrough disappeared in an instant.

The unknown is the biggest variable. Although they learned about the Buzhou Mountain consciousness space from Hongyun, it is far from enough.

They still don't know the specific strength of Tianyuan. They must speed up the removal of this unstable factor and rescue the ten princes and Xihe Fairy.


Bai Ze quickly walked out of the hall and led many demon saints and demon gods outside the palace to the thirty-third heaven.

Taiyi narrowed his eyes and said softly: "Brother, help me, I will go to the prehistoric land to meet Hongyun!"

Whether it is true or false, he will know it after he goes to explore.

Hongyun's realm is not as high as his, and the Chaos Bell has been completely refined. Hongyun is not his opponent, but it is a bit troublesome to find the Fire Cloud Cave.

"Okay!" Di Jun nodded repeatedly.

If one innate treasure can be seized, then the Demon Court will have two innate treasures.

Kunpeng, who had planned to practice in silence for a while, heard this and said, "The demon master is also willing to help."

He naturally knew the thoughts of the two demon kings. Although he coveted the innate treasure in his heart, Kunpeng knew that he had absolutely no chance, and he only wanted the Hongmeng purple air.

Di Jun nodded and did not refuse.

After telling Chang Xi a few words, the three of them fled to the eastern land.

On Mount Buzhou, Tianyuan looked at Hongyun who was leaving, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

Hongyun wanted to move Huoyun Cave to Mount Buzhou, and Tianyuan certainly had no objection, but he didn't expect this guy to get a treasure.

Zhutian Qingyun, an absolute defensive treasure, actually fell into Hongyun's hands.

He had thought that this treasure had been given to Yuanshi Tianzun by Hongjun in Zixiao Palace, but he didn't expect it to be in Huoyun Cave.

It seems that it was obtained by Yuanshi Tianzun after Hongyun fell.

Tian Yuan retracted his gaze, touched his chin and whispered: "If the Heavenly Celebration Cloud is not in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, will the Heavenly Refining Coffin and the Six Soul Banner still be in the prehistoric land?"

Zixiao Palace said that the treasures that Hongjun clearly gave to the Three Pure Ones were the Taiji Diagram, Pangu Banner, and the Sword Formation of the Immortal Executioner. The rest of the magic weapons were obtained by them on the Treasure Division Cliff.

As for the Heavenly Celebration Cloud, the Heavenly Refining Coffin, and the Six Soul Banner, no one said much.

Long before the six saints of heaven and earth, the Three Pure Ones were one. If these treasures were born, I am afraid no one would compete with the three.

In this way, in addition to the God-killing Spear, there may also be the Heavenly Refining Coffin and the Six Soul Banner in the prehistoric world.

These two treasures are probably also Luohou's things, and I don't know where they are immersed in the prehistoric world.

It seems that the Three Pure Ones can't find what they got later at their current level.

Looking at the direction of the Demon Court, Tian Yuan abandoned the distracting thoughts in his mind and began to practice the law in silence.

In the past few thousand years of cultivation, he has gained a lot. Tian Yuan feels that it will not take long for him to reach the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian.

He calmed down, and a rich earth-yellow law emerged from his body, covering him.

Time passed slowly, and suddenly a huge bell sounded in the sky and earth, followed by a roar of shouting.

"Tian Yuan! You captured my demon clan, abducted my demon court prince, and captured my Taoist partner. I will attack them today!"

The sound shook the four fields, like thunder surrounding Buzhou Mountain.

Tian Yuan frowned. He was about to break through, but he didn't expect Di Jun to attack him at this time.

Tian Yuan opened his eyes, looked up at the sky, and his eyes shrank slightly.

Billions of stars flickered, and the endless starlight was dazzling, reflecting the entire prehistoric sky with extraordinary splendor.

At the same time, a vast force of heaven and earth rolled down and fell towards Buzhou Mountain.

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